City and County Federation of Women's Clubs
San Francisco 1918 - 1920
Ladies' Auxiliary of the David Scannell Club
Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant

Ladies' Auxiliary of the David Scannell Club
Miss Elizabeth BUTT, President

Organized 1917
Federated 1917
Meets first and third Wednesday evenings

The Ladies' Auxiliary of the David Scannell Club, although in its infancy, has proven its worth to the Firemen and to the public in general.

During the years 1917 and 1918 our members spared neither time nor energy in the effort to make our Fire Department second to none in the world. With our assistance the Firemen have achieved the Two Platoon System, thus making home and working conditions more humane. This was also a civic welfare victory, for it has made life and property safer because of more efficient service. The Firemen have also gained a slight increase in pay to meet the much increased cost of living.

We had a committee of ten members at the sewing room of the Navy Auxiliary of the Red Cross during the period of the war. We have bought and sold Liberty Bonds, have participated in parades, and have provided supper for the returned soldiers, and furnished hundreds of boxes of lunches for the sailors on the great navy Day Reception at the Civic Center.

Our members have given generously of james and jellies to the wounded and sick at the Letterman Hospital. We have given entertainments, dances and refreshments to soldiers and sailors, most of whom were strangers in our city.

We find, at the end of the year, we are still prosperous and all members happy to do their utmost at any time to help those who may be in need of our assistance.

OFFICERS 1918-1919

Mrs. Annie NEYLON, President
Mrs. J. LEWIS, Vice-President
Mrs. Celia M. SULLIVAN, Recording Secretary
Mrs. Elizabeth BUTT, Financial Secretary
Mrs. Georgia WEDEMEYER, Treasurer
Mrs. Lottie MATHISON, Marshal
Nrs. E. FOX, Sentinel
Mrs. Margaret BRAZIL, Organist

OFFICERS 1919-1920

Mrs. Elizabeth BUTT, President
Mrs. M. CONROY, Vice-President
Mrs. M. BROPHY, Recording Secretary
Mrs. M. HORGAN, Financial Secretary
Mrs. G. WEDEMEYER, Treasurer
Mrs. F. MEYERS, Marshal
Mrs. C. SULLIVAN, Sentinel
Mrs. M. BRAZIL, Organist


Mrs. Mamie CONROY, President
Mrs. Helen BRADY, Vice-President
Mrs. Madaline BROPHY, Recording Secretary
Mrs. Mary HORGAN, Financial Secretary
Mrs. E. LAHUSEN, Treasurer
Mrs. F. MEYER, Marshal
Mrs. M. BRAZIL, Organist

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Contributed by Elaine Sturdevant