California Bound by

New York Daily Times, October 25, 1855

SS Northern Light
Captain Tinklepaugh
Sailed from New York City: October 24, 1855

New York .. Wednesday, Oct. 24.

Steamship Northern Light, Tinklepaugh, San Juan, C. Morgan.

Passengers Sailed.

In the steamship Northern Light, for San Francisco via Nicaragua --
Andrews, M., and lady
Ashley, Miss M.
At_y, Mrs.
Ba_bury (?), Miss N.
Balnos, C.
Banks, Mrs. G. S.
Bates, E.
Bebee, Mrs. H. W.
Beecher, J. L., and lady
Beenher, Miss S. E.
Benjamin, B.
Birdsall, C. W.
Boren, L. E.
Bowley, E.
Carter, E.
Clark, J. R., and lady
Cobb, C., lady and child
Coleman, A. N.
Corbett, R. L.
Crocker, D.
Crosley, F. W.
De Haven, Mrs. S. L., and child
Debloy, S.
Denham, B. B.
Denn, H. D., and lady
Denn, Miss S.
Devine, D.
Downey, Mrs. M. A., and 2 children
Falliher, Miss E.
Fay, J.
Fisher, M.
Flagler, Thomas
Gaeenbough (Greenbough ?), E.
Gelmer, T.
Gill, J., and lady
Grant, J.
Harvey, M.
Hawes, E.
Hawes, Mrs. E., and infant
Henderson, W., and lady
Hopkins, Mrs. C., and 3 children
Huntington, T.
Jackson, W.
James, C. A.
Jessup, Mrs. K., and son
Johns, J.
Johnson, L.
Judson, Mrs. W. L.
Kingston, Apt. E.
Knox, Dr. W., lady and child
Knox, Miss
Konberger, J.
L__bert (Lambert ?), Mrs. E. S., and 2 children
Langley, S.
Lansing, Mr.
Leonard, H.
Locke, Mrs. J. S.
Lyon, W. H.
Mancallow (?), J.
Mandel, J., and son
Mason, G.
McCartney, J. W.
McCarty, W.
McIntosh, J.
McQuin(n), R.
Mestore, A.
Morrisen, Thos.
Myers, Mrs., and 2 children
Parish, R., lady and child
Peal, G. W.
Phillips, Mrs.
Rackerlsy (?), W.
Reed, Robert
Rice, J. S.
Rice, Mrs. E. H., and child
Richards, J.
Ronalds, G. L.
Rooley, E.
Ruggles, J. A.
Seamans, W.
Seivert, Miss
Smith, S. S.
Smith, W. S.
Stanford, L., and lady
Stanford, Mrs. A. P., and 2 children
Stanwood, N. D.
Stephenson, S., and lady
Stewart, Miss E. S.
Storis (Storrs ?), J. T.
Turner, Capt. E. W.
Turner, Jas.
Valentine, S. B.
Vaughn, Mrs. S. A.
Wallis, B. F.
Walters, T. C.
Webster, G. G.
Weir, Capt. W.
Wileon, (Wilson ?), J. W.
Williams, N. P., and lady
Woodfield, H.
Woodfield, J.
Woodfield, J., Jr.
Yates, Dr. J.
Young, J.
and others in the steerage.

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