California Bound by

[New-York Times, July 12, 1867

SS Henry Chauncey
Captain Gray
Sailed from New-York City: July 11, 1867

New-York .. Thursday, 11.

Steamship Henry Chauncey, Gray, Aspinwall, Pacific Mail Steamship Co.

Passengers Sailed.

In steamship Henry Chauncey, for Aspinwall --
Abbott, Miss E. A.
Altmeyer, A., and wife
Bates, Isaac
Bell, Ensign D. N.
Bliss, Mrs. E. A.
Blume (Blurse ?), N. A.
Boone, Dr. H. W.
Boston, Joseph, and family
Britton, J.
Brown, Wm.
Brownlow, Capt.
Burns, J., and wife
Carrick, Lieut. R.
Clyner, Major D.
Cowes, Mrs.
Davis, Mrs. A. W.
Denham, Stephen, and wife
Deperrier, Mme.
Dietz, Frank
Doane, Mrs. Capt.
Dresser, Mrs. J. A.
Eldridge, S.
Ellis, Miss
Emmett, Mrs.
Falk, David, and wife
Falk, Miss Helena
Fenner, Mrs. C. C., and daughter
Fisher, Lieut., and wife
Freedley, Col. H. W.
Gale, Miss
Gray, H.
Gray, Mrs.
Hall, W. H.
Hammond, Lieut. L.
Hansen, J. A.
Hardie, D.
Hawkins, J.
Heirsch, Miss Emma
Hertz, Henry
Hetfield (Hatfield ?), Mrs. A. D., and infant
Hocking, W. P.
Homans, H. S., and family
Hopkins. W. C.
Howe, Mrs.
Hughes, Chas. G., and family
Huntington, J. O.
Jordan, L. J.
Jordan, Mrs. A., and child
Kelly, M.
Kentfield, Miss Carrie
Lamb, Mrs.
Lane, Allan W., and family
Lee, J. M.
Leeds, Mrs. M. B.
Leonard, Lieut. Ezra
Lindsley, Miss
Lord, J. L., and family
Loupe, L., and wife
Mallory, Hon. Rufus
Marvin, Chas. B.
Mayer, W. H.
McKay, Mrs., and child
Mennet, W.
Milburn, Miss
Murray (Mursay, A.
Murray, Miss Delia
Newsome, J.
Nivert, A.
Norton, Miss
Noyes, Chas. H.
Oppenheimer, Miss Clara
Parrega, Fernando
Perrine, W. J., wife and family
Pierce, G. H., and wife
Ross, John, and wife
Seagraves, Mrs.
Solomon, Solomon
Stevens, Mrs.
Stevenson, Miss
Stewart, Dan.
Tabe, Mrs. W. P.
Trafton, C.
Vallarino, Juan, and family
Van Rensselaer, P. S.
Walton, H. G.
Warren, W. O.
Wheelock, L. B.
Whisted, E., and wife
Willich, Mrs., and daughter
Wilson, Mrs.
and many in second cabin and steerage.

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