City and County Federation of Women's Clubs
San Francisco 1918 - 1920
San Francisco Colony of New England Women
Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant

Mrs. Wesley T. GORHAM, President

Organized 1905
Federated 1916
Meets second Fridays

The San Francisco Colony of New England Women was organized, not as a civic club, but to promote social and intellectual intercourse among its members, and to assist women who were born and brought up in New England, or who are descended from New Englanders.

Gradually we have become greatly interested in civics, philanthropy and economics. Many of our members are active in the various civic clubs.

Our committee of five was appointed to visit the courts upon the examination of applicants for citizenship, for the purpose of encouragement, and also to further the work of Americanization among the wives of the applicants.

We have a representative to each of the nine departments, and the interesting reports from the child welfare and literature departments are to be specially mentioned.

The president of the unit of Needlework Guild was successful in collecting many more than the required quota of new garments.

Our philanthropic committee reported a larger donation of clothing, books, toys and money than in previous years, and this was contributed to the Goodfellow fund for the children of the needy poor in this city.

Our Thrift unit is still in existence. As New England women, we have ever been mindful of the importance of saving in our daily lives, and find it no harder to practice it today than in past years.

At both the Federation Fete and Granville Barker Tea, we had representation.

Our work along educational lines has been the contribution toward the Alice FREDERICKS Memorial fund, and we have been able to double our amount.

Like the other clubs, we have made efforts to increase our membership and have been successful in adding many new names to our roster.

The delegates to the convention have returned wonderful reports to our meetings.

We have presented programs full of unusual interest, varying in scope from readings, dancing, vocal and instrumental music, lectures and addresses on the Serbians, on Americanization, on history and landmarks.

Our dearly loved president of the City Federation brought to us a most wonderful message that will remain long in our memories.

We have endeavored to make much of the social side of our club life and our hour over the teacups has been a great factor in promoting friendliness and comradeship.

OFFICERS 1918-1919

Mrs. M. A. BUCHAN, President
Mrs. S. C. GORHAM, First Vice-President
Mrs. F. E. BOWLEY, Second Vice-President
Mrs. W. T. GORHAM, Recording Secretary
Mrs. M. J. LIDSTONE, Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. Lionel SHAW, Treasurer

OFFICERS 1919-1920

Mrs. S. C. GORHAM, President
Mrs. Frank A. GILLEY, First Vice-President
Mrs. Clara S. BROWN, Second Vice-President
Mrs. Henry C. BUNKER, Recording Secretary
Miss Lucy M. VINING, Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. I. A. MERRELL, Treasurer


Mrs. C. S. WADE
Mrs. W. C. PRICE

OFFICERS 1920-1921

Mrs. Wesley T. GORHAM, President
Mrs. Frank A. GILLEY, First Vice-President
Mrs. Alice PRICE, Second Vice-President
Mrs. Frank PAYNE, Recording Secretary
Miss Lucy M. VINING, Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. H. T. HOLDSTEIN, Treasurer
Mrs. Sara C. GORHAM, Registrar
Mrs. E. B. BURR, Historian


Mrs. John LEWIS
Mrs. John WILLS
Mrs. Richard SARL

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Contributed by Elaine Sturdevant