San Francisco Genealogy

Source: 60 Years of the Past Presidents Assn. of The Native Sons of The Golden West, 1900 - 1960
by Peter Thomas Conmy, San Francisco, California, 1959.
Thank you to Cindy (Storm) Andress for transcribing this material.

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William Joseph Keane, thirtieth Governor General is a native of San Francisco, where on May 11, 1920, je joined Castro Parlor No. 232.  In 1945 he was Governor os San Francisco Assembly No. 1, and in 1947 was elected to go through the chairs of the General Assembly becoming Governor General in 1950 and presiding in his native city on October 20, 1951.

Harvey Blodgett, thirty-first Governor General was born in Elk Creek, Colusa County, August 25, 1888.  He joined Sunset Parlor No9. 26, April 2, 1917, and transferred to Elk Grove No. 41, March 29, 1935.  He presided over the thirty-second session of the General Assembly in Sacramento on October 18, 1952 and long will be remembered for his generosity in entertaining all past president and their ladies at a barbeque the following day on his ranch near Elk Grove.  His death was unexpected, coming as the result of a tragic accident while hunting in Nevada.  This was on October 25, 1954.

Dr. John Anthony Schwamm is a native of Los Angeles and on December 19, 1913, joined Ramona Parlor No. 109 of which his father, Anton Schwamm, of happy and revered memory was a charter member.  In 1949, having taken up his residence in Long Beach, he transferred his membership to Long Beach Parlor No. 278.  In 1950 he was governor of Arrowhead Assembly No. 14.  In 1948 he was elected a Trustee General, Sentinel General, in 1949, Marshal General in 1950, Lieutenant Governor General in 1951, and Governor General in 1952, presiding in Long Beach on October 17, 1953. By Grand President Odemar he was appointed to the Transportation and Mileage Committee for the 1947-48 term.

Earl Leon Covey, the thirty-third Governor General, was born in Forestville, Sonoma County but is a member of Quartz Parlor No. 58 of Grass Valley which he joined on December 16, 1940.  A few years later, he affiliated with Fred H. Greely Assembly No. 6, and was its Governor in 1949.  In 1950 he was elected Guard General and advanced annually until in 1953 became Governor General presiding in Grass Valley on October 16, 1954.  He served as Grand Outside Sentinel 1950-51, and Grand Inside Sentinel 1951-52, when by the Board of Grand Officers he was elected Grand Marshal serving as such until May, 1953.

John Joseph Lewis who served as Governor General 1954-55 is a native of San Pedro.  He was raised in San Francisco and while still a student at Mission High School on August 12, 1936, joined Twin Peaks Parlor No. 214, transferring to National Parlor No. 118 on June 23, 1949.  After serving as President of Twin Peaks Parlor No. 118 on June 23, 1949.  After serving as President of Twin Peaks Parlor, he became a member of San Francisco Assembly No. 1 of which he was Governor in 1944.  His first General Assembly office was Trustee General 1949-50.  Thereafter he started through the chairs reaching the Governor General’s station in 1954.  In 1958 he was elected a Grand Trustee and re-elected for the term expiring in May, 1960.

[photographs of the following gentlemen:]

Harvey Blodgett
Governor General

Dr. John A. Schwamm
Governor General

Earl Covey
Governor General

John J. Lewis
Governor General

[photograph of the following gentlemen:]

Past Governor General Virgil Orengo (1924-25) is standing at the extreme right of this picture taken at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Washington on May 3, 1953, when  Grand President Pellandini presented colors there.

[photographs of the following gentlemen:]

William H. Wood
Governor General

James B. Ray
Governor General

Henry C. Storti
Governor General

John T. Regan
Grand Secretary 1921-1953
Secretary-Treasurer General

The next Governor General was William Henry Wood.  He was born in Oakland, but lives in Sacramento where he became a member of Sunset Parlor No. 26 on November 2, 1936.  After serving as President of his Parlor, he became a member of General Sutter Assembly No. 10 and was Governor in 1950.  In the following year he was elected Sentinel General advancing annually until in 1955 he became Governor General, presiding in Sacramento on October 10, 1956.  Under appointment by Grand President Wilkins, he served on the Transportation and Mileage Committee 1953-54.

