SS Ocean Queen
Captain King
Sailed from New-York City: June 16, 1868
Steamship Ocean Queen, King, Aspinwall, Pacific Mail Steamship Co.
Passengers Sailed.
In steamship Ocean Queen, for Aspinwall --
For Aspinwall:
Abarris, Mr., wife, friend, nurse, and 5 children
Chambers, Mrs., and child
Cobb, Thos.
Cooke, Master
Jeffries, Wm.
McFarren, Miss
Medina, C., wife, infant and nurse
Pind, P.
Popo, Jaun (Juan ?)
Reth (Keth ?), H. M.
Robinson, M. S.
Stevenson, George
Waldman, Geo.
Wallace, Rev. T. T., wife and 3 children
Wisevian, W.
For California:
Abel, A. Y., and daughter
Albert, G.
Allen, Rev. G. B., wife and 4 children
Annis, Misses Mary and Julia
Ausillas, M.
Austin, E. C.
Austin, Miss Louisa
Babcock, Mrs. J. D.
Baggs, Mrs. George
Baldwin, A. H., and wife
Beamer, J. M., and wife
Beck, H. H.
Belknap, D. P., wife and children
Blumfield, E., wife and 4 children
Boden, Mrs. J. R.
Brackett, A., wife and child
Bradley, Dr., wife 3 children and servant
Brown, E., wife and child
Brown, John B.
Browning, Capt.
Buff, L.
Burkhalder, E. R.
Burner, John D., wife and 2 children
Burnett, Geo. E.
Caltan, Capt.
Cartena, F. L.
Case, Mrs. C. A.
Cashman, W. F., and wife
Chapin, Major
Christ, O.
Cohn, Rev. Dr., wife and 3 children
Collins, Miss Irene
Conway, Mrs., and daughter
Cook, Geo.
Cotton, Geo. E.
Crocker, M. D., and wife
Crow, C., wife and child
Crow, H., wife and 2 children
Daley, Mrs. E., and child
Daniels, Mrs. A., and 3 children
Davis, W. S.
Dickinson, R. H., and son
Draper, Mrs. James P.
Duane, W., wife and child
Ellis, Mrs. Frank
Ferner, C. G., and wife
Fitz Hugh, Mrs.
Freid, Adolph
Furlong, Mrs.
Garland, J. C., and daughter
Garratt, J. W., and wife
Gates, Mrs. A. C., and daughter
Gladding, W. B.
Glazier, Isaac, wife and niece
Green, George D.
Greene, Sidney A.
Groaty, E.
Gump, S.
Gunst, L.
Hamlin, C. J.
Hannon, Miss Fanny E.
Harper, Miss C. A.
Harris, Miss C.
Hausman, H.
Heald, Miss Nellie
Hely, George, wife and 3 children
Hely, H.
Hollahan, T. J.
Houghton, T. T., wife, 4 children, and nurse
Jenkins, L. C.
Jerome, Arnold
Johnston, Miss L.
Jones, J., and wife
Jones, Mrs.
Julien, T. V.
Kaibel, C., wife and 2 children
Lamier, W. B.
Landers, Mrs. R., and 4 children
Landers, Richard, and child
Lewis, Mrs. John G., and 2 children
Leyth (Levth ?), Mrs.
Louis, P. M.
Lowe, Miss C.
Magary, J. E.
Marcus, A.
Marshall, Mrs., and 3 children
McDonald, Miss Helen A.
McGiffin, James
Mills, Mrs. S., children and infant
Minturn, Jonas
Moore, J. B.
Moore, S. C.
Morrille, W. H. D.
Mortee, Miss
Muller, A.
Olmsted, Mrs., and child
Olsen, John
Payne, John M., wife and child
Peele, B. L., wife, 2 daughters and 2 children
Peterson, Mrs., and child
Pipkin, H. S., wife, 2 children and infant
Pipkin, S. W., wife, daughter and child
Pond, James L.
Quiby, W., wife and child
Radcliffe, S. A.
Randall, John M.
Reed, Mrs.
Rice, R. R.
Robbins, Mrs. W. M., and child
Robinson, E. T.
Rogers, Mrs. J. R., and child
Rudd, C. G., and wife
Sandford, Col.
Sarle, R. A.
Schley, Capt.
Searn, R. B., and wife
Seely, Mrs. C. B.
Sheehan, W.
Smith, W. C.
Spencer, A. R.
Spencer, Richard
Stevens, Miss M.
Stevens, Mrs. L.
Taylor, Mrs. O. H.
Thagode, Misses Rebecca and Dorothea
Theobald, Mrs., and child
Todd, Jno. A., wife and child
Traynor, P.
Tucker, W. J.
Varney, Miss Mary
Vickery, W. H.
Wade, Capt., wife and servant
Walker, C., and wife
Ware, W. H.
Webber, Fred. E.
Williams, S. M., and wife
Wittgenstern, L.
Woods, Miss, and brother
Woods, Mrs., daughter and 4 children
Wright, John H.
Wright, Mrs. A. D.
Wright, W. H.
and a large number in second cabin, also detachment U.
S. soldiers.
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