California Bound by

New-York Times, August 21, 1870

SS Arizona
Captain Gray
Sailed from New-York City: August 20, 1870

New-York ... Saturday, Aug. 20.

Steamship Arizona, Gray, Aspinwall, Pacific Mail Steam-ship Co.

Passengers Sailed.

In steam-ship Arizona, for Aspinwall --
Adler, Alberto
Alvarado, J. M.
Astley, Mary
Betts, Peter, wife and 4 children
Botsford, Mrs. B. F.
Breen, Cath., and 2 children
Bustamente, M.
Bustamente, Mr.
Bustamente, W.
Ceballor, M.
Cleveland, H. R.
David, Maria
Diaz, M.
Dippery, Joel, wife, 3 daughters and son
Donahoe, Jas., wife and 2 children
Fosati, M.
Fotherth, A. K.
Garity, P. and J.
Gereau, Mrs. H. B.
German, Gen.
Guzman, Dr. David J.
Gygax, A.
Hustado, Mr., and family
Imbaldi, Alex.
Imbaldi, Julio
Jewett, C. S.
Jones, A. B.
Kennedy, Jas.
Kraemer, Miss Marian
Learned, Mrs. Kate E., and 2 children
Leon, Mrs., and 3 children
Leslie, A., and wife
Littlefield, H. H.
Lukes, Henry, wife and 3 children
Martinez, F.
Maynardier, G. B.
McClure, Miss Jennie
McDougall, W. J., and wife
Medina, J.
Monell, A., Jr.
Nathan, H.
Pellygrove, I. W., wife, niece, nephew and child
Ratcliff, Henry
Seely, W. G.
Spigorax, M.
Stance, Jno.
Steinbergh, Miss Kate
Stewart, John
Swan, W. H.
Thompson, J. A.
Urioste, Z.
Valle, A.
Warren, F. J., and wife
Werner, Frederic

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