SS Star of the West
Captain Turner
Sailed from New York City: April 12, 1855
Steamship Star of the West, Turner, Puenta Arenas, Chas. Morgan.
Passengers Sailed.
In steamship Star of the West, for Puenta Arenas --
Allen, Mrs. M., and infant Bailey, S. S.
Bailey, T.
Barber, C.
Barbout, G. W.
Batchelder, J. M., and wife
Batsford, Mrs.
Bigler, Mrs. T., and 2 infants
Blake, C. S.
Blake, Miss Eliza
Brennan, J. H., and wife
Brown, Wm.
Burgess, G. W.
Burress, Mrs. E. E., and 2 children
Caffery, Miss Mary
Campbell, A.
Carlton, W. H.
Coates, Mrs. W., and child
Colby, M.
Crawford, C. A.
Cropper, Mrs. Capt. S. B., daughter and servant
Cuddeback, E. J.
Cuddeback, G. W.
Cuddeback, L. B.
De Young, S. J.
Dowd, Mrs. P., and 4 children
Duffy, J.
Dunkin, H.
Elliot, Miss E., and servant
Fairfax, Hon. C. S., and wife
Farnham, G. A.
Farnham, R. C.
Farrell, G. P.
Ferguson, F., and wife
Fletcher, Miss S. A.
Fletcher, Wm. S.
Folsom, M. J.
France, Alex
Garrison, Wm. B., and servant
Gates, A. H.
Gibmore (Gilmore ?), E. S.
Gifford, D. H.
Gossim, Mrs. C.
Gray, W. W.
Hall, J. H.
Hews, Mrs., and infant
Holden, Miss Jane
Holking, P., wife and 2 children
Hughes, Miss Catharine
Jewin, L. M.
Joseph, A.
Judkins, S.
Judkins, W. R.
Keating, Mrs. M. J.
Kendall, Mrs. C., and infant
Keyser, P. W.
Kimble, Miss J. A.
Lawless, J. B.
Lelondee, Mrs. M.
Lone, A. H. S., Jr.
Lone, Mrs. H. S., and 2 children
Lord, E. A.
Ludlow, B. C.
Marks, J., and servant
Marx, A., wife and infant
McCarr, Miss A.
McKnight, Mrs. C., and 3 children
McMullen, A.
Mead, S. A.
Meyers, M.
Moore, Lieut. S., U.S.
Moore, Miss
Moore, Mrs.
Morgan, Master George J.
Morrison, R. F., and wife
Morse, E.
Musgrave, Mrs.
Neally, C., and wife
Nealy, S. S.
Norton, Miss
O'Cone, P.
O'Hara, Miss C.
Pendleton, J.
Pierce, J. P., and daughter
Post, J. J.
Riley, Thos.
Rousset, Jean, and the four Misses Roussett
Seidell, M.
Sherwood, Miss L.
Shirley, J. Q., and wife
Smith, G. S.
Smith, Wm. J., and wife
Speyers, M.
Strong, D. W.
Taylor, S. P., wife and nephew
Walker, R. J.
Ward, W. W.
Wardell, A., and wife
Warren, E. D.
Warren, Mrs. O. B., and 2 children
Webb, M.
Whitcomb, W. B., and wife
White, D. D.
Whiteside, C. H.
Winn, J. H.
Zabriskie, J.
and a full steerage.
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