SS Henry Chauncey
Captain Gray
Sailed from New-York City: September 11, 1867
Steamship Henry Chauncey, Gray, Aspinwall, Pacific Mail Steamship Co.
Passengers Sailed.
In steamship Henry Chauncey, for Aspinwall --
Abbott, W. D. D.
Adams, L. S., and wife
Adams, P., wife and 2 daughters
Adams, Samuel
Allen, Capt. W. H.
Alman, Miss
Ames, Norman
Auspacher, A.
Balton, B.
Brown, Thomas, wife and 2 daughters and family
Cail, W.
Carpenter, L.
Caryl, Mrs. A. W.
Chandler, W. D.
Chisholm, James
Clark, Fessenden
Coe, Miss R. A.
Curanza, B.
Cusick, Geo.
Cusick, Michael
d'Aub, Leudwig
Deal, C. N.
Dellatorre, C.
Devlin, James
Douglass, Miss Emma
Downie, Mrs.
Fawcett, Mr.
Gamble, Mrs. A. J., and 2 children
Gutierrez, Miss
Gwin, Dr. W. M.
Haas, Mrs., and child
Hansell, Michael, and wife
Harwood, Thos.
Heneken (Hencken ?), Chas., wife and infant
Herzo, John
Herzo, Mrs., and daughter
Hill (Hilt ?), Amos C.
Hillard, H. S.
Hilton, G. A.
Hoelcher, A., wife, 2 nurses and family
Holmes, E.
Hoshstadter, A.
Hudson, Wm.
Hunt, Mrs.
Hunt, Oliver
Hunter, C.
Hutchinson, A. E.
Hyde, J. D.
Hyman, M.
Ingraham, Isaac
Isaacs, Wm.
James, O. S.
Jones, Winfield S.
Klumpke, Mrs., and 4 children
Lanas, J. F.
Lane, Mrs.
Lawson, Andrew
Leyde, Mrs. L.
Lopez, J. A., and wife
Lopez, J. M.
Lyman, Mrs. D. B.
Martin, S. P.
Mason, Marcus
McClellan, Mr., and wife
McLane, Hector
Merritt, Mrs. S. A.
Michi, G. B.
Morehouse, F. B.
Nelson, G. A.
Nugent, John
Packard, A.
Payne, Capt. J. Taylor
Pearson, Mrs. R. M., and infant
Pease, John H.
Pesiera, Mrs. M. Y.
Piedrahita, J.
Pollock, Mrs., and child
Porter, Thos.
Power, C. B., and wife
Price, Joseph
Price, Miss Caroline
Pumpelly, G. B.
Ramsay, Andrew
Reeve, V. C.
Rice, F. W., and daughter
Richards, A. C., and wife
Rickard, J. G.
Ring, J. C., wife, nurse, child and servants
Salgar, Gen. E.
Schmidt, Miss Cornella
Selig, S., and wife
Sellers (Seilers ?), R.
Serrano, Mrs., sister and 2 children
Smith, J. S.
Smith, James S., wife and infant
Smith, Mrs. M. S.
Terry, J. S., and wife
Tucker, A. E., and wife
Underwood, Walter
Warner, Chas.
Williams, Frank, P.M.S.S.Co.
and a large number in second cabin and steerage.
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