California Bound by

New York Daily Times, April 21, 1855

SS Illinois
Captain McKinstry
Sailed from New York City: April 20, 1855

New York .. Friday, April 20.

Steamship Illinois, McKinstry, Aspinwall, M. O. Roberts.

Passengers Sailed.

In steamship Illinois, for Aspiwall and California --
Adair, H. T.
Adams, A. D.
Adams, C.
Adams, Mrs. W. W., and child
Allen, G. F.
Alvord, Mrs., 2 children and servant
Anus, W.
Astley, J.
Bailey, Dr. J. R., wife and child
Bailey, Miss E.
Baker, F., and lady
Banford, G. W.
Blaisdell, E. F.
Body, W.
Bowman, J. C.
Brandon, L.
Bronson, Mrs., and 2 children
Bronson, Mrs., and infant
Brooks, Mrs., and family
Brown, D. W.
Brown, F. W., and lady
Brown, J. G.
Brown, Mrs. M., and 2 infants
Brown, W.
Buckeye, Green-Rug
Bucter, W. A.
Burns, J., and wife
Burrows, E.
Burt, J. D.
Carey, M. A.
Carey, S. W.
Carr, C., and lady
Chambers, Miss J.
Clarke, Mrs., and child
Cohen, Mrs. B.
Cohen, Mrs. M.
Colver, Mrs. R.
Colver, S.
Cox, B.
Cram, Capt., U.S.A.
Crane, S. L.
Crow, A.
Crowley, J. J.
Cummings, J. P.
Davis, M. H.
Dickinson, S.
Dill, C.
Dobson, J.
Donovan, P.
Duncan, J.
Dunlap, A. J.
Dunlap, Mrs.
Dunn, J. O.
Endrey, Mrs., and 2 children
Evan, John
Fardee, Miss M.
Farley, Mr.
Faskin, Mr.
Fenton, Mrs. A. H., and child
Fietzer, Miss D.
Fisher, Mrs., and daughter
Foard, J. W.
Ford, Mr.
Forsyth, W.
Fowler, E. C.
French, Mrs. C. (G. ?)
Friend, J. A.
Friend, Miss
Fulton, Mrs., and child
Ga_wood (Garwood, Gaywood ?), W. C.
Garcia, J. A.
Gardner, Capt., U. S. A.
Garst, J.
Giffen, Mrs., and 6 children
Gilchrist, R.
Gill, Mrs.
Goodrich, J.
Greenburgh, O.
Grey, Miss S. K.
Guest, J.
Guy, J.
Hackett, G. M.
Halleck, Capt. W. H., wife and servant
Hardestine, J.
Hatten, S. G.
Hempstead, B. B.
Hempstead, D.
Henderson, G.
Hepburn, H. P.
Hoffman, L.
Hoge, Miss
Holmes, E.
Horn, Mrs.
Hosmer, J.
Howard, W. D. M., lady, child and servant
Hoyt, M.
Hudson, W.
Hughes, G., and lady
Hughes, Mrs.
Hutchinson, J.
Jarahan, Miss A.
Jinks, Miss M. Johnson, Miss E.
Jordan, W. S.
Katcher (?), P.
Keen, J., wife and child
Kelly, Mrs. H.
Kibber, Mrs., and child
Kile, S.
Lamott, A.
Lamotte, A.
Lane, N., lady and wife
Las_ack (Lassack ?), Mrs., and 2 children
Lee, John
Little, J. B.
Mackey, A.
Mahan, Mrs. C.
Mannion, B.
Martin, H.
Marvin, Capt.
McAllister, Judge
McCabe, J.
McCarthy, Miss J., and servant
McDonald, J. M., and lady
McFaddan (McFadden ?), F. H.
McFadden, Mrs., and 6 children
McGuire, E.
Melchers, G. C., and lady
Meyer, H., and lady
Miller, Mrs., and 2 children
Minturn, Mr.
Morgan, Miss Mary
Mundy, J. B.
Murphy, Miss M. J.
Nathan, Mrs., and child
Nelson, H.
Northey, J.
O'Keefe, Mrs.
Ottonheimer, S., and lady
Parkey, R.
Parks, H.
Parks, W., and lady
Pate, P. T.
Pepper, Miss A. M.
Pinkham, R.
Poett, Miss
Porter, A.
Porter, A.
Ramsey, Mrs.
Rankin, Mrs. A.
Redmen, Miss A.
Reppert, S., wife and child
Rice, H.
Rice, J.
Rich, G. W.
Richardson, D.
Richardson, Mrs., and 2 children
Robinson, J.
Rodgers, R.
Rusel, C. A.
Rusel, S. A.
Russell, J.
Salto, L.
Scofield, Mrs. G.
Shaw, F. O.
Shephard, Mrs.
Sleeper, M.
Southwroth, P. T., and servant
Spencer, J.
Stern, Mrs., and infant
Straus, Mrs.
Streeter, O.
Streuss, L.
Swain, R. A.
Taggart, W.
Taylor, H. B.
Thompson, Mr.
Thompson, Mrs., and child
Tobin, Mr.
Towell, Miss J.
Truett (Truest ?), Mr.
Twomey, Mrs. J.
Ulmer, S. H., and lady
Victo_ (Victor ?), J.
Vivian, Mrs., and child
Walker, H.
Warner, H.
Watkins, G. H.
Way, J.
Wayne, Mrs., and 2 children
Weaver, G. D.
Welsh, Miss J.
Wightman, Mrs., and servant
Wilson, Mrs. E.
Wyman, W., and family
Wyses, J.
Yantes, J. L.
and a full compliment of passengers in the steerage.

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