California Bound by

New York Daily Times, May 14, 1855

SS Star of the West
Captain Turner
Sailed from New York City: May 12, 1855

New York .. Saturday, May 12.

Steamship Star of the West, Turner, San Juan, C. Morgan.

Passengers Sailed.

In steamship Star of the West, for Punta Arenas --
Ackerman, S.
Addington, S.
Allen, Mrs., and child
Amijo, C. R.
Anderson, Mrs. C., and infant
Anthony, S. H., wife and 2 children
Bacon, Mr.
Bailey, J. B.
Baldwin, R. O.
Barnard, C.
Bashford, J.
Baxter, Mrs.
Behren, C. D.
Bennett, C.
Bishop, K. B.
Blackman, H., and wife
Blackwood, Wm. C., wife, 2 children and servant
Blake, S.
Blake, S.
Bloomfield, Mrs. B.
Boyle, W. A.
Boyle, Wm. L.
Bretland, Miss E.
Brown, Mrs. W. M., and child
Brown, Thos.
Burgess, H.
Burns, James
Burns, Miss M.
Burns, Miss M. A.
Burns, Mrs. M., and 2 infants
Campbell, Mrs. E.
Carr, G.
Carroll, J. A.
Chute, John R.
Clark, J. R.
Clay, Miss J.
Clemenson, Capt. P.
Clow, E.
Cohen, Mrs. E., and 3 children
Cook, J.
Cowperthaite, Thomas
Craig, John
Crawley, Miss J.
Crum, N. P.
Cummings, T. W.
Daniel, Mrs. G.
Davis, J. F.
Duffy, Mrs. R.
Duffy, P.
Elliott, L. W.
Ellsworth, J.
Emery, M., Jr.
Estabrook, J. E.
Feehan, Wm.
Fine, L., and 4 children
Fisher, D.
Foley, J. J.
Fowler, J., wife and child
Gamble, W. H., and mother
Gardner, Miss M.
Gibson, F.
Gibson, H.
Gibson, J.
Gibson, N.
Gibson, R.
Gibson, S.
Gibson, W.
Green, C.
Haines, E. A.
Haines, F. A.
Haines, J. S.
Hanse, L.
Hardman, A. W.
Hardman, Mrs. E. C., and 2 children
Hermance, J. H.
Hews, R.
Hill, B.
Hill, J., and wife
Hind, Mrs. E. M., and niece
Hooper, C.
Horton, T. R., and wife
Hulse, M.
Hyde, James
Jordan, N.
Kates, Mrs.
Kearn, J. A.
Kelsey, H. H.
Kingsbury, Mrs.
Kingsbury, S. B.
Knor, Samuel, and servant
Larkin, Mrs.
Lewis, D. Ellison, W.
Lewis, Mrs. S. F.
Lewis, S.
Lockwood, Miss A.
Lockwood, Mrs. R. A., and 3 children
Lodeman, E.
Lyons, A. G.
Manny, Miss C.
Manny, Miss J.
Manny, Mrs.
Mara, Thomas
Marks, J.
Marks, P.
Matthews, J.
Matthews, Miss A.
Matthews, Thomas, wife and 2 children
McCullough, S. G.
McGinty, P.
Mead, W. H.
Menson, A., and wife
Mills, Mrs. R., and child
Milosland, Mrs. M. A., and 2 children
Moore, Mrs. T.
Nelson, P.
Newman, W., and wife
Nye, W. S.
O'Donnell, J.
Palon, A.
Palon, W.
Parker, J.
Pellet, Miss Julia
Philips, N.
Pierce, R.
Pinchold, J.
Powers, C.
Price, A.
Purdy, S.
Randle, Miss L. M.
Randle, P. W., M.D., wife and 3 children
Reed, George, and wife
Rentz, J.
Rhodes, Wm.
Rogers, Mrs. M. A., and child
Ruffel, J. A.
Ruggles, S. A.
Sherwood, E. K.
Smith, C. T.
Smith, J. F.
Smith, Miss E. J.
Smith, Mrs. A. E.
Smith, W. L.
Stein, W. C.
Stevens, J. C.
Sturgeons, T. R.
Taurez, R.
Te_le (Telle ?), F.
Thomas, Miss
Thomas, Mrs. E. H.
Thomas, R. T.
Thompson, W. H.
Tray, Mr.
Trett, E.
Valdez, F.
Van Loan, W. A.
Vittler, H.
Wagenhall, Wm.
Wagner, W.
Walter, A., and wife
Webster, Thomas D.
Weed, F.
Welch, J.
White, Mrs. C.
White, Mrs. D., and 2 children
White, Wm.
Whiting, Miss
Whiting, Mrs. S. W.
Wienes, J. E.
Wilson, McKee
Winegar, A. B., wife and servant
Woodruff, A. D.
Young, L.
and full compliment in the steerage.

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