The thirty-sixth Governor General was James R. Ray.  He was born in Long Beach, and on October 3, 1945, affiliated with Long Beach Parlor No. 278.  Later he joined Arrowhead Assembly No. 14, and was its Governor in 1953.  In that year he was elected Sentinel General and advanced each year until in 1956 he became Governor General presiding in Long Beach on October 5, 1957.

Henry Celeste Storti, the thirty-seventh Governor General, was born in San Francisco.  After service in World War I on April 14, 1919, he joined Presidio Parlor No. 194 of which parlor he was president in 1924.  He was initiated in San Francisco Assembly No. 1 in 1940 during the writer’s term as Governor.  In 1950 he was elected a Trustee General and after four terms was started through the chairs, becoming Governor General in 1957 and presiding in San Francisco on October 19, 1958.  He had been Governor of San Francisco Assembly No. 1 in 1943 and under appointment by Grand President Conmy served a three-year term on the Board of Control, 1949-52.

Dr. Kenneth Kibby Rueter, now Governor General and the thirty-eighth holder of the office, was born in Merced.  On December 21, 1943, he became a member of Castro Parlor No. 232 of San Francisco.  Re-moving to Roseville, Placer County, on January 24, 1952, he transferred his membership to Roseville Parlor No. 233, and when that parlor went out of existence, he affiliated with Auburn NO. 59 on June 30, 1956.  Dr. Rueter was initiated  at the General Assembly in Sacramento in 1952 for Fred H. Greely Assembly No. 6.  In 1953 he was selected a Trustee General and re-elected in 1954.  In 1955 he was elected Sentinel General, Marshal General in 1956, Lieutenant Governor General in 1959, and Governor General in l958.  Grand President Wilkinsin in 1953 appointed him to the Board of Appeals.  Dr. Rueter’s father I. H. Rueter, has been for many years a member of the Order.  Originally a member of Merced Parlor No. 24, he now is affiliated with Auburn No. 59.  He was Grand Outside Sentinel 1919-1920, Grand Inside Sentinel 1920-1921, Grand Marshal 1921-1922.  In 1926-27 he served as a Grand Trustee.  He, too, is a member of Fred H. Greely Assembly No. 6.


There have been two Secretary-Treasurer Generals, John T. Regan, who served 1921-1950 and Peter T. Conmy, incumbent, who has served since 1950.

John T. Regan was born in San Francisco on November 11, 1880.  Born and raised in that section of the city known as Bay View, but in early decades as Butchertown, he attended the Burnett Primary School, Bay View Grammar School, and High School of Commerce.  On August 16, 1899, he became a member of South San Francisco Parlor No. 157 and was its president in 1903.  On January 27, 1906, he joined the Past Presidents’ Association in San Francisco.  He became active in the affairs of the Order and in 1919 Grand President Caubu appointed him to a three year term on the Finance Committee.  In 1921 he was elected Grand Secretuary and served as such until his retirement on May 21, 1953.  His health had broken during 1952-53.  In 1947 he resigned as Recording Secretary of South San Francisco Parlor after forty years of service, and in 1949 announced that he would retire as Secretuary General at the expiration of his term in October 1950.  On that occasion he was made Secretary-Treasurer General Emeritus.  One of the high-lights of the writer’s term as Grand President was that memorable occasion November 9, 1949, when he presented at a crowded meeting of South San Francisco Parlor, the venerable Grand Secretary his fifty year emblem as a member of the Order.

John T. Regan was a man of the greatest integrity.  Of complete honesty he also was fearless of expression.  The order and the association in particular benefitted by retaining such a man in office.  He gave his all that the efficiency of his office might be high, and that the Native Sons of the Golden West might prosper.

John T. Regan died in San Francisco, January 18, 1958.

