San Francisco Genealogy

Source: 60 Years of the Past Presidents Assn. of The Native Sons of The Golden West, 1900 - 1960
by Peter Thomas Conmy, San Francisco, California, 1959.
Thank you to Cindy (Storm) Andress for transcribing this material.

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Assembly No. 13.  The instituting officers were Arthur J. Cleu, Governor General; James F. Stanley, Past Governor General; Louis F. Erb, Lieutenant General; Richard M. Hamb, Marshal General; Frank Harrison, Sentinel General; and Ray B. Felton, Acting Secretary-Treasurer General.  The charter officers were: Governor, R. H. Flowers; Junior Past Governor, Len Yocom; 1st Vice Governor, A. W. McDonald; 2nd Vice Governor, R. E. Byard; Secretary, C. H. Rasmussen; Treasurer, E. L. Spellenberg; Marshal, R. A. Timmons; Sentinel, W. H. Braghetti; Trustees, Louis Carr, David Wood and S. J. Damon.  This assembly started with thirty-two charter members.  A year later it had thirty-six members.  A review of the Secretary-Treasurer General’s ledger indicates that throughout its short life Humboldt Assembly promptly met its obligations to the General Assembly.  Under date of October 22, 1932, a letter was sent from Humboldt Assembly to John T. Regan, Secretary-Treasurer General advising that at a recent meeting the members had instructed their secretary to write him asking information on how to disorganize.  The letter in part stated,

 The main reason for this action is the lack of interest in the association
 by its membership and consequently it is not functioning for the advancement
 of the Order.  We have endeavored to bring out the membership by different
 methods but the result has been discouraging for those who have endeavored
 to carry on.  It was felt at our meeting that it would be better to disband rather
 than have a dead organization.

On October 27, 1932, the Secretary-Treasurer replied to this letter urging that the assembly not disband but work at their problem further.  His advise apparently was taken; the assembly continued in existence for three years, but in the end found itself unable to achieve its goals.  It was dissolved by the General Assembly on October 19, 1935.

Arrowhead Assembly No. 14.  The failure of Southern Counties Assembly No. 4 to affiliate with the General Assembly, and its ultimate passing out of existence led to the demand for a branch of the Past Presidents Association in the southern portion of California.  In this movement the impetus came from a group of past presidents of Arrowhead Parlor No. 110 of San Bernardino, and spearheaded by Hon. Donald E. Van Luven, Grand Trustee of the Grand Parlor and Police Judge of the city of San Bernardino.  Arrowhead Assembly No. 14 was instituted in San Bernardino on June 23, 1934 by Governor General Frank Roemer, assisted by James F. Stanley, Director General.  The charter officers were Governor, Donald E. Van Luven; Junior Past Governor, Herman Taylor; 1st Vice Governor, Ben Harrison; 2nd Vice Governor, Dwight L. Bryant; 3rd Vice Governor, Chas. N. Frost; Recording Secretary, R. W. Brazelton; Financial Secretary, M. G. Hale; Treasurer, John Anderson; Marshal, Walter E. Hiskey; Inside Sentinel, William D. Kier; Outside Sentinel, Frank D. Keller; Trustees, Joseph E. Rich, Emery B. Taylor and Albert A. Burcham.  This assembly began with twenty-nine charter members.  Among them is noted John Andreson whose name appears on the list of original members of the first assembly in San Francisco in 1900.  One of the charter officers was Hon. Ben Harrison, then United States Attorney, and now United States District Judge for the Southern District of California.

Arrowhead Assembly No. 14 has prospered with the years.  One June 21, 1959, it celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of its institution, having the largest membership and the richest treasury of any assembly in the association.  Arrowhead Assembly functions according to a pattern of its own.  Meetings are held as some point in Southern California every sixty days.  The gatherings are always on a Sunday.  The members bring their wives and assemble for a dinner at 1:30 P.M.  This type of meeting has proved most successful.

