San Mateo County Genealogy
1870 Federal Census
San Mateo County, California
Page 409B, Sixth Township, Post Office Half Moon Bay
Dwelling # Family # Surname Given Name Age Sex Race Occupation Birth Place
1 1 HOPKINS Mortimer D. 31 m w Farmer  Mich
      Alice 21  Keeping House Mich
      Henry C. 27  Farmer  Mich 
    BISWELL James 50 m w Hunter England
2 2 SMITH James T. 65 m w Farmer England 
    BISWELL Joseph 50 m w Hunter England
3 3 KEEIFER George F. 35 m w Farmer Va
      Mary 17 f w Keeping House Cal
      Sarah 1/12th f w At Home Cal
4 4 MA[SC?]O Hoza 40 m w Laborer Mexico 
5 5 BELL James W. 42 m w Farmer Ireland
      Jane 40 f w Keeping House Ireland
      George 17 m w At Home Cal
      William 15 m w At Home Cal
      Frank B. 13 m w At Home Cal
      Emma 12 f w At Home Cal
      Richard 11 m w At Home Cal
      Mary 9 f w At Home Cal
      Martha 6 f w At Home Cal
    LOGGIN David 24 m w Farm Laborer Ireland 
    SMITH John 30 m w Farm Laborer Mass
    ORTES Domingo 26 m w Farm Laborer Spain
6 6 REDFIELD Oliver T. 30 m w School Teacher N.Y.
      Phoebe J. 22 f w Keeping House N.Y.
      John A. 3 m w At Home N.Y.
7 7 WATKINS George 58 m w Farmer England 
      Anna 60 f w Keeping House England
    WHITE John 28 m w Lumberman Canada
      Anna 24 f w At Home England
    WATKINS George 26 m w At Home England
9 8 TEMPLETON Horatio M. 30 m w Lumber Clerk Vt
      Phobe E. 28 f w Keeping House Vt
10 9 EMERSON Mark 39 m w Lumberman Ohio
    FILLISON Joseph 35 m w Lumberman N.Y.
    REED William 31 m w Lumberman Ma
      Mary 32 f w Keeping House Ireland
      Rella 8 f w At Home Cal
    STAFFORD John 31 m w Lumberman Canada

Note:  Another page numbered 409 is listed as the "Fifth Township" and supposedly enumerates residents at the Post Office of Half Moon Bay.  [See 409A]
A third page numbered 409 is listed as the "Sixth Township" and enumerates residents at the Post Office of Pescadero. [See 409C]

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last updated: 6 May 2004