Peter Thomas Conmy, who in 1950 succeeded John T. Regan as Secretary-Treasurer General, is a native of San Francisco. His father, Thomas C. Conmy, was one of the founders of the Past Presidents’ Association in 1900, and the seventh Governor General.  Peter T. Conmy joined Golden Gate Parlor No. 29 of San Francisco on July 14, 1930 and transferred to Presidio Parlor No. 194 of that city on March 26, 1934.  He was President of Presidio Parlor during the first half of 1937 and joined San Francisco Assembly on August 6th of that year.  Presidio Parlor sent him as a delegate to the Grand Parlor Sessions in 1935-1936 and 1937.  In that year, by Grand President Meyer, he was appointed Grand Historian, reappointed in 1938 by Grand President McShane; in 1939 by Grand President Miller; in 1940 by Grand President Lyon; in 1941 by Grand President Schnarr; in 1942 by Grand President Cosgrove and in 1943 by Grand President Millington.  He was elected a Grand Trustee in 1944, and re-elected in 1945.  In 1946 he became Grand Third Vice President; in 1947, Grand Second Vice President; in 1948 Grand First Vice President; and in 1949 at Sonora was installed as Grand President, presiding in Chico in 1950, after which he became one of the Past Grand Presidents of the Order.  On September 8, 1953, the Board of Grand Officers authorized Grand President Wilkins to appoint him Director of Historical Research.  In 1954 Grand President Stuart appointed him Grand Historian.  In 1955 the office of Director of Historical Research was created by the Grand Parlor and  to this he was appointed by Grand President Halsing; re-appointed in 1956 by Grand President Peracca; in 1957 by Grand President Lafleur; in 1958 by Grand President Shone, and in 1959 by Grand president Schmolle.  He was Governor of San Francisco Assembly in 1940.  Commencing in 1937 and through 1945 he was a delegate to the General Assembly annually from San Francisco Assembly No. 1, and commencing in 1946 sat as an ex officio member.  He was elected Secretary-Treasurer General in 1950 and annually has been re-elected since.


Robert W. Brazelton, who served as Director General 1950-1958, was made a permanent member of the General Assembly, with the rank and title of Past Governor General.  He was born in San Bernardino and joined Arrowhead Parlor No. 110 of that city, July 2, 1902.  He was president of the parlor, during 1906-1907 (two six-month terms). In 1934 he was one of the organizers of Arrowhead Assembly No. 14, and has served as its secretary since.  Active in the affairs of the Grand Parlor by Grand President Conmy, he was named chairman of the Finance Committee for the 73rd Session in 1956.  Under appointment by Grand President Stuart, he served as chairman of Public Speaking 1954-55, and Grand President Halsin appointed him to a three-year term on the Board of Control 1955-1958.


The Past Grand Presidents of the Native Sons of the Golden West have an association of their own which has no official connection with the Past Presidents’ Association.  Since the latter was formed in 1900, however, practically ass Past Grand Presidents have affiliated with it and since 1943 have been accorded membership in the General Assembly.   Among the original members of the association in 1900 were the following Past Grand Presidents: John H. Grady (1882-83), Albert F. Jones (1883-83), John A. Steinbach (1884-85), Charles W. Decker (1886-87), Justice Charles H., Garoute (1887-88), John T. Greany (1893-94), Robert M. Fitzgerald (1891-92), Frank H. Dunne (1895-96), and George D. Clark (1897-98).   Among the original members are noted, also, the names of the Grand President Frank Mattison (1899-1900), are the following who in the future were destined to become Grand Presidents, Lewis F. Byngton (1902-03), Hubert R. McNoble (1903-04),
Charles E. McLaughlin (1904-05), James L. Gallagher (1905-06), Maurice T. Dooling (1907-08), Charles M. Belshaw (1908-09), Joseph R. Knowland (1909-10), Daniel A. Ryan (1910-11), Thomas Monahan (1913-14), and Fletcher A. Cutler (1925-26).  Practically all Past Grand Presidents since 1900 have belonged to the Past Presidents’ Association, and the writer knows of only one case where a Past Grand President had not served as President of a subordinate parlor.  As a matter of fact, at this writing all Past Grand Presidents are members of a subordinate assembly.

