City and County Federation of Women's Clubs
San Francisco 1918 - 1920
Mothers' Club of Parkside District
Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant

Mrs. Arthur SHOPHOFEN, President

Organized 1916
Federated 1920
Meets second Tuesday

The purpose of the Club is to promote the best methods of physical, mental, and moral training for the children of the school, and to incite self-culture and individual development. The Club is to cooperate with city officials to better conditions of the district.

This Club was one of the first to organize a sewing and knitting Auxiliary of San Francisco Chapter of the American Red Cross. Mrs. B. F. STOLL was chairman. Sewing was under supervision of Mrs. B. H. MARTIN and Mrs. H. KAMPE - making 225 girls' dresses, 50 boys' suits, 500
hospital garments, 10 layettes, 416 knitted articles, and a donation of $65 was made to Red Cross and allied funds. Members of the Club took charge of booth at Stockton and Geary Streets for all the Liberty Loan and Red Cross drives, and through their activities many thousands of dollars were added to the war funds. Many glasses of jelly and jam were gathered for the soldiers.

The Improvement and Recreation Committee was instrumental in securing new benches and a drinking fountain for our park, and procured several sets of garden tools for children to use in school grounds.

Our Philanthropy section gave much happiness to the needy at Christmas time, providing warm clothing and filling stockings. They also furnished candy for children's Christmas entertainment at school.

The Club has thirty-two members and is now putting forth every effort to secure a permanent school building.


Mrs. Arthur SHOPHOFEN, President
Mrs. A. SAUNDERS, First Vice-President
Mrs. P. RICH, Second Vice-President
Mrs. L. WARD, Treasurer
Mrs. B. H. MARTIN, Treasurer
Mrs. B. F. STOLL, Historian

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Contributed by Elaine Sturdevant