California Bound by

New York Daily Times, February 21, 1855

SS Illinois
Captain Hartstein
Sailed from New York City: February 20, 1855

Port of New York .... Tuesday, Feb. 20.

Steamship Illinois, Hartstein, Aspinwall, M. O. Roberts.

Passengers Sailed.

In steamship Illinois, for Aspinwall and California --
Albro, Miss S. A.
Aldrick, Miss
Austin, H. S., and lady
Austin, Mr. And lady
Baker, A. W.
Baker, Mrs. R. C., and family
Bayard, Rev. J. O.
Boyd, Mrs., and child
Burns, W. S.
Cedena, Mr.
Colby, J. B.
Devoe, B.
Easterly, J. M.
Ellsworth, S.
Goodwin, C. R.
Gorman, Mrs.
Gridley, Mrs.
Haight, H. H., and lady (Henry Huntington Haight, future governor of California)
Haight, Miss, and sister
Haines, A. F.
Hawley, D. W.
Hitch, E.
Hodgkins, C. E.
Holt, Mrs. C. E.
Huger, E.
Isham, Capt.
Jenkins, Mrs.
Jennings, O. B., and lady
King, H. S., and lady
Kirtland, Miss
Lea, Major
Lea, Mrs. and 2 daughters
Leverich, W. H.
Marsden, W.
Moores, J. R.
Neal, E. M.
Platt, Miss C.
Preston, G. B.
Robinson, L. S.
Robinson, T., and wife
Sashera, Mrs., and family
Sathers, P.
Sayres, Mrs.
Sherwood, A.
Sinclair, J.
Thompson, Mrs.
Tiffany, Mr.
Wilson, A. J.
Wyatt, Mr.
Wyckoff, Miss M.
and a full compliment in steerage.

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