California Bound by

New-York Times, May 2, 1869

SS Arizona
Captain (not published)
Sailed from New-York City: May 1, 1869

New-York .. Saturday, May 1.

Steamship Arizona, for Aspinwall and San Francisco.

Passengers Sailed.

In steamship Arizona, for Aspiwall --
Arragon, Manuel
Backus, Mrs.
Baker, Mrs. M., and child
Banley, W. Cole
Barry, Miss
Berry, Mrs. W. O'M.
Brandt, Mrs. M.
Bruce, Oliver
Bushnell, Mrs. W. A.
Cahill, J. P.
Case, J. W., wife and 2 children
Cavrick, Hugh
Clement, R. H., wife and infant
Clifford, Mrs. H. K., and 3 children
Crooker, C., and wife
Dale, Lieutenant W. C.
Delgado, L.
Dickens, Miss
Dimond, Mrs. Hugh
Donnelly, James A.
Erzgraberdght, , Mrs., and niece
Fenton, Mrs. Ellen E.
Fitzsimmons, Mrs.
Game, C.
Gifford, W.
Grant, T. P., and wife
Gregory, Benjamin
Hall, J. P.
Harmond, T., wife and child
Hawes, U. B., and wife
Haynie, W., wife and child
Henry, Miss Nellie
Hinshelwood, Mrs.
Hought, Mrs. George E., and 2 children
Hoymen, Mrs. R. L., and child
Hunt, Jonathan
Jacobs, B. F.
Jones, Rev. J. P.
Kaffa, C.
Keeler, J.
Keith, Mr.
Killman, C., 2 infants, wife and nurse
King, Miss, child and nurse
Kuhl, Alexander,
Kutze, Francisco, and wife
Lane, Mrs. M. B.
Lielcke, W.
Long, Dr. O'M., wife and daughter
Long, Mrs. G. H.
Lysander, Mrs.
Maro, T. P.
Martin, Mrs. Russill
Mcourn, Mrs. S. H.
Miller, Mrs. C. A.
Moore, Mrs. Thos. B.
Morris, W., and wife
Morris, Walter J.
Muggs, J. G., wife and 2 children
Nelson, H. G.
Nye, A., and wife
O'Reilly, J. J.
Patrick, Mrs. M. E.
Paxson, W.
Phister, A., and wife
Place, Mrs. J. F., and infant
Quincy, E. G.
Richmond, Mrs. M. C.
Rogers, Mrs. D., and 3 children
Rohde, James, and wife
Root, J., wife, 3 children, infant and nurse
Rorhman, Philip, and wife
Schurz, E., son, wife and daughter
Scott, Mrs.
Simon, J.
Swan, Mrs. Benjamin, Jr., and children
Thorne, Mrs. M., and children
Van Antwerp, Mrs.
Van Deusen, Miss Cornelia
Venable, Mrs. Mary A.
Wedmer, Fritz
Wilson, H., wife and infant
Woods, Mrs., and 3 daughters
Youmy, A.

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