SS George Law
Captain Fox
Sailed from New York City: May 5, 1855
Steamship George Law, Fox, Aspinwall.
Passengers Sailed.
In steamship George Law, for Aspinwall and California
Abbott, Lieut., U.S.A.
Allen, Miss S.
Andrews, D. C.
Backley, B. S.
Bailey, J.
Bailey, L. D.
Barnard, R.
Barnes, D.
Barnett, Mrs., and 3 children
Bateser, A.
Beale, Lieut., and family
Benham, Calhoun, and lady
Besper, J.
Billingsby, J. M.
Bloodgood, N.
Bragg, A.
Brenner, Mrs., and 2 children
Brewer, Mrs., and child
Broooks (Brooks ?), W.
Browne, J. Ross, and family
Buckner, L.
Bush, L. H.
Buson, A.
Cassey (Casey ?), M.
Chambrey, Mrs.
Charles, J.
Clay, W. T.
Cofield, W. W.
Collins, C.
Condon, Mrs. J. R.
Cook, C. W., lady and child
Coughy, Mrs. M., and child
Couter, J.
Crabb, G.
Cunningham, Mrs.
Danger, W.
Davis, Mrs. L.
Davis, S.
Deaton, A.
Deoorn (Deorn ?), M.
Dexter, Mrs. C. A., and daughter
Dimond, Mrs., infant, and servant
Dorr, J.
Dorr, Mr., and lady
Dunnhard, C. B.
Duvale, A.
Duvale, J.
Dwinham, A. T.
Dwyer, Mrs. R., and 2 children
Elliott, Mrs., and 2 children
Emerson, Mrs. M., child and infant
Farmer, D.
Farmer, Mrs.
Fillebrown, M.
Findlay, J.
Fitzhenry, Mrs. S. A., and child
Floyd, T. F.
Gardiner, J.
Gill, J.
Girand, J. G.
Godall, Miss M.
Graham, Mrs., and 2 children
Green, Mrs. C., and infant
Haack, Mrs., and 4 children
Hacket, Mrs.
Hagan, Mrs., and 2 children
Hale, Mary
Hall, J. A., lady and child
Hamilton, W.
Hardy, Mrs., and sons
Harris, H.
Hart, D.
Haven, P. A.
Hazeler, Mr., child and infant
Heywood, J.
Hill, W.
Hoel, G., lady, child and servant
Holland, E.
Holt, J.
Howell, J., and wife
Howell, Mrs.
Humphrey, Mrs., and 3 children
Hutchinson, Miss S. P.
Huxtable, Miss
Irving, J. G.
Isaacs, Mrs., and children
Jacobs, D. T.
Jacobs, Mrs. P.
Jones, Miss
Jones, T.
Keen, J. S.
Keese, H.
Kelly, D.
Kieg (?), Mrs., and 2 children
Kline, Mrs., and 2 children
Knorp, Mrs. A., and servant
Lamb, J.
Landgon, A. E.
Lee, H.
Lee, Miss J.
Leeds, J. C.
Leigh, R. W., and lady
Leland, Mrs., Mr., and child
Ligon, M.
Linard, J.
Maack (Mack ?), Miss
Mangin, T.
Marshall, Mrs.
Martin, J.
Mastuson, Mrs., and servant
Matthewson, G. S.
Matthewson, W. H.
McAlister, J.
McArdle, O.
McCann, Mrs. O.
McCluskey, S.
McFarland, Miss
McGregor, Mrs. H., and infant
McIntrye (McIntyre ?), R.
McKenzie, Mrs. C.
Mead, J. R.
Mell, Mrs.
Merritt, H.
Merritt, W. A.
Meyer, Mrs.
Miller, J. M.
Mills, G.
Mitchell, W.
Morris, J.
Nathan, H.
Neal, Mrs., and son
Olwell, W.
O'Roke, Mrs.
Osborne, R. F.
Paine, E. J.
Pelknap, Miss and servant
Pierce, Mrs.
Pierce, W., lady and child
Poe, J. V.
Potter, Mrs. H. C., and infant
Powell, Thomas
Powell, W.
Pratt, Mrs. J. F., and 2 infants
Priest, Mrs. E.
Putman, W. J.
Quinn, C., and lady
Raines (may be Barnes ?), Mrs., and family
Regan, Mrs. M.
Retan (Retau ?), C.
Rice, D.
Richards, J.
Rider, Miss E.
Riley, Mrs.
Robbins, D. B.
Rogers, A.
Rogers, C.
Rogers, Mas. C.
Scallagh, Miss M.
Schenck, U.S.N.
Scott, E.
Sherman, Miss H.
Smith, C. N.
Smith, Miss
Snider, Mrs. L., and child
Soullier, C.
Squires, Mrs.
Steele, Mrs. C.
Stevens, H.
Stewart, Mrs. E.
Stewart, P.
Swain, G.
Taft, O.
Taylor, A. B.
Thompson, T. L.
Thorn, J.
Tirado, Senor, and family
Trauser, A., and lady
Tyrrell, Mrs.
Walker, Miss C.
Wall, A.
Wall, John
Walsh, T.
Webber, H.
Weintrab (?), Miss A.
Weld, G.
Whattmore, J. R.
White, H.
White, Miss F.
Whitney, G. O., wife, 2 children and servant
Wight, Mrs.
Wild, H.
Williams, J. J., lady and child
Williamson, Lieut., U.S.A.
Wilson, Miss
Winslow, Mrs. M., and son
Wo_th (Worth ?), F.
Young, J.
Young, Mrs. E.
and a full compliment in the steerage.
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