City and County Federation of Women's Clubs
San Francisco 1918 - 1920
La Mesa Redonda Club
Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant

La Mesa Redonda Club
Miss Kathryn CRONEY, President

Organized 1910
Federated 1916
Meets first and third Fridays

La Mesa Redonda Club, now in the tenth year of its existence, offers the following report:

While our members have enjoyed many social afternoons and good musical programs, La Mesa Redonda takes great pride in the work of the Civic and Philanthropic sections.

With a membership of ninety, we have worked together with one common interest, the success and welfare of the club.

The chief aim of the President has been to bring the members more closely together, united as one family, without cliques or factions.

The First Vice-President has filled the President's chair during the year, the regularly elected President having resigned from that office.

The milk question was thoroughly discussed and prompt action taken. Three members of La Mesa Redonda were appointed on Mayor ROLPH's committee to assist in the investigation and the final action in the matter.

Mrs. L. M. CULVER, Chairman of the Women's Court Department, gave the club a very interesting and instructive afternoon, telling the members of the great good that has been accomplished by the social workers on her committee.

One program was devoted to California History and Landmarks.

Most effective work has been done by the Thrift sections.

La Mesa Redonda was one of the twenty-eight clubs participating in the Federation Fete at the Fairmont Hotel.

The Philanthropic section has distributed thirty-four layettes since June, 1919, and is very proud of the fact that no applicant has been refused. About one hundred and fifty other articles of clothing have been distributed to the needy, and a bed, mattress and bedding as well.

One young women, just out of a hospital, was furnished with a complete outfit of clothing.

This section provided, by request, two layettes for the quadruplets born recently in the Salvation Army Home in Oakland.

Several boxes of dried fruits, nuts, candies and jellies were distributed by this section at the holiday season.

La Mesa Redonda Club had the honor of having one of its members appointed Chairman of Press and Publicity Committee for Baby Welfare Week.

OFFICERS 1918-1919

Mrs. O. L. SUES, President
Miss Kathryn CRONEY, First Vice-President
Mrs. C. N. TAYLOR, Second Vice-President
Mrs. Leonard F. LEAVY, Recording Secretary
Mrs. S. Maud MILLER, Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. John W. HOWARD, Financial Secretary
Mrs. Charles F. JOHNSON, Treasurer

OFFICERS 1919-1920

Miss Kathryn CRONEY, President
Mrs. Isabelle J. PORTER, 1st Vice-President
Mrs. Bessie Dunbar MONROE, 2nd Vice-President
Mrs. H. LOGAN, Recording Secretary
Mrs. James Harlow ANDERSON, Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. Charles SALSBURY, Financial Secretary
Mrs. Charles F. JOHNSON, Treasurer

OFFICERS 1920-1921

Miss Kathryn CRONEY, President
Mrs. Isabelle J. PORTER, First Vice-President
Mrs. W. A. GRANICHER, Second Vice-President
Mrs. H. LOGAN, Recording Secretary
Mrs. James Harlow ANDERSON, Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. Charles SALSBURY, Financial Secretary
Mrs. Charles F. JOHNSON, Treasurer

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Contributed by Elaine Sturdevant