Peninsula Assembly No. 15.  The year 1937 found a movement for an assembly which would attract the past presidents of the parlors of San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties.  Therefore a new assembly, Peninsula No. 15 was instituted in Mountain View on October 4, 1937, the instituting officers were Milton O. Peterson, Acting Governor General; Frank Roemer, Past Governor General; John T. Regan, Secretary-Treasurer General and Raymond O’ Neil, Acting Marshal General.   This assembly had a charter roll of thirty-three past presidents.  The first officers were Governor, Columbus Baldo; 1st Vice Governor, Edwin Holmquist; 2nd Vice Governor, Arthur M. Free; 3rd Vice Governor, George McDonald; Secretary C. A. Antonioli; Treasurer, Dr. M. S. Kneass; Marshal, Philip Bozzo; Inside Sentinel, L. G. Randall; Outside Sentinel, Walter Lairing; Junior Past Governor, Harold Sambac; and Trustees, Harry Hansen, John Sullivan and Alphonse S. Laager.  Among the names of the charter members are noted that of Hon. Arthur M. Free, former District Attorney of Santa Clara County and for many years Representative in Congress; Hon. Leonard Avilla, District Attorney and later Superior Judge of Santa Clara County, and Hon. Wayne R. Millington, Grand President 1943-44 and now Superior Judge of San Mateo County.

As was explained above in connection with Santa Clara County Assembly No. 2, Peninsula Assembly declined during the war years, but fortunately as kept alive by a few loyal past presidents of Redwood Parlor No. 55 of Redwood City.  The problem was critical after 1950, and the Secretary-Treasurer General consulted with the leaders all of whom had been his friends of many years standing.  These men, Eugene Cark, Alphonse Laager and Wayne Millington gave assurance that they would see the assembly through, but doubted the wisdom of including Santa Clara County presidents.  It was after this discussion that the Secretary-Treasurer General Conceived the idea of reviving for Santa Clara County the old Assembly No. 2.  After several preliminary meetings, Peninsula Assembly No. 15 officially was re-organized by Secretary-Treasurer General Conmy on January 14, 1954.  Joseph Oeschger was elected Governor.  Past Presidents of the other parlors of the county, namely, Seaside of Half Moon Bay, Pebble Beach of Pescadero and El Camino of Burlingame, affiliated.  On June 30, 1954, the membership was forty.  One June 30, 1958, it was fifty-seven.   This assembly holds monthly a dinner meeting at some point in San Mateo County.

Contra Costa Assembly No. 16.  On July 7, 1959, Governor General Rueter instituted Contra Costa Assembly No. 16.  The growth of the Order in Contra Costa County led to the formation of this assembly.  The growth of the Order has resulted in the existence of the following parlors: Antioch No. 32; Mt. Diablo No. 101 of Martinez; Byron No. 170, Carquinez No. 205 of Crockett; Richmond No. 217, Concord No. 245 and Walnut Creek No. 315.  This assembly was instituted in the Hall of Richmond Parlor No. 217 in Richmond, and that parlor hosted the visiting past presidents at a dinner before the ceremonies.  The initiatory work was rendered by the team from San Francisco Assembly No. 1 consisting of Paul Curien, Governor; William Mancuseo, 1st Vice Governor; Paul Gordon, 2nd Vice Governor; James Bailey, 3rd Vice Governor; Charles Knabenshuh, Junior Past Governor; Armen M. Nishkian, Marshal; and Charles Y. Stanley, Inside Sentinel, Al C. Weber, Organist General, officiated at the piano.

The assembly was instituted by Dr. Kenneth Rueter, Governor General; Peter T. Conmy, Secretary-Treasurer General; Armen M. Nishkian, Past Governor General and William Mancuso, Marshal General.  Paul Curien, Deputy Governor General, installed the following officers for the new assembly: Robert E. Gemetti, Governor; C. A. Ricks, junior Past Governor; Arch M. DeSoto, 1st Vice Governor; Norman Fratzsche, 2nd Vice Governor; John Crowley, 3rd Vice Governor; James Olsson, Secretary-Treasurer; T. Burke Woodward, Marshal; Thomas C. Hough, Inside Sentinel; Ray Haagensen, Outside Sentinel; Louis R. Grenorio, S. Paul Treglia and Edwin Truxell, Trustees.

