SS Orizaba
Captain Tinklepaugh
Sailed from New York City: Tuesday, April 8, 1856
Steamship Orizaba, Tinklepaugh, San Juan, G. A. Whitney.
The Orizaba, lately put on the Nicaragua line of steamers in place of the Northern Light, left yesterday at 3 1/2 P. M. for Nicaragua, with some 300 fillibusters on board. Three of the fillibustering party were arrested with a polite but official mandamus requiring a postponement of their contemplated tour. With this exception, the steamer got off "all right." An immense crowd was on the wharf, it having been intimated that some arrests would, doubtless, take place, and that fun might be safely looked for. There was fun, sure enough -- though the crowd at the last moment before the departure of the steamer had about given up all expectation of any.
The lines had been taken in from the stern of the steamer. Orders had been given by Captain Tinklepaugh to haul in the forward gang plank, when suddenly Mr. Joachimssen, the Assistant United States District-Attorney, appeared, accompanied by some half dozen Deputy United States Marshals. Mr. Joachimssen at once cried out, "I arrest the vessel, " and having uttered the words he hurried on board. The wheels of the steamer then began their revolutions. One Marshal only seeing them taking in the tow-line, had the hardihood to follow Mr. J. The rest looked on, but did not stir, for all connection with the steamer from the wharf was cut off, by the falling of the gang-plank into the water. The revolutions of the steamer's wheels continued.
"That's right, take the old cud to Nicaragua," shouted someone. "Pitch him overboard, " cried another.
"Gen Walker will hang the devil if he ever gets hold of him in Nicaragua, and it would be a pity to waste hemp on him."
Such complimentary observations, accompanied by occasional oaths and cheers for Captain Tinklepaugh particularly, and Gen. Walker and Nicaragua generally, rose from the crowd. A large number had no doubts but that Mr. Joachimssen and the Deputy Marshal with him would be taken straight to Nicaragua. It did not prove so, however. The steamer, after having got a few rods from the dock, halted. A small boat was lowered from the vessel's side, and rowed to the steamer's dock. The remaining Deputy Marshals jumped into the boat and were directly conveyed on board the steamer. A few minutes after, three small boats were seen to part from the steamer to Pier 4. It was noticed that they were all nearly filled with men. It was further noticed that some dozen of the men got out of the several boats, and that, while they struck a march toward West-street, the boats returned to the steamer. Shortly the wheels of the steamer again began their revolutions, loud huzzas rose from the crowded deck -- the vessel was rounding its pier. The crowd on the wharf, though mightily bewildered as to the movements up to this point, appreciated this latter movement, and showed their appreciation by deafening cheers. The Orizaba was soon lost to sight.
The enigma of the small boats was thus expounded. Mr. Joachimssen, after getting on board, produced a warrant for the arrest of the following parties: Wm. H. Jenkins, J. H. Wilson, J. C. Henwich, N. A. Jackson, John L. Kingsley, Frederick Baten, C. Carrol Hicks, Jacob Steens and James Mullen. Capt. Tinklepaugh expressed his willingness to have the parties arrested if they were on board. As soon as all the Deputy Marshals were received on the steamer the search began, but among the parties named there could only be found C. C. Hicks, J. C. Henwich, John Kingsley and James Muller. These were placed in small boats and conveyed ashore, and taken to the United States District-Attorney's office, with the exception of one, who managed to elude the marshals before being removed from the steamer. The other three were at once held to bail in the sum of $2,500 each, and in default of bail were lodged in Eldridge street prison. Captain Hicks belongs to Alabama, and had just returned by the last steamer from Nicaragua, where he holds a commission in General Walker's army. The warrants of arrest were issued upon affidavits made by Jacob H. Jones and Frank H. Savage, who set forth that the individuals mentioned in the warrants proposed to join General Walker's army and aid in carrying on the war against a Government with which the United States is at peace. Mr. Savage accompanied Mr. Joachimssen on board the Orizaba. It is probable that all the parties cited in the warrant were on the steamer, but Mr. Savage failed to identify them.
The Orizaba had some 500 passengers. Of these over 300 are unquestionably bound for General Walker's army. Mr. Dillingham, Secretary of Colonel French, was among the passengers.
The United Sates revenue cutter, Capt. Faunce, previous to the departure of the Orizaba, had been stationed outside the Narrows, with the instructions not to let the Orizaba pass without a permit being shown from the united States District-Attorney. Mr. Joachimssen, before leaving the Orizaba, gave such a pass to Capt. Tinklepaugh. The following notice of the arrests was posted on "the Nicaragua Bulletin," at the St. Charles Saloon, in Broadway -- the head-quarters of the fillibusters. Its genial tone and sweet, seductive style, clearly sets forth the amiability of the fillibusters towards the Indomitable Assistant District-Attorney. He will probably survive it, though:
Success of the Indomitable Jew-Achinson.
