California Bound by

New York Daily Times, December 11, 1855

SS Star of the West
Captain Miner
Sailed from New York City: December 10, 1855

New York .. Monday, Dec. 10.

Steamship Star of the West, Miner, Punta Arenas, C. Morgan.

Passengers Sailed.

In steamship Star of the West, for California --
Alexander, B.
Alhofe, J., and wife
Alhofe, M., and wife
Allen, A. J.
Allen, M., and wife
Angell, Dr. E. C., and wife
Angell, Miss M. L.
Arwin, T.
Baker, J., wife and infant
Baker, Mrs., and infant
Balm, L. E., wife and son
Baptiste, B.
Barber, A.
Beach, E. L., wife and infant
Bean, A.
Becker, T., and wife
Berthelein, J.
Blackstone, J. F.
Bradbury, A. J.
Bradley, D., and wife
Bradley, J., wife and infant
Bread, C. S.
Bread, J. C.
Broadhead, John
Brown, L. P.
Bunson, Chas.
Burtoon, E., and wife
Bush, J.
Carpentier, Gen. H. W.
Cartwright, A. B., wife, mother and boy
Casey, Thos.
Chapin, E.
Chapin, O., wife and son
Charbonnet, A.
Charbonnet, S.
Charbonnet, U.
Clark, G.
Coleman, D. H.
Cook, F.
Cooms, Hon. T. M.
Cooper, M.
Corder, Mrs. M. A., and 4 children
Cottrell, Mrs.
Crumsley, J.
Cummings, Thos.
Daley, J., and wife
Davis, G. O.
Davis, J.
Davis, J. M.
Davis, L. P.
Dennis, Wm., and wife
Dexter, A. J.
Dickey, M.
Donohue, W. N.
Dubois, L.
Dunn, John
Edgar, Miss
English, Mrs. S.
Faller, Miss R.
Felch, M. P.
Felch, W. A.
Ferbockes, M.
Fisher, R.
Folsom, O.
Foot, Dr. E. A., wife and 2 children
Foster, J., and wife
Gearing, Mrs. B., and infant
Gillett, F. A.
Goddard, Mrs. C. R., and infant
Gould, D.
Gourd, Mr.
Gray, B.
Green, E. F.
Gulliin (Gullin ?), L., and wife
Haffy, F.
Harlinger, W.
Harrington, B. S.
Harrington, Mrs., and child
Hart, Mrs. M., and infant
Healey, Jos.
Heard, L.
Heideman, P., and wife
Henry, C.
Higgins, Mrs. N., and children
Hill, O. O.
Hitchcock, A.
Hoag, C. M.
Hoge, Miss S.
Hoge, Mrs. E.
Hoge, R.
Hoge, S.
Hoge, S., wife and 3 children
Hopkins, E. S., and wife
Howland, L. L.
Hughes, Thos., and infant
Hume, F. H.
Hunter, W.
Hyden, J. W.
Jackson, M., and wife
Jewett, Mrs. M.
Joseph, B.
Joseph, M.
Judge, J.
Just, E., wife and infant
Kelly, Miss M.
Kennedy, Miss J.
Kennedy, Miss R.
Kennedy, Mrs. E.
Kennedy, P. J.
Kinman, P.
Knight, C. C.
Lamar, F. A.
Langler, F.
Larves, E.
Lawrence, Mrs. , and infant
Leon, J.
Levison, S. A.
Lewis, Miss
Lewis, Miss J.
Lewis, Mr.
Lewis, Mrs.
Luckey, D.
Lynch, C.
Mahon, J., and wife
Masters, E. A.
McClure, J.
Meyer, Geo.
Montgomery, J. M.
Moore, A. P.
Moore, Miss E. H.
Moore, Mrs. Jane
Moore, P. A.
Morgan, Chas. (The agent for this ship?)
Nehls, Miss H.
Nichol, S.
Noonan, P.
Norglove, J.
Parmelee, A. P.
Pelham, A.
Philbrook, Solon S.
Prescott, S. R.
Ramsgate, H. J.
Richard, Mr., and wife
Riker, Mrs. A.
Rozet, G. H.
Rudolph, L.
Seligman, H.
Shaw, A. B.
Shaw, J. W.
Smith, D., and wife
Smith, E. B.
Stone, B.
Stringer, J., wife and infant
Sully, John
Tanguay, Miss Julia
Taylor, B. L.
Taylor, G. S.
Torty, A. J.
Trafaden, John
Valentine, J.
Van Norden, R.
Wack. P.
Watkins, George W., and wife
Wilkinson, N.
Wilkinson, S.
Williams, Mrs. H.
Williamson, Mrs.
Wilson, John
and others in the steerage.

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