SS New-York
Captain Farber
Sailed from New-York City: December 31, 1866
Steamship New-York, Farber, Aspinwall, Pacific Mail Steamship Co.
Passengers Sailed.
In steamship New-York for Aspiwall and San Francisco
Almyeb, C. Ambray
Bachelder, P. J.
Bainbridge, Miss Carrie
Carrington, Miss Carrie
Coe, S. E.
Cohen, L. P., wife and child
Cohen, M. D.
Crowell, W., wife, 3 children and infant
Dade, Stephen
Darcy, Miss M. E.
Davidson, George
de Gogarza, A., wife, son, and 2 servants
DeGroot, Mrs.
Donne_le (Donnelle ?), W. M.
Douglas, Miss Libby
Elliott, Major-Gen., and servant
Etheridge, J. H.
Ezekial, Mrs. M., 3 children, 2 infants and nurse
Falkner, Q. W.
Goodale, Lieut. G. A.
Gould, E. B.
Hall, N. B.
Halter, Mr.
Hirsch, Jacob
Hirsch, Joseph
Holman, S. K.
Hopkins, C., wife and infant
Howell, Mrs. Fanny
Jordan, Mrs. A. P., 4 children and 2 nurses
Kennedy, Geo.
Leese, Jacob
Lehrferger, Mrs. S.
Lewis, Lieut.
Mast, Lieut. I. J.
McDonald, Miss Alice
Moore, Mrs. Caroline, daughter, and child
Munoz, J. M., and wife
Neill, Mrs. Harry
Newell, S.
Niles, Rev D. A.
Nitch, A. W.
O'Brien, Mrs. Julia
Purdy, Chas. H., and wife
Purdy, T. J.
Quimbey, Mrs. J. M.
Sisson, Isaac
Slack, William A.
Soria, Mrs. M. M.
Spooner, J.
Stillson, Jerome B.
Techet, Lieut. E. G.
Thompson, H. T., and wife
Togg, W. A., sister, mother and 2 children
Weeks, Miss L.
Weller, E., and wife
Wilson, J.
Woolco_ (Woolcot ?), Capt.
Young, Capt., wife and family
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