The Past Grand Presidents’ Association consists of all living Past Grand Presidents.  The presiding officer is the Senior Past Grand President who bear the title of Dean.  Frank J. Higgins was the Dean until his death on June 3, 1889.  Thereafter John H. Grady was Dean for a

[photograph of the following gentlemen:]

Robert W. Brazelton
Director General

Edwin E. Huston
Lieutenant Governor General

William Mancuso
Marshal General

Arthur Lasher
Trustee General

period of forty-three years until his death on January 19, 1931.  Fred H. Greely Served until August 28, 1934, and Frank H. Dunne from that date until June 17, 1941.  He was succeeded by William M. Conley who presided for thirteen years.  Upon his death on March 7, 1954, the present Dean, Joseph R. Knowland, succeeded.


The year 1959 will close the sixth decade of the existence of the Past Presidents’ Association.  As it enters its seventh, it does so with the largest membership in its history.  It is prepared to function in the future as in the past, ready to do all things for the welfare of the state and of the parent Order.  In such endeavors and with this purpose, it can and will accomplish a great deal of good.  As the occasion of its sixtieth anniversary approaches, there is in each assembly a re-dedication to the eternal principals on which the parent order is founded, principles that have endured and will endure throughout all of the vicissitudes of an otherwise changing world.


Charles M. Craig
Supervising Deputy Governor General

[photograph of the following gentlemen:]

Earle C. Arbuckle
Trustee General

James Bailey
Trustee General

Cyril Davis
Trustee General

Philip H. Bozzo
Trustee General


Complete List of General Officers 1921-1959
(This includes Deputy Governor Generals since 1954)

Alvarez, Adam Daniel (1)     Colford, John P. (6)
Trustee General 1922-24     Lower offices, 1927-30
Arbuckle, Earl (6)      Colgan, Wesley (9)
Trustee General 1955-      Guard 1929-30
Ashworth, Lester J. (3)     Conmy, Peter T. (1)
Lower offices 1944-48      Secretary-Treasurer General 1950-
Governor General 1948-49     Conmy, Thomas C. (1)
Bacigalupi, George F. (3)     Lieutenant Governor General
Sentinel General 1926-27     1926-27
Bailey, James A. (1)      Governor General 1927-28
Trustee General 1958-      Covey, Earl L. (6)
Baldwin, Edward Everett (14)    Lower offices 1950-53
Sentinel General 1937-38     Governor General 1953-54
Guard General 1938-39     Coyle, Joseph P. (14)
Barmby, Irving (16)      Lower offices 1942-45
Deputy Governor General 1956-57    Craig, Charles M. (1)
Bava, Henry (16)      Deputy Governor General 1954-
Deputy Governor General 1956-58    Cronin, James P. (3)
Beaty, James G. (3)      Director General 1923-25
Lower office 1921-22      Governor General 1926-27
Governor General 1922-23     Curien, Paul (1)
Bender, Emil K. (1)      Deputy Governor General 1958-
Sentinel and Guard 1921-23     Davis, Cyril A. (3)
Bernstein, Sidney (1)      Trustee General 1958-
Guard and Marshal 1923-25     DeLa Rosa, Herbert (1)
Bidwell, Elbert (7)      Lower offices 1924-29
Deputy Governor General 1958-    Delay, Peter J. (6)
Bigelow, Richard L.P. (6)     Trustee General 1936-37
Lower office 1931-35      Dethlefsen, George A. (8)
Governor General 1935-36     Trustee General 1925-28
Blodgett, Harvey (10)      Dunlap, William (3)
Lower office 1948-51      Guard 1924-25
Governor General 1951-52     Dupont, Harold T. (1)
Boerner, Walter (14)      Sentinel General 1922-23
Deputy Governor General 1955-58    Eisenhart, Milton A. (14)