The following dignitaries were present, Dr. Kenneth Rueter, Governor General; Edwin E. Huston, Lieutenant Governor General; Milton Eisenhart, Director General; Peter T. Conmy, Secretary-Treasurer General; William Mancuso, Marshal General; Earl Arbuckle, Trustee General; James Bailey, Trustee General; Fred Gomes, Trustee General; Philip Bozzo, Trustee General; Milton O. Peterson, Harold B. Farley, Armen M. Nishkian and William Wood, Past Governor Generals; Frank S. Christy, Grand Trustee; Al C. Weber, Organist General; and, Elbert Bidwell, Paul Curien, James Gemetti, Paul Gordon, Stanley Hall and Charles Y. Stanley, Deputy Governor Generals.

The fact that Contra Costa County can support an assembly of the Past Presidents Association is itself an indication of the great forward steps that Native Sonism has taken in that county in recent years.  The writer can recall the situation a score of years ago when the Order was dormant in that county.  In 1940 when the Grand Parlor was meeting in Bakersfield the matter of taking the charter General Winn Parlor No. 32 of Antioch was considered but on representations made by Past Grand President Dodge action was postponed.  General Winn No. 32 was ready for dissolution, but Mt. Diablo of Martinez, Carquinez of Crockett and Byron, the other parlors were not in good condition.  As a matter of act, the charter of General Winn Parlor was taken in 1946.  Then came a strong revival.  Byron, Carquinez and Mt. Diablo Parlors began initiating.

[photographs of the following gentlemen:]

James J. Stanley
Governor General
Henry E. Faure
Past Governor General
James G. Beaty
Governor General
Joseph W. Gannong
Governor General

On December 18, 1848, Grand President Bailey instituted Antioch Parlor No. 32.  On March 23, 1950, Grand President Conmy instituted Richmond Parlor No. 217, and on December 14, 1953, Grand President Wilkins instituted Walnut Creek Parlor No. 315.  Finally on November 2, 1958, Grand President Shone instituted Concord Parlor No. 245.  In the meantime, Richmond Parlor No. 217 has built itself up to a membership of three hundred fifty.  It is expected that Contra Costa Assembly No. 16 will give further strength to the advance of Native Sonism in Contra Costa County.


The honor of becoming the first Governor General of the Past Presidents’ Association was given to James A. Stanley who had done much to expand the association and to bring about the formation of a parent body.  James Faull Stanley was born in Sutter Creek, Amador County, March 27, 1872.  He joined the Santa Rosa Parlor No. 28 on March 17, 1898, and transferred to Stanford Parlor No. 76, July 30, 1908.  He was one of the original members of the association organized in San Francisco in 1900.  A past Governor of San Francisco Assembly, he was active in extension work as Deputy Governor.  When the General Assembly was organized he was elected head and complete authority during the first year was delegated to him, evidence of the confidence imposed on him on the one hand, and of his ability on the other.  He presided over the first session held in San Francisco in 1921 and was re-elected for a second term, officiating again at the second session in San Francisco, on September 30, 1922.  There after he served many years as Director General.  James F. Stanley died in San Francisco, on January 24, 1948, the association’s most esteemed senior member.

To complete the filling of the chairs at the first General Assembly, Henry E. Faure of San Francisco Assembly No. 1 was elected junior Past Governor General and thus won for himself rank as a Past Governor General.  He was a wise selection.  A founding member of the association in 1900, he had served for many years as Financial Secretary, and as Governor in 1909-10.  Henry E. Faure was born in Sonoma, February 13, 1862 and joined Pacific Parlor No. 10 on February 3, 1884.  His wife, the lat Inge Peterson Faure, was at one time Grand Treasurer of the Native Daughters of the Golden West, while their son, Victor C. Faure, is also a Past President of Pacific Parlor and a Past Governor of San Francisco Assembly.

