California Bound by

New York Daily Times, Tuesday, February 13, 1855

SS Star of the West
Captain Turner
Sailed from New York City: February 12, 1855

Port of New York .... Monday, Feb 12.

Star of the West, Turner, San Juan, C. Morgan.

Passengers Sailed.

In steamship Star of the West, for Punta Arenas --
Adams, A. H.
Archer, A. J.
Bears, Jos.
Bowdery (Rowdery ?), F.
Britton, Elijah
Brown, H.
Brown, Miss M. J.
Brown, Mrs. W. H., and infant
Bunce, L.
Burk, J.
Burns, P.
Carit, J. A.
Chase, G. C.
Clark, Robert
Damon, Wm.
Davis, Wm.
Denton, N.
Down_e (Downie ?), P.
Eddy, G.
Ferbush, R., and wife
Friedman, H.
Gallagher, Miss
Goodman, E., wife and infant
Goroight (??), Jas.
Gray, Mrs.
Gross, Alex
Hagerty, John
Hale, David
Haman, John, and wife
Hanlon, F.
Hare, Mrs. Thos.
Harris, D.
Harts, Mrs. S.
Heaton, M.
Henry, Alex.
Heuestis, Mrs. Eliza, child and infant
Hinman, D. B., Jr.
Hobart, Thos. P.
Holn, F., and wife
Hunt, J., and wife
Hutchinson, Chas.
Huthing (Hathing ?), S.
Huthing (Hathing ?), Wm.
Jackson, Mrs. L., and 2 infants
Johnson, C. A., and lady
Johnson, E.
Jones, Thos.
Kenna, Thos.
Kneeland, W. F.
Lamere, Charles
Lenox, B.
Matthews, A. S.
McCally, C.
McCarty, J. C.
McIndoe, W.
McKay, Robt.
McKee, Mrs., and 2 children
McKenna, M.
Meigs, Madam
Momes, B. W., wife and servant
Moore, J. M., and son
Muller, Geo.
Nathan, Mrs. F.
Odell, H.
Otto, M. J.
Peck, J. A., and wife
Pendee, J. S., and wife
Peros, N.
Peters, A.
Potter, Jas.
Potter, Miss A.
Potter, Mrs. J. M.
Redick, W.
Remsen, M. P.
Robbins, W., and wife
Roberts, A.
Roberts, A., Jr.
Sellick, J.
Shattuck, C.
Smith, John
Stark, A.
Stark, D.
Stewart, H. J.
Stewart, L. W.
Sullivan, J., wife, and infant
Taylor, Chas.
Thomas, T.
Vance, L.
Wallace, John
Ward, John
Weaver, M. S.
Weaver, P. L.
Whiteside, J.
Williams, F. C., and wife
Williams, G. S.
Wood (Weed ?), A. M.
Worrell, Robt.
and others in the steerage.

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