City and County Federation of Women's Clubs
San Francisco 1918 - 1920
Council of San Francisco School Women
Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant

Council of San Francisco School Women
Mrs. Ivy D. OSTROM, President

Organized 1917
Federated 1917
Meets first Thursdays

The Council of San Francisco School Women is composed of the women principals, vice-principals and high school teachers. It came into being in September, 1917, taking over the membership and work of Council Two, Associated Teachers' Councils, which had been in existence for a number of years. The purpose of the organization is to promote some educational policy, to raise and uphold professional standing of teachers, and to foster social intercourse among its members. With these ends in view the Council meets the first Thursday of every month while school is in session, at 4:00 p.m., at the Hotel St. Francis. In addition to discussions and programs supplied by its own members, the Council often secures outside speakers on timely topics.

OFFICERS 1918-1919

Miss Anne DUFFY, President
Mrs. E. T. BURKE, Vice-President
Miss Mary HENDERSON, Treasurer
Miss Julia COFFEY, Secretary

OFFICERS 1919-1920

Mrs. Ivy D. OSTROM, President
Miss Georgia HAWKINS, Vice-President
Miss Anne P. HUNT, Secretary
Miss Margaret DUNN, Treasurer


Miss Virginia HEATH
Miss Nettie CAMPBELL
Miss Edith PENCE
Miss Ida KERVAN 

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Contributed by Elaine Sturdevant