Bouque, Howard S. (10)     Director General 1958-59
Deputy Governor General 1954-55    Erb, Louis F. (1)
Boyle, Frank W. (6)      Lower offices 1927-31
Lower office 1936-38      Governor General 1931-32
Governor General 1938-39     Farley, Harold B. (3)
Bozzo, Philip H. (15)      Lower offices 1939-43
Trustee General 1958      Governor General 1943-44
Brazelton, Robert W. (14)     Faure, Henry E. (1)
Director General 1950-58     Past Governor General 1921
Burcham, Lloyd (14)      Felton, Ray B. (3)
Trustee General 1955-56     Lower offices 1921-23
Caveney, Hubert J. (1)      Governor General 1923-24
Lower offices 1932-35      Ferrari, Albert F. (5)
Cerqui, Eugene (14)      Deputy Governor General 1958-59
Lower offices 1946-50      Ferron, Louis P. (10)
Cleese, Edward E. (3)      Deputy Governor General 1955-
Trustee General 1950-5l     Fitzhenry, Joseph G. (10)
Cleu, Arthur J. (30)      Lower offices 1938-41
Lower offices 1927-1930     Governor General 1941-42
Governor General 1930-31     Foulks, Guy G. (10)
Cohn, Newman (5)      Lower offices 1941-45
Trustee General 1921-22     Governor General 1945-46

[photograph of the following gentlemen:]

Al C. Weber
Organist General

Gary G. Lynes
Sentinel General

Fred Gomez
Sentinel General

Paul Gordon
District Deputy Governor General
(no date)

Freitas, Law T. (7)      Lasher, Arthur (14)
Trustee General 1937-40     Trustee General 1958-
Frerich, Claude J. (7)      Lavelle, Marcus Michael (1)
Lower offices 1927-29      Trustee General 1924-25
Governor General 1929-30     Lewis, John J. (1)
Ganong, Joseph (2)      Lower offices 1949-54
Lower offices 1923-25      Governor General 1954-55
Governor General 1925-26     Longshore, James J. (10)
Gemetti, James (10)      Lower offices 1929-32
Deputy Governor General 1958-    Governor General 1932-33
Gibson, William K. (14)     Lynes, Gary G. (14)
Deputy Governor General 1958-    Lower offices 1957-
Giegerich, Lewis A. (1)     Magee, Earl W. (14)
Lower offices 1945-47      Trustee General 1954-55
Governor General 1947-48     Mancuso, William (1)
Gomez, Fred (7)       Lower offices 1954-
Lower offices 1954-      Mayrhofer, Dewey (1)
Gordon, Paul (1)       Deputy Governor General 1955-
Deputy Governor General 1958-    Mazza, Walter (5)
Gudehus, Adolph (1)      Deputy Governor General 1957-58
Lower offices 1923-24; 1930-32    Mazzini, Achilles Joseph (1)
Haas, John B. (14)      Sentinel and Guard 1925-27
Trustee General 1951-53     Meinert, Nicholas Joseph (3)
Hadlen, Stanley (3)      Trustee General 1923-25
Sentinel 1934-35      Miller, George (10)
         Deputy Governor General 1955-56
Hall, Stanley A. (3)
Trustee General 1951-52     Millington, Seth (6)
Deputy Governor General 1954-    Trustee General 1947-48
Hamb, Richard M. (3)      Monte, D. Frank (5)
Trustee General 1933-35     Deputy Governor General 1954-55
Harrison, Frank (11)      Moreno, Conrad A. (3)
Lower offices 1930-34      Trustee General 19566-58
Governor General 1934-35     McEnerney, Charles L. (1)
Hawley, William E. (1)     Lt. Governor General 1925-26
Deputy Governor General 1954-    Nishkian, Armen M. (1)
Hecht, Arthur B. (5)      Lower offices 1939-42
Trustee General 1953-58     Governor General 1942-43
Hermann, Harry (7)      Oeschger, Joseph (5)
Trustee General 1928-31     Deputy Governor General 1954-55
Hiskey, Walter E. (14)      Ohman, Oscar (3)
Lower offices 1935-39      Trustee General 1952-53
Governor General 1939-40     Orengo, Ben A. (1)
Hoien, Elmer (14)      Lower offices 1924-28
Lower offices 1945-49      Orengo, Virgil L. (1)
Governor General 1949-50     Lower offices 1921-24
Humburg, Phil J. (6)      Governor General 1924-25
Trustee General 1940-47     Peterson, Milton O. (3)
Huston, Edwin (10)      Lower offices 1935-37
Lower offices 1954-      Governor General 1937-38
Katen, William (2)      Prior, Frank (10)
Sentinel General 1923-24     Trustee General 1945-51
Katzenstein, Albert (1)      Pryor, Gus (3)
Lower offices 1933-36      Deputy Governor General 1955-56
Governor General 1936-37     Prytz, George T. (3)
Keane, William J. (1)      Lower offices 1942-46
Lower offices 1947-50      Governor General 1946-47
Governor General 1950-51     Ray, James R. (14)
Kirk, Samuel I. (14)      Lower offices 1953-56
Deputy Governor General 1954-55    Governor General 1956-57
Label, Monroe (5)      Reese, Edward E. (10)
Trustee General 1932-34     Trustee General 1940-41

