California Bound by

New York Daily Times, March 6, 1855

SS George Law
Captain Fox
Sailed from New York City: Monday, March 5, 1855

Port of New York .... Monday, March 5.

Steamship George Law, Fox, Aspinwall, M. O. Roberts.

Passengers Sailed.

In steamship George law, for Aspinwall and California --
Abernethy, M.
Agard, W. B., lady and infant
Aiken, Mrs. Wood, Geo.
Andrews, Col. A.
Aspinwall, John Loyd, Jr.
Aspinwall, Wm. H., President P. M. S. S. Co.
Badger, Mr. W. G., lady, child, and servant
Benson, J. M.
Bird, Mrs. B. B.
Birdsall, Miss
Bixler, D.
Blain, Dr.
Blanks, J. P., and lady
Bogart, O. H.
Boudin, M.
Bradbury, Mrs.
Callahany, Miss A.
Carr, B. W.
Cent, Mrs. C.
Chauncey, H.
Clarkson, F.
Corey, D. G.
Crevan, Professor John
Currier, Mrs.
Davenport, R. (B. ?)
Delger, T.
Devoe, J. B.
Dodge, A. N.
Dower, J.
Dunn, C. D.
Dunn, G. A., and lady
Dyer, J. B.
Edwards, A. L.
Elder, J. Lawrence
Elias, J., and wife
Ellsworth, H. G.
Fernald, Mrs. E.
Frost, M., and son
Frost, Wm. B.
Fuijer (??), H.
Gasson, Miss
Gordon, J.
Griss, Miss F.
Grosinger (Grossinger ?), Miss L.
Grossinger (Grosinger ?), G.
Gwinn, Hon. Wm. M. (William McKendree Gwin, California's first U. S. Senator.)
Hain, G. W. Lawson
Hanford, J. F.
Hannon, Mrs. M.
Hardon, G. W.
Hill, G. R.
Hill, Mrs.
Hoffman, Hon. Ogden, Jr.
Hubbard, H.
Hutchings, Mrs.
Hyde, Rev. Henry B., D.D.
James, T. M.
Johnson, H.
Jones, C.
Lane, Gen., of Oregon
Latham, Hon. M. S., and family
Laughlin, C. N.
Lewis, Mrs., and daughter
Livingston, Mrs.
Mahoney, D., and family
Mansu, A. S.
Morton, Jas.
Morton, W., lady and child
Munson, Mrs. R.
Muntz, F. A.
Murdick, S. M.
Newton, S. A.
Nichols, S.
Noble, T. H.
Oakley, Mrs. L.
Partridge, Geo. S.
Percy, J. L., and lady
Philbricks, S.
Pini, J.
Potter, J. C.
Raymond, J. M., and family
Richardson, A.
Ripley, Col. J. W., U.S.A.
Rogers, N. B.
Ross, D. L. (Wells, Fargo & Co. messenger)
Sawyer, M.
Seaman, Wm.
Seran, B., lady and servant
Smith, J.
Stanton, Mrs. Elizabeth, and servant
Stewart, H., lady and children
Strong, Rev. J. D., lady and infant
Taylor, W. H.
Thurber, J. Q., and lady
Timpson, R.
Turner, R. (B. ?)
Vanpelt, D. D., and son
Webster, Mrs. M.
Welch, A.
Wells, S.
Westlake, H.
Wines, C., and lady
Wood, Geo. C.
Wood, John
Woods, W. H.
and a full compliment of steerage passengers.

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