SS Henry Chauncey
Captain Gray
Sailed from New-York City: March 10, 1866
Steamship Henry Chauncey, Gray, Aspinwall, Pacific
Mail Steamship Co.
Passengers Sailed.
In steamship Henry Chauncey, for Aspinwall --
Aughe, Samuel
Avery, Col.
Banks, J. M.
Batchelor, Benson
Batchelor, Noah
Bigelow, Mrs.
Bird, W.
Boyden, Charles
Brady, Terence
Chalmers, Geo.
Chambers, A.
Christie, Henry
Cotter, E. B.
Crowell, Hiram, and lady
Devlin, R. B.
Duncan, R., wife and family
Elliott, Simon C.
Ferris, J. R.
Franklin, A. L., and wife
Gill, Mrs. Mary J., and child and infant
Goodman, Charles
Hawley, J. S.
Hayward, Clarence B.
Henderson, Thomas
Herriman, Capt., and 4 Mates
Hueston, Geo. S.
James, John
Jarvis, Joseph
Linn, Mrs. Nancy, and children
Lyle, Peter
Lyman, D. B.
Maggie, Miss
Maloney, A. B., and wife
Marcy, Prof.
McAuley, Robert
McNaughten, David
Merriam, S.
Morgan, E. F.
Nicholson, J. B.
Peirce (Pierce ?), Mrs.
Peirce (Pierce ?), W., and son
Pendergrast, A., Lieut.-Commander
Pettingill, J. A.
Pohn, Louis
Pollard, Wm., U.S.N.
Rase, Geo. S.
Sanborn, M. W.
Skiddy, Wm., Jr.
Smith, E. E.
Smith, Mrs. Mary
Steele, James T.
Stevenson, A.
Stribley, H., and wife
Symmons, Mrs. E.
Taylor, J. Vincent
Templin, J. C.
Thompson, Asa
Treadway, Mrs.
Treist, J.
Wightman, John, and daughter
Winant, J. J.
Woods, J. T.
Woodworth, Selim
Young, H.
and the following officers with detachment of troops:
Blake, Col.
Edgar, Dr., and wife
Hale, Lt.
Keeny, Lt.
Perry, Capt.
Sumner, Col., and wife
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