During the weeks that followed, many of the members settled in the Bay cities and there founded a separate Club "Nora" on the same principles. Only women of Norwegian birth or parentage, or women married to Norwegians are eligible for membership.
The Club was organized for the purpose of aiding the needy women and children of the Norwegian Colony, and in the course of the year 1919 has helped many families, finding work for the father or mother, and furnishing food and milk for the children.
At the time of the entrance of the United States in the great World War a Norwegian Auxiliary of the Red Cross was established and all the members of "Nora" took an active interest in the work. Meetings were held twice a week and several of the members are the proud owners of medals bestowed upon them by the Red Cross for their faithful services.
OFFICERS 1919-1920
Mrs. A. KOHN, President
Mrs. K. STADEM, First Vice-President
Mrs. F. QUISLING, Second Vice-President
Mrs. O. BODIEN, Secretary
Mrs. H. E. KNUDSEN, Treasurer
OFFICERS 1920-1921
Mrs. A. KOHN, President
Mrs. G. E. AHL, First Vice-President
Mrs. H. NIELSEN, Second Vice-President
Mrs. O. BODIEN, Secretary
Mrs. H. E. KNUDSEN, Treasurer