California Bound by

New York Daily Times, January 29, 1855

SS Northern Light
Captain Tinklepaugh
Sailed from New York City: January 27, 1855

Port of New York .... Saturday, Jan. 27.

SS Northern Light, Tinklepaugh, San Juan, Chas. Morgan.

Passengers Sailed.

In steamship Northern Light, for San Juan --
Allman, John., and wife
Atkinson, P.
Baron, P.
Barry, T.
Betts, Dr. J.
Bidault, L.
Birdsall, H.
Blanding, Wm.
Canary, Mrs. J.
Cared (Caired, Calred ?), Justinian, and wife, child and servant
Carter, A. M.
Carter, E.
Comstock, W. S.
Connolly, M.
Cooper, J. R., and wife, infant and servant
Darrah, Miss R.
Davis, W.
Denton, N.
Deran, Miss Mary A.
Donnelly, Miss Catherine
Dunn, C., and son
Earle, Thos.
Ellisen, Geo., and wife
Ferguson, Miss E.
Fiske, S.
Fletcher, Mrs. J. D.
Fogarty, Wm.
Ford, Mrs. C.
Fowler, Miss Eliza
Gilman, E. Greenwald, John
Griffin, M.
Grinturn, Mrs.
Hebrew, Miss E.
Hocking, T.
Horn, Mrs. W. S., and infant
Huntley, Robt. A., and wife
Hydrick, Miss C.
Jackson, W.
Johnson, E. E.
Jones, A. M.
Jones, A. M.
Judge, M.
Judge, S.
Keirnan, P., and wife
Kelly, Miss M. A.
Kelly, Mrs. M.
Lightcap, J. C.
Maxey, John, and 2 servants
McBeth, James
McBeth, John
McDermot, Mrs. Jas.
McKnight, G.
McLane, W., and wife
Mead, R.
Millar, P.
Miller, J.
Miller, Mrs. Catherine
Mowbray, W., wife and child
Noble, L.
Parker, Miss M.
Patterson, Wm., Jr.
Pfester, Mrs. E.
Phelan, P.
Ransom, W. A.
Richardson, S. W.
Ringgold, Maj. G. H., U.S.A.
Ringgold, W.
Rowe, John
Ryde_ (Ryder ?), J. W.
Savige, M., and servant
Schad, Wm., and wife
Scott, Mrs. Wm.
Silver, S.
Skewes, W.
Smith, G. L.
Smith, S. S., Jr.
Strubling, C., and wife
Tiven, Miss B.
Tultey, Owen
Van Kline, M.
Wakeman, T. A.
White, G. C.
Wiley, A.
Wilson, Mrs. J. T.
Winslow, J. S.

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