San Francisco Genealogy
City and County Federation of Women's Clubs
San Francisco 1918 - 1920
Alpha Neighborhood Club
Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant

Alpha Neighborhood Club
Mrs. Mary C. BELL, President

Organized 1911
Federated 1916

This club is composed of women living in the Haight and Ashbury district of the city. Meetings are held in the evening; thus women employed during the day are given contact with club life. The club values the Federation meetings highly, as the reports from these meetings are brought by the representatives and afford food for thought and duscussion.

The chief object of the Alpha Neighborhood Club is to promote the moral, intellectual and civic good of the neighborhood. To do this we co-operate with other organizations in the district. We have had to give up temporarily our central idea of longer hours in the public and branch libraries of the city. The high tax rate, made necessary by the demand for higher salaries in all departments of the city government to meet the high cost of living, renders it unwise to even suggest a Charter Amendment carrying an appropriation.

The past year we have been in touch with the best thought on the subject of Americanization, through our ex-President Mrs. Anne F. HASTY attending the University Extension lectures on the subject. Mrs. HASTY has brought us the gist of the lectures of John COLLIER and others. Mr.
COLLIER accentuates the high value of neighborhood friendliness as a permanent factor in Americanization.

In the recent Salvation Army Drive Mrs. BELL worked as Captain of a team that collected one hundred and sixty-two dollars.

OFFICERS FOR 1918-1920


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Contributed by Elaine Sturdevant