San Francisco Genealogy
City and County Federation of Women's Clubs
San Francisco 1918 - 1920
Reports of the
Recording Secretary
and Auditor
Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant

Reports of the Recording Secretary and Auditor

Report of the Recording Secretary
Mrs. Lillie George BRANN

The City and County Federation of Women's Clubs of San Francisco has come to the end of its second term, consisting of the two years presided over by our beloved president, Dr. Cora SUTTON CASTLE - two happy, busy years, full of splendid achievements and wonderful plans for the future. There have been fourteen Executive Board meetings, with an average attendant of forty, and five all-day conventions with an average attendance of three hundred and fifty. The average attendance of officers, delegates and alternates has been one hundred and seventy-five.  At each convention, talks and lectures have been given by men and women well qualified to speak on various topics of the day. Music has been furnished by the Music Department; demonstrations of "becoming a citizen" and "fire prevention" have been given by the Bureau of Naturalization and the Fire Department, respectively.

Resolutions presented to and endorsed by the convention are as follows:

The League of Nations.
Six months pay for honorably discharged American Soldiers.
The Child Labor Bill.
Early passage of the National Suffrage Amendment.
Measures for the relief of Armenia and Syria.
Plan for making it possible to purchase certified milk in pint bottles.
Plan of the Social Service Department to open a Home for Working Girls.
The School Garden Army.
The Consumers' Cooperative League of San Francisco.
Free text books for foreigners in the Public Schools.
Provision for the issuance of distinctive certificates of United States
Citizenship to the wives and children of naturalized citizens.
Plan to provide a playground at the Beach.
Increase of teachers' salaries.
Dispensary to supply necessary drugs to narcotic addicts.
All Press measures that redound to the public good.
The restoration of the Old Missions.
A resolution of thanks to Governor Stephens for convening the
Legislature of California in Extra Session on November 1, 1919.
The purchase of Sutro Baths.
Recommendation relative to the setting aside of the South Fork Basis of
Humboldt County for a National Park.
Army rank for Army Nurses.
Resolution urging all citizens to vote.
A resolution to amend Article 1 of the Constitution, by inserting the words "and County" in the name of the Federation, so as to read "The City and County Federation of Women's Clubs, San Francisco."
A resolution, endorsing the campaign to educate women to guard against undue influences, and to read and understand contracts before signing them, and to inform them of their husbands' liability.
One urging that women offenders, in the courts, in need of physical examinations, be examined and treated by women physicians.
A resolution endorsing the increase in police officers' salaries.  A resolution giving the police women the same charter rights and privileges governing permanency of appointment and pension rights as are enjoyed by members of the police department.

Many matters of interest have been brought up at the Executive Board meetings; discussed and referred to the proper departments, vix:
A protest to the Board of Supervisors against dancing in the cafes on Sunday and until 2:00 A. M.
The formation of Community Centers.
Physical training in the Public Schools, which was referred to the Education Department.

Many of the members have attended the sessions of the Woman's Court and of the courts in which examinations for citizenship have been held. The Federation was instrumental in inaugurating an afternoon gymnasium class for boys at 2520 Folsom street. A large evening meeting in the interest
of National Suffrage was held under the auspices of the City Federation.  Mrs. Carrie CHAPMAN CATT was the principal speaker. The splendid music, enjoyed by the school children at small cost, was one of the achievements of the year.

A revision Committee was appointed and some changes made in the Constitution and By-laws.

A luncheon was given at the Fairmont Hotel in honor of Mrs. Phillip NORTH MOORE, the only woman on the Taft Peace Commission for a League of Nations.

Two evenings were given at one of which Dr. Ian Stoughton HOLBORN of Oxford lectured on "Socrates, the Greatest of Human Teachers," and at the other Professor Charles CAZAMIAN of the  Department of English Literature, University of Paris, on "France of Today and Tomorrow," and
Dr. Theodore REINACH, editor of "Gazette des Beaux Arts," on "Martyr Monuments of France." Gentlemen were invited on both occasions.

A course of six lectures on Parliamentary Law was given free to all members of the Federation who desired to attend, by the parliamentarian, Mrs. Annie LITTLE BARRY.

The Federation is a member of the California Conference of Social Agencies, the County Council of Defense and the National Child Labor Association.

And now, as we are about to close the second administration of the City and County Federation of Women's Clubs, may I add one tribute to our President?  She has given us faithfully, fairly and kindly, the best that she was capable of and her administration speaks for itself.

Mrs. Louis HERTZ

The books of the treasurer have been examined and found to be accurate in every detail. They show a balance of $902.56 in the General Fund and $4,260.34 in the New Outside Inn account. 

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Contributed by Elaine Sturdevant