James Golden Beaty of East Bay Assembly No. 3 was the second Governor General serving 1922-23.  He was born in Yuba City on August 24, 1858 and in January 1883 joined Sunrise Parlor No. 34 of Moore’s Station, Butte County.  Later he was a member of Marysville No. 6, and moving to Berkeley affiliated with Berkeley No. 210 on August 24, 1905.  He died May 4, 1936.
Ray Begley Felton also of East Bay Assembly No. 3 was the third Governor General.  He was a member of Fruitvale Parlor No. 252 of Oakland in which he was for a long time a very active member.  He lost his membership in the Past Presidents Association on December 29, 1933,

[photographs of the following gentlemen:]

James P. Cronin
Governor General
Thomas C. Conmy
Governor General
Leolin T. Sinnott
Governor General
Claude J. Fredricks
Governor General

when his membership in the parent order was severed.  He passed away several years ago.

The fourth Governor General was Virgil Louis Orengo who served 1924-25.  He was born in Jenny Lind, Calaveras County, November 16, 1877 and joined Rincon Parlor No. 72 of San Francisco in 1899.  For many years he was Financial Secretary-Treasurer of San Francisco Assembly No. 1.  For two decades he was steward of the Grizzly Bear Club which flourished in Native Sons Building in San Francisco.  Between 1921 and l958 he sat in thirty-six sessions of the General Assembly.  On March 30, 1959, he received the final summons and took his place in the General Assembly on High.

The fifth Governor General was a native of San Jose.  Joseph Wentworth Gannong was born there on May 13, 1878 and joined San Jose Parlor No. 22 June 3, 1900.  He was one of the founders of San Jose Assembly No. 2 and after its dissolution affiliated with San Francisco Assembly No. 1.  He died June 9, 1940.

James Peter Cronin of Fruitvale Parlor No. 252 and East Bay Assembly No. 3 became Governor General on October 16, 1926.  He was a native of San Francisco, born August 13, 1874.  Two months before the expiration of his term he resigned and, therefore, did not reside at the 1927 session; and under these circumstances he did not become automatically a Past Governor General.  In 1939, however, when the General Assembly met in Oroville this honor was conferred upon him.  He died May 5, 1946.

The seventh Governor General was one of the original members of the association in 1900, its Recording Secretary for a long time and Governor in 1914.  Thomas Cherry Conmy was born in Weaverville, Trinity County, January 14, 1855.  He joined Golden Gate Parlor No. 29 of San Francisco when it was instituted May 2, 1884 and was its Financial Secretary 1884-1887, Recording Secretary 1887-90, and President 1893.  As Lieutenant Governor General he completed James P. Cronin’s term and presided in Stockton in 1927, and his own term culminating in San Francisco on October 13, 1928.  He died in San Francisco, May 30, 1933.

Leolin Thomas Sinnott, the eighth Governor General, was born in Gibsonville, Yuba County, April 23, 1886 and joined Argonaut Parlor No. 8 of Oroville, November 24, 1907.  Later he was a member of Marysville No. 6, and Sunset No. 25 of Sacramento.  He is now a member of Auburn Parlor No. 59.  He became a member of the Past Presidents Association upon the institution of Fred H. Greely Assembly No. 6, and was its first Governor.  He served as a Marshal General 1925-26, Director General 1927-27, Lieutenant Governor General 1927-28, and Governor General 1928-29.

From the membership of San Joaquin Assembly No. 7 came the ninth Governor General, Claude James Frerichs.  He was born in Tracy, July 2, 1896 and joined Tracy Parlor No. 186 on July 21, 1914.  He served as Governor General 1929-30.  He was ill for many years prior to his death and this prevented his active participation in Native Son affairs.  He died July 16, 1945.

[photographs of the following gentlemen:]

Louis F. Erb
Governor General

James J. Longshore
Governor General

Frank Roemer
Governor General

Frank Harrison
Governor General

The tenth Governor General, Arthur J. Cleu, was a resident of Oakland and a Past President of Fruitvale Parlor No. 252.  His Past President’s affiliation was East Bay Assembly No. 3.  In addition to his term as Governor General, Arthur Cleu served the Grand Parlor as Grand Outside Sentinel 1927-28, Grand Inside Sentinel 1928-29 and Grand Marshal 1929-30.  He served his membership in the parent order in 1934 and this ipso facto removed him from the Past Presidents Association.