The Orizaba, bound for Nicaragua, on leaving her wharf, was boarded by John McKeon's Jew.. She was brought to, in the stream, and the Jews were reinforced by an attachment of United States marshals, who arrested Capt. C. C. Hicks and two more persons, less important, when the Jew magnanimously allowed the steamer to proceed. All arrested were committed to the care of Solkip, Esq., at the Eldridge-street Jail. The poor devil who informed was put in charge of the Physician in the Tombs. His health is precarious, and dispatches will be received announcing his situation every two hours.
Capt. Morrison detected a man in the vicinity of the Marshal's Office, selling Nicaragua Maps, evidently to induce persons to emigrate to that country. He was promptly arrested by Marshal Dayton, and is now in custody.
(Additional on return of the Orizaba to New York -- April 29, 1856)
In steamship Orizaba, for San Juan, Nicaragua ---
Ablo, B. (H. ?)
Adams, A.
Adams, C.
Aden, Mrs.
Adenburgh, Miss C.
Anderson, J.
Austin, D. K.
Babcock, J.
Ball, C.
Banahan, J.
Banger, J.
Barnes, M.
Barney, G. W.
Barns, J.
Barry, D.
Beardsley, S.
Bernard, A. O.
Betzani, H.
Betzer, J. R.
Biame (Blame ?), J. S.
Bigley, E.
Birdsall, Mr.
Boehm, J.
Boglioni, M., Jr.
Boglioni, S. M.
Bowe, J.
Brophy, J.
Buskman, D.
Calcargo (Caleargo ?), B.
Campbell, S.
Canty, J.
Capen, S. M.
Carney, D.
Carr, M.
Cashbaum, C.
Cassidy, Miss C.
Chandle, W. H., and lady
Charrett, D.
Cheeverfield, O.
Choyman, J. X.
Clark, J.
Clarke, H. H.
Claudian, M.
Connelly, Mrs.
Connolly, Mrs., and child
Cook, G. A., and lady
Cook. O.
Cover, G. W.
Craton, H.
Craw--, S. W. (this may be a typo for: Crawford, W. S.)
Crawford, J.
Crawford, W. S.
Crayton, E. L.
Crowley, P.
Cushing, G.
Daley, C.
Dawes, John
Denmark, G., and lady
Denmark, R., and lady
Depater, L.
Depater, N.
Derrick, W.
Derrick, W. K.
Desteng, H.
Dillon, Z.
Dix, C. C.
Dougherty, E. R.
Downing, B.
Due, J.
Dunn, J.
Dusenbury, Mrs. H.
Edwards, E.
Elbert, J.
Elder, L.
Fayen, G. G.
Fayres, C.
Fayres, W., wife and child
Ferguson, D.
Fermell, J., and lady
Fisher, A., lady and 2 children
Fitzpatrick, J.
Fore, J.
Fore, John
Fox, A.
Fox, J.
Fraser, I.
Fraser, J.
Fries, D.
Frost, A., and lady
Garibaldi, G.
Garibaldi, G., Jr.
Garman, Mr., and lady
Garvey, M.
Gates, H.
Gates, R. W.
Genny, J., and lady
Gifford, C.
Gilbert, S.
Glyn, J.
Gould, J.
Gravier, N.
Haines, W., and lady
Hammond, G. C.
Hansom, S.
Harley, D.
Hart, L. D.
Heck, J.
Heiser, H.
Henderson, M. M., and lady
Henderson, Miss, and 2 sisters
Henderson, Mr., brother and child
Hendrick, M.
Hendrick, W.
Hennessey, Mrs. E.
Higgins, S., and boy
Hildener, G.
Hinchfield, G. B.
Hitchcock, C. R.
Hitchcock, S. W.
Holley, J.
Holley, Mrs.
Hoyt, D. S.
Hughes, V.
Hupp, A., and lady
Hupp, D., and lady
Hurley, C.
Hurley, J.
Isaacs, V.
Jackson, A. B.
Jackson, R. M.
Jackson, W.
Jacobs, Miss R.
Jacobs, Mrs. M.
Jacobs, Mrs. R., and child
Jacobs, Mrs. S.
Jewett, C. E.
Jolembury, J.
Jongers (Jengers ?), P.
Jordan, J.
Julian, J.
Kelly, J.
Kincaid, J. W.
Kinyer, L.
Lafield, H.
Laguerra, A.
Lameux, M.
Lang, J.
Langlois, A.
Lawrence, Col. H. L.
Lee, D.
Lee, G.
Lefebore, O. M.
Leight, Mrs. E.
Lender, J.
Lender, M.
Leslie, A.
Lewis, J.
Lewis, T.
Liston, J. P.
Littleford, Mr.
Lorenzo, J.
Lorsop, F.
Lottadale, C.
Mabury, J. S.
Mahoney, W.
Marke, H.
Marsh, H. L.
Mason, L.
Mathews, H. M.
Maynard, A.
McArdle, J.
McCarthy, D.
McComb, S. D.
McCue, J.
McDougall, W.
McGun, J.
McIntosh, L.
McKewen, W.
McLanery, Mrs.
McMullen, H.
McSweeney, G.
McSweeney, Miss C.