[photograph of the following gentlemen:]

Stanley A. Hall
District Deputy Governor General

Charles Y. Stanley
District Deputy Governor General

Dewey Mayrhoffer
District Deputy Governor General

William Hawley
District Deputy Governor General

Regan, John T. (1)      Stanley, James F. (1)
Secretuary-Treasurer General 1921-50   Governor General 1920-22
Rueter, Kenneth K. (6)      Director General 1922-48
Lower offices 1953-58      Sterling, Lee J. (3)
Governor General 1958-59     Lower offices 1928-30; 1935-39
Robin, Arthur (3)      Governor General 1939-40
Lower offices 1952-56      Storti, Henry C. (1)
Roemer, Frank (3)      Lower offices 1959-57
Lower offices 1930-33      Governor General 1957-58
Governor General 1933-34     Strong, Wesley A. (7)
Director General 1948-50     Lower offices 1931-36
Rominger, Virgil (10)      Thompson, Charles A. (2)
Deputy Governor General 1954-55    Trustee General 1921-23
Satterwhite, John (14)      Tracey, Joseph E. (1)
Trustee General 1956-58     Trustee General 1935-37
Schmidt, Albert H. (1)      Traeger, William I. (4)
Lower offices 1941-45      Trustee General 1921-23
Schwamm, John A. (14)     Turner, A. J. (7)
Lower offices 1948-52      Trustee General 1925-27
Governor General 1952-53     Van Luven, Donald E. (14)
Shipley, George F. (14)     Lower offices 1934-1944
Deputy Governor General 1954-57    Governor General 1944-45
Silveira, George (5)      Weber, Al C. (3)
Deputy Governor General 1956-57    Organist General 1934-
Sinnott, Leolin T. (6)      Wilhelm, Frank (1)
Lower offices 1925-28      Sentinel and Guard 1931-33
Governor General 1928-29     Wood, William H. (10)
Smith, Frank P. (3)      Lower offices 1951-55
Trustee General 1937-50     Governor General 1955-56
Stanley, Charles Y. (1)
Deputy Governor General 1954-

[photograph of the following gentlemen:]

Elbert Bidwell
District Deputy Governor General

William K. Gibson
District Deputy Governor General

Paul Curien
District Deputy Governor General

James Gemetti
Deputy Governor General


Sessions - General Assembly

Past Presidents’ Association, N.S.G.W.


