California Bound by

New-York Times, March 22, 1866

SS New-York
Captain Horner
Sailed from New-York City: March 21, 1866

New-York .. Wednesday, March 21.

Steamship New-York, Horner, Aspinwall, Pacific Mail Steamship Co.

Passengers Sailed.

In steamship New-York, for Aspinwall --
Ackley, Lyman
Adams, Major, and family
Adams, W. H.
Barclay, Geo. R.
Bavattini, T.
Bogardus, C.
Bourne, W. T.
Braisted, E., and wife
Brice, Mrs.
Briggs, Mary A.
Buell, Gen. D., and wife
Bullock, A.
Burton, T. L.
Cady, G.
Chabot, A.
Conway, Mrs.
Cornstock, E., and wife
Cornstock, M. R., and brother
Davis, D. H. B.
de Lubiria, J.
Demont, J. D., wife and child
Dempster, C. J., wife and family
Downie, W. M.
Entricun, G.
Ferrari, Jos.
Ferrari, Marie
Ferroll, J. N.
Fowler, J. C.
Foy, Thomas and Martin
France, J. P., wife and 2 children
France, J., and wife
Fuller, S. M.
Garcia, D. A. (Peruvian Consul-General), wife and family
Gilman, A. A.
Girod, F.
Goodale, G. W., and friend
Gordham, Mrs., and infant
Gorman, W. B.
Graves, W. H.
Gray, Dr. W. M.
Gray, W. C.
Green, E.
Greenbury, H.
Griffin, Catharine
Hainer, Fred
Harmson, J., wife and niece
Harris, Thomas
Haskins, J. W.
Heal, E. E.
Hearsch, J., and son
Hearsch, Mrs., and 2 children
Hegeler, Herman
Henricks, John
Hester, John C., and wife
Hitchcock, Mrs. W., and child
Hixon, J. M.
Holbrook, H. C.
Holman, W. C.
Houk, A.
Hubbard, Dimon
Hume, J., and wife
Hume, Mrs. E. F.
Hunt, E. J.
Hunt, Miss A. H.
Hyman, Isaac
Johnson, Mrs., and family
Johnson, W.
Kelson, Mrs. D.
Kelsor, Christian
Knox, Theo.
Lathrop, Mrs. B. G., and daughter
Lewis, O. G.
Lincoln, Dr. O.
Lisch, Carl
Lopatke, Chenango
Luce, J. M., and wife
Luce, W. H., wife and family
Lus, Francis, and family
Maggs, I. J.
Magoli, P.
Mallory, Mary Ann
Mansir, H. C.
Mansir, W. B.
Marcus, George
Mason, A. W.
May, R., and wife
McClellan, G. W.
McCormick, W. G., and 2 brothers
McKay, Mrs. Donald
McPherson, M.
McRae, Mrs. R., and 3 children
Moore, R. D.
More, A. P.
Morehouse, W. W.
Osborne, J. J.
Perkins, S. C., and wife
Philbrick, Mrs. E., and daughter
Pollack, L.
Pool, J. Lawrence
Poole, Mrs.
Porter, G. R.
Randlett, H. A., and wife
Rhodes, Mrs. N. W.
Riley, E. J.
Rosenblatt, S., wife and family
Rowles, D.
Ryan, Mary
Safford, J. B.
Sheldon, Mark
Simmons, W. F.
Snow, H. C., and wife
Stoddard, Miss
Stoddard, Miss M. E.
Stratton, C.
Sweeney, Sarah and Sophia
Talbot, A.
Webster, J., and wife
Whitaber, H.
Wiechert, Miss
Williams, J. F., wife and family
Willis, Walter, wife and family
Wilson, Joseph, and daughter
Yorke, Mrs. E. A., and infant
Young, C. A., and wife
and 300 in steerage.

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