Menshaws, R.
Miller, L.
Miller, M.
Miller, M.
Miller, M., and lady
Miner, A.
Mixon, G. G.
Monahan, J.
Mondore, T.
Moore, M.
Morell, J. J.
Morgan, J.
Morris, W., and servant
Mortycollo, P.
Mulholland, J.
Muma, A.
Murray, M.
Myers, W.
Nesbitt, J.
Newcomb, A.
Olvony (Olveny ?), J.
Onostol, A.
Owen, J.
Palmer, G.
Parma, G.
Peck, J. A.
Peoples, H. A.
Pfister, J., wife and 3 children
Pinn, C.
Ponton, B.
Ponton, M.
Preble, A. J.
Previdi, G.
Price, Mrs., and child
Raing (??), E.
Ranksenberg, Mr.
Redman, J.
Regan, Miss M.
Restoletti, A.
Reynolds, Mr.
Rice, J. I.
Richardson, J.
Ridder, R.
Robinson, G.
Robinson, J. G.
Robinson, S. S.
Ronger, S.
Russell, R. H.
Sackey, J.
Safford, J.
Salisbury, P.
Saunders, H. S.
Scott, J. G.
Sell, A. B.
Sener, P.
Shank, E.
Shartley, Mr.
Shattuck, C. C.
Shoemaker, D.
Shorthouse, S.
Smith, C. J.
Smith, D.
Smith, E.
Smith, Judge
Smith, Miss
Smith, Mrs.
Smith, Mrs., and child
Smith, S.
Spelman (Spellman ?), M.
Standfield, Mrs. and child
Starr, D.
Steagle, J.
Steel, D. D.
Stryker, A.
Sussuri, M.
Switzer, J. H.
Thompson, W. M.
Towney, J., and lady
Travis, S.
Trook, T. (may be: Trooksell ?) Tucker, D.
Van Duyer, C. L.
Vanhorn, R.
Vigeans, F.
Wade, W. A.
Walsh, H. P.
Walter, D.
Walters, Mrs. A., and child
Ward, W. D.
Wares, D.
Warrior, S. P.
Weaber, D.
Willoughby, J.
Wilson, C., wife and 4 children
Wood, D.
Woodward, E.
Young, J.
Young, W.
and others in steerage.
The steamship Orizaba, Capt. E. L. Tinklepaugh, arrived last evening, with passengers and freight to Chas. A. Whitney, from San Juan del Norte, having left that port on the evening of the 21st. inst.
The defeat of Col. Schlessinger, at Santa Rosa, is confirmed. About 76 of his men are reported as missing. During his trial by court marshal, while on parole, he deserted. It is supposed that he went over to the Costa Ricans, having sold himself to them before the battle.
On the 7th inst., the Costa Ricans took possession of Rivas with 2,000 men. On the 11th, Gen. Walker with 600 men, attacked them. After a fight of 17 and a half hours, he was obliged to abandon the city from want of ammunition, leaving 600 Costa Ricans dead on the field and a large number wounded. His loss in killed, wounded and missing, is reported about 100.
The Costa Ricans, on taking possession of Virgin Bay, fired indiscriminately on every person they saw, killing eight or ten American citizens, who had been in the employ of the Transit Company. On the 10th Lieut. Green, with fifteen men, met about two hundred Costa Ricans, eighteen miles above the mouth of the Serapiqui, killing twenty-seven of them and dispersing the rest, with the loss of only one killed and two wounded. It is reported that Gen. Walker intended to attack the Costa Ricans at Virgin Bay about the 25th, having now one thousand Americans and eight hundred natives under his command. So far the Nicaraguans have acted with him, with the exception of a few who were prominent men in the "Legitimate" party, much to the disappointment of the Costa Ricans, who expected a general revolt against the Americans.
Honduras, San Salvador and Guatemala are said to be in favor of peace and will not invade Nicaragua. They received the Commissioners of Nicaragua in a friendly manner, and have discontinued the enlistment of troops, and even have disbanded some of the new levies.
The intercepted correspondence between the British and Costa Rica, in which the former agrees to contribute 2,000 stand of arms to the latter, has caused great excitement among the Americans in Nicaragua. Quite a number of Minie rifles were taken from the Costa Ricans at Rivas. There were also several English and Frenchmen seen in their army.
The English Frigate Eurydice, Capt. Tarleton, was the only vessel in the harbor of San Juan, and her boats were constantly on duty watching the movements of Americans. Passengers who came down the river in the steamer were prohibited by them from going on shore. The Orizaba was detained at Key West 18 hours on the 26th, taking in coal.
April 24, latitude 23 deg., 20', longitude (?) deg., 33', signalized a bark showing French flag and letter O in private signal; standing N. April 27, Cape Florida N. N. W. 12 miles, signalized ship Martha J. Ward, standing N.
We are indebted to the enterprising express of G. H. Wines & Co., for late Nicaraguan papers, received with dispatch.
We are indebted to Thos. E. Hatch, Purser of the Orizaba,
for late papers and intelligence.
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