California Bound by

New York Daily Times, June 21, 1855

SS Illinois
Captain McKinstry
Sailed from New York City: June 20, 1855

New York .. Wednesday, June 20.

Steamship Illinois, McKinstry, Aspinwall, M. O. Roberts.

Passengers Sailed.

In steamship Illinois for Aspinwall and California --
Adolph, W.
Allen, W.
Amons, J.
Anderson, O., and wife
Armstrong, W. H., and lady
Ashfield, J.
B_rd (Bird ?), Mrs. M., and 2 infants
Ba_ly (Baily ?), Capt.
Balst_n (Balstan ?), Miss
Barrack, Mrs., and infant
Barton, N.
Bast (Basi ?), J.
Bateman, Miss H.
Bateman, Miss M.
Beatry (Beatty ?), Miss S.
Belden, J.
Bell, Mr., and lady
Benedict, J.
Benton, H.
Benton, M. J.
Benton, Miss
Bradley, M.
Brady, P., and lady
Brande_t (Brandett, Brandest Braudett ?), H.
Brown, C.
Brown, Mrs.
Brown, Mrs. F., and infant
Bu_ger (Burger ?), E., and wife
Buck, A.
Burke, J.
Burke, J.
Burns, J.
Campbell, R.
Castello, M.
Cathin, D.
Charles, T. (?)
Clayton, G. A. F.
Cook, S.
Corlus, T.
Coy, W.
Craan, D.
Crocker, C.
Croker, D.
Curly, D. N.
Curtis, A. J.
Daly, Miss A.
Daly, Miss M.
Davis, M.
Davis, Mr., and lady
Decatur, F.
Dickinson, E.
Dixon, J.
Dolan, J.
Dolaw, F.
Dow, J. S.
Doyle, P.
Dunningham, D.
Eddy (Eady ?), S., and wife.
Egaw, P., and wife
Eichel, J. F.
Ellis, Miss
Embleton, Mrs.
Eschewburgh, Miss
Fairchild, Mrs., and child
Finn, M.
Flint, G. B.
Foster, W.
Frost, D.
Gill, J.
Gill, J. W.
Go_ham (Gorham ?), Mrs. S. A., and infant
Goldbug (Goldburg ?), L.
Goodman, H.
Gordon, E. W.
Gordon, W.
Gould, J.
Graham, P.
Graves, Mrs. S., and 2 children
Greene, M.
Gurney, M.
Ha_t (Hait, Hart ?), E. R.
Hammond, Mrs. M., daughter and son
Harman, Miss F.
Harrington, J.
Harvey, J.
Hastings, S. B.
Haswell, Mrs. J. C., and child
Hauson (Hanson ?), J.
Hayes, M.
He_hert (Hethert ?), J. J.
Healy, J.
Henderson, D.
Herrigan, J.
Hibbeto, J.
Holland, D, wife and infant
Holley, Mrs. B., and 2 infants
Holoway, T.
Howard, Miss M.
Hoyt, J.
Hoyt, Mrs. J. C., and 2 daughters
Hulsted, C.
Hunt, J.
Hunt, P.
Jackson, W.
Jaqua, Mrs., and daughter
Jokins, H.
Jones, A.
Jones, E.
Jordan, J.
Jordand (Jordan ?), Mrs., and child
Journeay (Journey ?), Mrs. J.
Keenan, M.
Kelly, J. W. Kelly, Neil, and wife
Kenden, M.
Keyes, J. D.
Keyser, H.
Kinney, Mrs.
Krepo, M.
Kyle, S. C.
Lambert, C., wife and child
Lambert, H.
Langden (Langdon ?), H.
Lathrop, J. B.
Lawton, J. B.
Lee, Miss S. N.
Legber, A., and wife
Leighton, C. E.
Lemmon, D.
Lewis, H.
Lewis, R. P.
Libby, M.
Lobeck (Lebeck, Labeck ?), Mrs. S.
Lowney, J.
Lynch, Miss E.
Magilton, T., wife and infant
Marks, Miss M., and infant
Marshall, Mrs., and 2 children
Master, J.
Matthews, J.
Me_len (Mellen, Merlen ?), G. R., and boy
Mead, C. H.
Miller, E.
Miller, H.
Miller, J.
Mitchell, Miss, and servant
Moles, Miss A. J.
Montgomery, W., and wife
Moore, G. H., and wife
Moore, W. W.
Morris, J.
Morris, W. G.
Murphy, J.
Murray, Mrs. J.
Murray, T.
Nayton, M. A. (?)
Norion, M.
Northrop, J.
Osborne, A.
Pease, Mrs.
Peck, Rev. C. R., lady and 2 children
Phelan, Dr., and lady
Platt, Mrs., and infant
Pratt, D. S.
Price, J.
Probert, W., and wife
Purdy, J.
R_ck (Rock ?), J.
Rand, Mr.
Reed, Mrs. E. G., and child
Reed, P.
Reid, W.
Rich, A.
Ripley, D. M.
Rivers, Mrs.
Rogers, J.
Rogers, Mrs. J. R.
Ross, D.
Ross, T.
Rote, Miss C.
Rule, W. W.
Saunders, C. P. O., wife and 4 children
Schoonmaker, E.
Seaver, Mrs.
Sedwith, J.
Shaw, J.
Shaw, J.
Shelford, J., wife and 4 children
Smith, A. M.
Smith, B.
Smith, G.
Smith, J. C.
Smith, Mrs. M.
Spave, D.
Spicer, J. H.
Spunker, M.
Sueliran (Sneliran ?), J.
Sullivan, T.
Swain, O. C.
Swain, R. B.
Talmadge, Mrs.
Talmadge, Mrs.
Tara (?), C. M.
Taylor, J.
Thomas, Mrs. E., and infant
Timmo, M.
Tobin, J.
Tracy, Miss A.
Traner, M.
Trask (?), M.
Truder, H. S.
Wallace, R. B.
Ward, J.
Welch, Mrs. A.
Welch, P.
Wetmore, Mrs. M. B., sister and 2 children
Wheeler, M.
White, T.
Wilson, J., wife and 3 children
Young, J.
and 221 passengers in the steerage.

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