Louis F. Erb, the eleventh Governor General, was born in San Francisco, November 25, 1882, and at age 19 joined Alcalde Parlor No. 154 in that City.  On March 4, 1937, that parlor consolidated with El Dorado No. 52 and that in turn with Stanford No. 76 on October 26, 1943 and he was a member of this parlor at the time of his death on December 16, 1950.  He was Grand Marshal 1908-09.  By Grand President Skillin he was appointed to the Transportation and Mileage Committee in 1935, and by Grand President Meyer to the Laws of Subordinates in 1937.  He served a three-year term on the Finance Committee under appointment by Grand President Lyon in 1940, and to an unexpired term of one year by Grand President Wayne Millington in 1943.  Grand President Walter Odemar in 1947 appointed him to the Laws of Subordinates, and in 1948 Grand President Baily gave him a three-year term on the Finance Committee, which he did not complete because of his death on December 16, 1950.  He had served also as a State Assemblyman from San Francisco.

The twelfth Governor General, James Junior Longshore, popularly known as “June” is a native of Sacramento.  He joined Sacramento Parlor No. 3 on March 11, 1922, and started his trek through the chairs almost immediately.  He founded General Sutter Assembly No. 10 in 1929 and was its first Governor.  He served as Governor General 1932-33.  He activity and capability has been recognized by several Grand Presidents.  In 1935-36, and 1937-38, he served on the Board of Appeals by appointments from Grand Presidents Harmon Skillin and Eldred L. Meyer.  In 1940 Grand President Lyon appointed him to a three-year term on the Board of Control.  Grand President McCarthy appointed him to the Finance Committee in 1945, and by Grand President Wilkins he was given a three-year term on the Finance Committee in 1953.

Frank Roemer, who on October 21, 1933, succeeded June Longshore as Governor General, is a native of Oakland.  He joined Piedmont Parlor No. 120, March 22, 1923, and East Bay Assembly No. 3 on July 1, 1928.  At once he became a most interested member, and he felt that the Past Presidents should be a clearing house for Native Son affairs in the county.  He began his ascent through the chairs of the General Assembly in 1930 when he was elected Guard General, serving as Governor General 1933-34.  After being a Past Governor General fourteen years, Frank Roemer served two terms, 1948-49, and 1949-50 as Director General.

The fourteenth Governor General, Wilbur Frank Harrison is a native of St. Helena, and on February 19, 1930, he became a member of Napa-Solano Assembly No. 11 on the occasion of its institution.  He

[photographs of the following gentlemen:]

Richard L. P. Bigelow
Governor General
Albert W.
Governor General
Milton O. Peterson
Governor General

Frank W. Boyle
Governor General

was its charter Second Vice Governor and served as Governor 1931-32.  Frank Harrison was elected Sentinel General in 1930 and was advanced annually, serving as Governor General 1934-35.  Upon the dissolution of Napa-Solano Assembly in 1942 he transferred his membership to San Francisco Assembly No. 1, as he was then and still is a resident of that city, but he retains his parent order affiliation in St. Helena Parlor No. 53.

Richard L. P. Bigelow who was installed on October 19, 1935, was the fifteenth Governor General.  He was born in Oakland on April 3, 1874, but as an adult settled in Nevada City where he was employed by the government in the forest service.  He was initiated in Hydraulic Parlor No. 56 of Nevada City on February 27, 1917, and later in Fred H. Greely Assembly No. 6.  He died in Nevada City on January 31, 1948.

The next man to hold the highest office in the Association was Albert W. Katzenstein.  The sixteenth Governor General, he was born in Sacramento, July26, 1874 and joined Sutter Fort Parlor No. 241 of that city May 1, 1908, the date of its institution.  He joined General John A. Sutter Assembly after its organization in 1929.  He presided at the seventeenth session of the General Assembly held in Sacramento December 30, 1948.

