California Bound by

New-York Times, February 12, 1866

SS Costa Rica
Captain Bradbury
Sailed from New-York City: February 10, 1856

New-York .. Saturday, Feb. 10.

Steamship Costa Rica, Bradbury, Aspinwall, Pacific Mail Steamship Co.

Passengers Sailed.

In steamship Costa Rica, for Aspinwall --
Abel, A. G., and daughter
Adams, Miss R. E.
Allen, E. T.
Arosemena, F., and servant
Arosemena, Mrs.
Aubert, G.
Bartholomew, F.
Baxter, John A.
Bazells, James
Blackwell, S. S.
Blinn, George, and wife
Borgmann, R.
Boyden, Sandford H.
Brooks, Miss E. A.
Clark, D. L.
Clark, G. E.
Cobb, S.
Cooley, G. S.
Crossman, J. H.
Damelle, D. O.
Daniels, H. F., Judge-Advocate
Desabla, E. J.
Dodge, Frank T.
Dowley, J.
Echeveria, P.
Felix, Mrs. Minnie, and infant
Ferguson, Mrs. C.
Forbes, J. M., Jr.
Forsaith, E. W.
Foss, Mrs. L. A., daughter and 2 children
Gaskell, Miss
Hall, E., and wife
Hanscom, J. O., wife and children
Hartley, Chas. T., and wife
Hickey, P. J.
Holden, S. P.
Jauracene, J. A., and 2 friends
Jessup, Emerson
Johnson, W. A. P.
Kirk, Frank
Kline, Misses Nancy and Catharine
Lapidge, Capt., and servant
Larabee, Miss E.
Law, W. L.
Mabury, H., and family
Markham, A. H.
Mauntequim, Leandro
McMonagle, Rev. J. H.
Millan, Antonio
Montgomery, E. L., and wife
Ogier, Mrs., and Miss
Paredes, A., and family
Partridge, J. R.
Patzenon (Ratzenon, Batzenon ?), Rosa
Perez, Maximo, and family
Perez, Pedro
Raggado, T.
Reece, J., and wife
Reynolds, Commander
Selby, Miss
Silsby, Mrs. E. D.
Stone, Rev. Dr. A. L.
Vincent, Mrs.
Ward, Charles N.
Waterman, O. G.
Weberling, C. (O. ?)
Welcker, Mrs., and family
Wilcox, Horace B.
and many in steerage.

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