SS Henry Chauncey
Captain Gray
Sailed from New-York City: November 12, 1872
Steamship Henry Chauncey, Gray, Aspinwall, Pacific Mail Steam-ship Co.
Passengers Sailed.
In steam-ship Henry Chauncey, for San Francisco --
Benjamin, D. T., and wife
Blakeman, F. T.
Campan, T. S.
Clark, F. W.
Clark, Mrs. J. H., nurse and infant
Clift, Geo. H.
Froar, R. B.
Goldsmith, W. F., wife and 2 daughters
Hart, Mrs., and daughter
Hutchins, W. G.
Janvier, A. E.
Kimball, W. W.
Martin, Jas., and wife
Mosher, W. H.
Munro, H.
Ore, Henry
Pearce, Mrs., and child
Phillips, E. W.
Pike, H. L.
Smith, A. G.
Stowe, B.
Sutherland, Mrs., and infant
Valentine, Mrs.
Welsh, C. P.
White, John P.
Wingate, C. J., and child, Wilfred
Wood, Clarence E.
Way Passengers --
Betke, G. W.
Brooks, Mrs. James
Byers, John, and wife
Clanerey (?), F. J.
Davis, L.
Echeverria, J. A.
Guardia, Miguel
Guier, Dr. G.
Hollister, Clark
Magee, J.
Murray, H. D.
Murray, John
Savilla, Jose
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