The seventeenth Governor General, Milton Oscar Peterson, is a native of Oakland.  On March 29, 1927, he became a member of Athens Parlor No. 195, and thereafter when that parlor consolidated with Piedmont No. 120, March 9, 1944, he transferred his membership with the parlor.  On March 7, 1952, he transferred from Piedmont No. 120 to Fruitvale No. 252 of which he is now a member.   He joined East Bay Assembly No. 3, October 23, 1933 and in 1937 was its Governor.  He was elected Governor General in 1937, presiding over the eighteenth session held in Oakland, his native city, October 15, 1938.

The honor of becoming the eighteenth Governor General belongs to Frank Washington Boyle of Oroville.  He was born there and joined Argonaut Parlor No. 8, January 18, 1917.  Later he affiliated with Fred H. Greely Assembly No. 6 .  In 1936 he was elected Marshal General, Lieutenant Governor General in 1937, and Governor General in 1938, presiding in his native Oroville, October 21, 1939.  His wife, Mrs. Florence Danforth Boyle, is a Past Grand President of the Native Daughters of the Golden West.  By appointment from Grand President Power, Frank Boyle served on the board of Appeals 1946-47, and by appointment from Grand President Shone as Grand Historian 1958-59.

Walter Ellsworth Hiskey, who served as Governor General, 1939-40, was born in Santa Ana, Orange County.  On March 27, 1926, he became a member of Santa Ana Parlor No. 265, which parlor now is known as Santa Ana No. 74.  A few years later he affiliated with Arrowhead Assembly No. 14 and in 1936-36 was its Governor.  Walter Hiskey has served the Grand Parlor as well as the General Assembly.  He was Grand Inside Sentinel, 1946-47, and Grand Marshal 1947-48 serving as such during the term of Grand President Walter H. Odemar.

[photographs of the following gentlemen:]

Walter E. Hiskey
Governor General

Leland J. Sterling
Governor General

Joseph G. Fitzhenry
Governor General

Armen Nishkian
Governor General

Subsequently he served two terms on the Laws of Subordinates Committee, 1948-49, under appointment by Grand President Bailey, and 1954-55, under appointment by Grand President Stuart.

The twentieth Governor General was a beloved Native Son from Oakland, “Lee” Sterling.  He joined the Order November 21, 1907 in Old Bay View Parlor No. 238.  This parlor, originally established for West Oakland on January 23, 1927, consolidated with Fruitvale Parlor No. 252.  He joined East Bay Assembly No. 3 on February 5, 1925.  Leland Joseph Sterling was born in Truckee, November 10, 1882.  He died in Oakland August 7, 1942.

The next Governor General, the twenty-first, was Joseph Gordon Fitzhenry.  A native of Kennett, Shasta County, he became a member of Sacramento Parlor No. 3, January 9, 1930.  After serving as president of his parlor, he affiliated with General John A. Sutter Assembly No. 10, and in 1933 was elected Sentinel General.  He was advanced annually until 1941 when he was elected Governor General, serving the 1941-42, term.

Fitzhenry’s successor, Armen M. Nishkian, has a great record as a Native Son.  He was born in Fresno but moved to San Francisco where he joined California Parlor No.1, November 8, 1923.  He became a member of San Francisco Assembly No. 1 on February 1, 1930, and was Governor in 1938.  He served as Guard General 1939-40, Marshal General 1940-4l, Lieutenant Governor General 1941-42, and Governor General 1942-43.  The record does not end here.  He served as a Grand Trustee of the Grand Parlor for three years 1948-51. Under appointment by Grand President Halsing he was a member of the Laws of Subordinates Committee 1955-56, and by Grand President Peraca was appointed to the Board of Appeals 1956-57.

Harold Blaisdell Farley was the twenty-third Governor General.  He was born in Oakland and on January 10, 1913 joined Athens Parlor No. 195 of that city and on April 5, 1919 became a member of East Bay Assembly No. 3, of which he became Governor in 1936.  When on March 9, 1944 Athens Parlor consolidated with Piedmont No. 120, he became a member of the latter, but on March 7, 1952 transferred to Fruitvale Parlor No. 252 of which he is now a member.  In 1939 he was started through the chairs of the General Assembly and reached Governor General in 1943, presiding in Oakland, his native city, on October 21, 1944.

