San Francisco Genealogy
City and County Federation of Women's Clubs
San Francisco
Yearbook 1918 - 1920
Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant

Transcriber's note:  "This yearbook lists all of the Women's Clubs in San Francisco during this time period.
It also has membership lists and other information."

Report of the President, Cora Sutton Castle, Ph.D., (Mrs. H. Edward Castle)
Clubs and Presidents
Photograph of the President, Cora Sutton Castle, Ph.D.
Reports of the Recording Secretary and Auditor
Reports of the Correspondence Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Financial Secretary
Report of the Membership Committee
Report on Legislation
Report of the Child Welfare Department
Women's Court Department
Department of Literature
Report of the Civic Department
Education Department
Report of the Music Department
Report of the Social Service Department
Report for Department of Art
Report of the Foreign Clubs Department
Alpha Neighborhood Club
Alumni Association of the San Francisco Girls' High School
Association of Collegiate Alumnae, California Branch
Board of Managers of the Children's Hospital
California Club of California
California Home for Girls
Cap and Bells Club
Catholic Professional Women's Club
Channing Auxiliary
Clionian Club
Community Parent-Teacher's Association
Corona Club
Council of San Francisco School Women
Council of Jewish Women
Dames of the Loyal Legion Society of the State of California
Daughters of California Pioneers
De Gamles Venner (Friends of the Aged)
Denman School Mothers' Club
Dolores Mothers' Club
Edgewood Neighborhood Club
Emanu-El Sisterhood
Executive Council Associated Charities of San Francisco
Florence Crittenton Home
Forum Club of California
George H. Thomas Circle No. 32 Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic
General George E. Meade Corps No. 61 Women's Relief Corps
Juvenile Protective Association
Kate Kennedy School Women's Club
Ladies' Auxiliary of the David Scannell Club
La Mesa Redonda Club
Laurel Hall Club
League of American Pen Women
Lincoln Park Woman's Club
Mary Very Club
Mills Club
Mizpah Charity Club
Mothers' Club of Parkside District
Needlework Guild of America San Francisco Branch
Norwegian Women's Club - NORA
Pacific Coast Women's Press Association
Papyrus Club
Philomath Club
Presidents' Assembly
San Francisco Association for the Blind
San Francisco Colony of New England Women
San Francisco Girls' Welfare Home
San Francisco Grade Teachers' Association
San Francisco League for the Hard of Hearing
San Francisco Musical Club

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Contributed by Elaine Sturdevant