SS Rising Star
Captain Conner
Sailed from New-York City: September 21, 1867
Steamship Rising Star, Conner, Aspinwall, Pacific Mail Steamship Co.
Passengers Sailed.
In steamship Rising Star, for Aspinwall, &c. --
For Japan and China:
Cook, J. P., wife and child
Cray, Mrs. H. N.
Hare, David J., and A. J.
Holmes, S. A.
Holwell, E. T.
Hunt, T., and wife
Hunt, Thomas F.
Johnson, Mrs. G. C.
Newton, Mrs.
Todd, Rev. E. S., and wife
Treat, Dr. A. N.
Waring, Miss Susan E.
Warren, W., and wife
Wiegert, Paul
For California:
_ymond (Rymond, Dymond ?), J.
Aubury, E., and son
Baich (Saich, Daich ?), Mrs. J. W.
Barney, J. W.
Barston, Jos.
Bearan, Miss Fanny
Beck, Mrs. B.
Belmfaute, E.
Bowen, Mark
Calkins, Miss
Carrillo, Manuel G.
Chase, Miss
Coler, Peter
Conlon, Emil
Cowell, J. D.
Dana, Mrs. Geo.
Daniels, Lieut.
Dennis, Emma, and child
Dennis, Ira., and wife
Dennis, John
Depeyster, Nicholas
Dewey, A., and 2 sons
Ferrero, A., and wife
Floyd, M. D.
Ford, E. B.
Fouratt, Miss Kate
Fraser, Capt. D. R.
Friend, Herman
Fulton, Mrs. S. M.
Gardner, John H.
Gassen, Chas.
Gladding, Wm. B.
Gleason, Mrs., and infant
Gould, C. W.
Gould, Mrs. A. S., and sister
Gracier, Miss
Graham, J., wife and child
Gregory, H., wife and infant
Haniott, Miss Isabella
Harman, Mrs. Eunice
Hartmann, Isaac
Hewett, H.
Hewett, Miss
Hines, Rees C.
Hughes, Mrs., and 5 children
Hunes (Hines ?), J. N.
Huntington, Rev. Mrs. L. A., and 4 children
Hyde, Wm.
Ingersoll, W. E.
Isaacs, W. H., and wife
Johamming, L., wife and child
Johnson, Miss Emily
Kelly, Rev. Mr.
Kimduck, Mrs., mother and niece
Knox, Miss Emma
Knox, Thos. S.
Little, Mrs.
Lyons, E., Jr.
Macombe (Macombs ?), Mrs. G., and child
Mannell, A. W., and wife
Mass, W. H.
McCloud, Miss
Mighell, Mrs., and son
Morse, Adolphus
Moss, H. N.
Norris, Major
Outwater, J. D.
Peet, Lieut., U.S.V.
Pierce, Capt. A. W.
Randall, O.
Rea, Chas. J.
Roach, E.
Roach, Mrs. A.
Schreiber, C., wife and child
Selina, Mrs.
Smith, Mrs. R., and child
Spaulding, Z. L.
Sternberg, Miss Jennie
Warren, H. M.
Webster, Miss S. C.
Wheeler, Mrs. H. S., and daughter
Williams, Miss S.
Winter, W. H.
Witley, Mrs.
and a large number in second cabin and steerage.
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