1  August 21, 1921  San Francisco  James F. Stanley (a)
2  September 30, 1922 San Francisco  James F. Stanley (a)
3  October 27, 1923 Oakland   James G. Beatty
4  October 18, 1924 San Jose   Ray B. Felton
5  October 17, 1925 Oakland   Virgil L. Orengo
6  October 16, 1926 Marysville   Joseph W. Gannong
7  October 17, 1927 Stockton   Thomas C. Conmy (b)
8   October 13, 1928 San Francisco  Thomas C. Conmy
9  October 19, 1929 Grass Valley  Leolin T. Sinnott
10  October 18, 1930 Tracy   Claude J. Frerichs
11  October 17, 1931 Napa    Arthur J. Cleu
12  October 17, 1932 Sacramento  Louis F. Erb
13  October 21, 1933 Oakland   June J. Longshore
14  October 30, 1934 Marysville   Frank Roemer
15  October 19, 1935 San Francisco  Frank Harrison
16  October 17, 1936 Nevada City  Richard L. P. Bigelo
17  October 16, 1937 Sacramento  Albert W. Katzenstein
18  October 15, 1938 Oakland   Milton O. Peterson
19  October 21, 1939 Oroville   Frank B. Boyle
20  October 19, 1940 Crestline   Walter E. Hiskey
21  October 18, 1941 Sonoma   Lee J. Sterling
22  October 17, 1942 Sacramento  Joseph G. Fitzhenry ©
23  October 16, 1943 San Francisco  Armen Nishkian
24  October 21, 1944 Oakland   Harold B. Farley
25  October 20, 1945 Crestline   Donald E. Van Luven
26  October 19, 1946 Sacramento  Guy G. Foulks
27  October 18, 1947 Oakland   George Prytz
28  October 16, 1948 San Francisco  Lewis A. Giegerich
29  October 17, 1949 Oakland   Lester J. Ashworth
30  October 21, 1950 Crestline   Elmer Hoien
31  October 20, 1951 San Francisco  William Keane
32  October 18, 1952 Sacramento  Harvey Blodgett
33  October 17, 1953 Long Beach  Dr. John A. Schwamm
34  October 16, 1954 Grass Valley  Earl Covey
35  October 15, 1955 San Francisco  John J. Lewis
36  October 20, 1956 Sacramento  William H. Wood
37  October 5, 1957  Long Beach  James R. Ray
38  October 18, 1958 San Francisco  Henry C. Storti (d)

(a) Henry E. Faure of San Francisco Assembly No. L served as Junior Past Governor General at the First and Second Sessions of the General Assembly.  He, therefore, automatically became the first Past Governor General.

(b) During the year 1926-27, Governor General James Cronin of East Bay Assembly No. 3, resigned.  Thomas C Conmy, therefore, presided as Acting Governor General by virtue of the successive rights of his own office of Lieutenant Governor General.  At the 19th Session of the General Assembly held in Oroville on October 21, 1939, the honors of Past Governor General were given to James Cronin by formal resolution unanimously adopted.

© As Governor General Fitzhenry was absent due to war work as a Federal official, Lt. Governor Armen M. Mishkian, presided.
(d) At this session (1958) Robert W. Brazelton, retiring as Director General, was made a permanent member of the General Assembly with the rank of Past Governor General.


General Officers 1958-59

Governor General..................................................Dr. Kenneth Rueter (6)
Lt. Governor General...................................................Edwin Huston (10)
Director General ................................................ Milton A. Eisenhart(14)
Secretary-Treasurer General.......................................Peter T. Conmy ( 1)
Marshal General ....................................................William Mancuso ( 1)
Guard General ............................................................Gary G. Lynes (14)

Sentinel General .............................................................Fred Gomez (7)
Organist General ............................................................Al C. Weber (3)
Trustee Generals.............................................................Earl Arbuckle (6)
            James A. Bailey (1)
                     Philip H. Bozzo (15)
                     Cyril A. Davis (3)
              Arthur Lasher (14)


Supervising Deputy    To Assembly No. 7
Charles M. Craig (1)    James Gemetti (10)
To Assembly No. 1    To Assembly No. 9
Stanley A. Hall (3)    Albert F. Ferrari (5)
To Assembly No. 2    To Assembly No. 10
William Hawley (1)    Elbert Bidwell (7)
To Assembly No. 3    To Assembly No. 14
Dewey Mayrohoffer (1)   William K. Gibson (14)
To Assembly No. 5    To Assembly No. 15
Paul Gordon (1)     Chas. Y. Stanley (1)
To Assembly No. 6    To Assembly No. 16
Louis Ferron (10)    Paul Curien (1)

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