SS Northern Light
Captain Tinklepaugh
Sailed from New York City: January 24, 1856
Steamship Northern Light, San Juan, C. Morgan.
Passengers Sailed.
In steamship Northern Light, for San Francisco via
San Juan --
Achin, J.
Ackerman, B. M.
Ackerman, M. W.
Allen, J.
Allender, Witliam (William ?), H.
Alsip, A. B., lady and son
Amsdan, Miss C.
Anderson, A.
Anderson, F.
Anderson, W.
Ausley (Ansley ?), J. G.
Avery, M.
Bailey, Wm. P.
Baker, a., and wife
Ballantine, Mrs.
Barbour, John
Barker, G. F., lady and infant
Barry, B.
Bartlett, M.
Batten, J.
Bear, H.
Beardsley, J.
Beauchamp, L.
Beschor, Chas.
Beschor, G. P.
Betifer (?), G. W.
Bidder, Wm., and lady
Bogert, O. H.
Boise, E. F.
Briggs, J. M.
Broughan, H.
Brown, G. W.
Brown, John
Brown, R.
Browton, W.
Burchard, T.
Burnes, A.
Burton, T. M.
Caldwell, Mr.
Canavan, E. J.
Canfield, A.
Canfield, M.
Carpenter, E. K.
Carroll, B.
Carstens, H. C., lady and 5 children
Chase, E.
Chase, M.
Chase, N., and lady
Clanser, T., lady and child
Clark, O. P.
Clark, S. G.
Cleveland, A.
Coleman, P. W.
Conrad, H. A.
Constance, Mrs.
Coon, H. H.
Cooper, r.
Cordell, B.
Cox, E. R.
Cox, J.
Crawford, A. A.
Cummings, F.
Cuneo, J. B., and son
Curtiss, G.
Davenport, J. H.
Demilt, F.
Dennigan, Mrs.
Dietz, W. H.
Donnelly, H.
Donnelly, P.
Donovan, P.
Duclos, H.
Duffy, P. J.
Duncan, T.
Dupins, E.
Durden, Miss Caroline
Elam, Mrs. A. J., and 2 servants
Ellsworth, E.
Emery, B.
Eshon, J. S., and lady
Fisher, M.
Fitch, J. L.
Fitch, Miss
Forbes, Thos., and wife
Ford, Mrs. S.
Fox, G.
Gallagher, Miss A.
Ganon, M., and son
Garrison, Wm. R.
Gasherie, Miss
Gasherie, Mrs. J. K., and 2 children
Gebler, T.
Haggerty, W.
Hale, Mr.
Hamon, J.
Hanlon, J.
Harris, John
Hawk, A.
Hawk, P.
Hawkins, C. W.
Hawkins, C. W.
Hays, S. B.
Healy, J.
Hearn, H. C.
Hoffman, Mr.
Howland, Chas.
Hunt, M. C.
Jackson, G. W.
Jones, A. L.
Kunels, Mrs. E., and infant
Lamb, George W.
Leckler, A. A.
Leckler, A. J.
Lewis, M.
Lewis, Mrs. G., and infant
Libbey, S.
Lowe, William
Lye, J.
Lynch, C.
Lynch, M.
Martineau, W.
Matsdorf, A. D., and lady
McAlpine, Mr.
McCarron, A.
McDermot, B.
Mills, John
Milner, A. A.
Morris, Col. S., U.S.A.
Noble, S. B.
Norman, Geo., and child
O'Brien, D.
Paulding, T. P.
Pendergrass, M. S.
Perry, H. P.
Platt, J.
Price, S. P.
Putnam, A. G.
Quintal, P., and boy
Ringgold, G.
Roberts, E., and lady
Roberts, James, lady and 3 children
Roberts, Misses Martha and Elvina
Rogers, J. B.
Ru__ely (Runnely, Rumely ?), O. A.
Sargent, E. P., and lady
Seabold, D. C.
Seagrist, J. J., and lady
Sellick, E.
Shaw, W. S., and lady
Sherman, C. H.
Shirley, S. G.
Shond, C.
Smiley, G. M.
Smiley, Mrs. T. J. L., and child
Smith, C.
Smith, J. L., and lady
Smith, J., lady and 5 children
Smith, Wm.
Snidean, L.
Snyder, P.
Squires, W. K., and lady
Steele, D. M.
Stiles, H., and bros.
Storm, G. W.
Stuart, E. T., lady, sister and child
Swift, W. H.
Thoman, M. A.
Thomas, W. H.
Thorp, J. W.
Thorp, S. S.
Tichenor, Miss J. M.
Tichenor, S. W.
Tracy, P.
Wallace, A.
Wallace, G.
Ward, G. B.
Ward, J. F.
Watson, A. B.
Webber, M., and lady
Wells, J.
Wells, Mrs.
White, John W.
Whitehead, M.
Williams, J.
Wilson, J. B.
and others in the steerage.
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