The twenty-fourth Governor General, Donald Earl Van Luven, is a Native of Santa Monica.  He joined Arrowhead Parlor No. 110 of San Bernardino March 10, 1920.  Serving as President in 1929 he believed that the Past Presidents’ Association should be reactivated in Southern California and brought about the institution of Arrowhead Assembly No. 14 on June 23, 1934.  He served as Trustee General 1934-40, as a chair officer 1940-44 when he became Governor General, presiding at Crestline in 1945.  He also has rendered long and valuable service to the Grand Parlor.  He was a Grand Trustee 1934-37, a member of the Board of Appeals 1937-4l under annual appointments from Grand Presidents Meyer, McShane, Miller and Lyon.  Grand President Schnarr

[photographs of the following gentlemen:]

Harold B. Farley
Governor General

Donald E. Van Luven
Governor General

Guy A. Foulks
Governor General

George Prytz
Governor General

gave him a two year appointment on the Finance Committee, 1941-43, and Grand President Wayne Millington gave him a three year appointment to the Board of Control.  A three year term on the Finance Committee followed by appointment from Grand President Power.  In 1953 Grand President Wilkins gave him a year’s appointment on the Laws of Subordinates, Grand President Stuart in 1954 appointed him to the Finance Committee for three years, and in 1957 this by Grand President Lafleur was renewed for another three years ending in 1960.

Guy George Foulks, Governor General in 1945-46, was born in Elk Grove, Sacramento County and became a member of Elk Grove Parlor No.41 on November 9, 1906.  HE was a member of the old Sacramento County Past Presidents’ Association which did not affiliate with the General Assembly.  Thereafter he joined General John A. Sutter Assembly No. 10.  In 1941 he was elected a Trustee General serving as such until 1944 when he was advanced to Lieutenant Governor General, becoming Governor General for the 1945-46 term, and presiding in Sacramento on October 19, 1946.  In 1947 under appointment from Grand President Odemar, he served on the Laws of Subordinates Committee.  Grand Presidents Bailey and Wilkins favored him with three-year appointments to the Board of Control, covering the years 1948–51 and 1953-56, respectively.

George Thomas Prytz, the twenty-sixth Governor General, was born in Crockett, Contra Costa County, and on November 16, 1927, became a member of Carquinez Parlor No. 205 there.  On February 27, 1930 he transferred to Piedmont Parlor No. 120 of Oakland.  On February 26, 1934, he joined East Bay Assembly No. 3 and was Governor thereof in 1938.  In 1942 he started his tour of the General Assembly chairs, serving as Governor General 1946-47 and presiding in Oakland on October 18th of the latter year.

Lewis A. Giegerich of Pacific Parlor No. 10 and San Francisco Assembly No. 1 became the twenty-seventh Governor General.  Born in Los Angeles, he joined his parlor in San Francisco on June 17, 1924, and his assembly several years later, serving as Governor in 1946.  In 1945 he was elected Marshal General, advanced to Lieutenant Governor General in 1946 and served as a Governor General 1947-48.  He served as a Grand Trustee 1947-1950 and by Grand President Wrenn was appointed to the Transportation and Mileage Committee 1950-51 serving again as a Grand Trustee 1951-52.

Governor General Lester Ashworth was born in Eureka but lines in San Leandro where on April 20, 1909 he joined Estudillo Parlor No. 223.  On October 15, 1923, he became a member of East Bay Assembly No. 3, of which twenty years later in 1943 he was Governor.  In 1944 the General Assembly started him through the chairs by electing him Sentinel General, and he advanced annually becoming Governor General in 1948 and presiding in Oakland on October 17, 1949.

The twenty-ninth Governor General, Elmer Hoien, was born in San Bernardino and on March 19, 1930 became a member of Arrowhead Parlor No. 110.  Later he joined Arrowhead Assembly and was its Governor in 1946.  In 1945 he was elected Sentinel General and after four years in lower offices became Governor General in 1949 presiding at Crestline, October 21, 1950.


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