City and County Federation of Women's Clubs
San Francisco 1918 - 1920
Laurel Hall Club
Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant

Mrs. John Hammond CRABBE, President

Founded 1886
Federated 1916

Since the aim of the Laurel Hall Club is "the general culture of its members by discussion of progressive topics of the day, educational, social and moral; by lectures from able speakers and such other means as the club may deem advisable," serious consideration and most careful selection of programs have been made. No matter what the topic, an authority upon that subject has been chosen.

Amongst eminent speakers, Laurel Hall has had Mr. and Mrs. John Kendrick BANGS, Mr. Peter Clark MacFARLANE, Dr. Henry CHUNG, Mrs. Anna L. SAYLOR and Mrs. Elizabeth McMANUS.  A concert by Miss Blanche Hamilton FOX, and two dramatic readings by Miss Jean Campbell MacMILLAN were given.

Although not a civic club, Laurel Hall has not been remiss in civic duties, and has sent representatives whenever called upon. Members have served upon juries, and have been interested in the Naturalization Court and in the Women's Court. We have had to Americanization programs, and
have gladly contributed to the Alice FREDERICKS Memorial Fund.

The club members have furnished several programs, one of the best being their "Jury Experiences."

Laurel Hall realizes the great value of study sections, which develop all into active members and make them feel their individual responsibility to the club. Study sections also from (form) closer
friendships amongst members, and thus a stronger club spirit develops.

The sections of the past year have been a Current Topic section in conjunction with the California Club, under the direction of Mr. Sidney CORYN; a Poet's Corner, led by Mrs. G. W. HAIGHT; and an Oral Expression Class under the direction of Miss MacMILLAN of the University Extension faculty. The Social Service section has contributed to the various charities, both local and foreign.

The increase of membership has been 108 members, totalling 230.

OFFICERS 1918-1919

Miss Jessica Lee BRIGGS, President
Mrs. Nathan H. FRANK, First Vice-President
Mrs. W. G. THOMPSON, Second Vice-President
Mrs. A. P. De BERNARDI, Recording Secretary
Miss Amelia FRAPOLLI, Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. G. E. TOWNSEND, Business Secretary
Miss Margaret Mary MORGAN, Treasurer


Mrs. Virgilio CHEDA
Mrs. Emma KREBS

OFFICERS 1919-1920

Mrs. John Hammond CRABBE, President
Mrs. G. Chester BROWN, First Vice-President
Mrs. John S. GRAY, Second Vice-President
Mrs. George E. CARTER, Recording Secretary
Mrs. J. H. WILLIAMS, Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. G. E. TOWNSEND, Business Secretary
Miss Margaret Mary MORGAN, Treasurer


Mrs. Frank PANTER
Mrs. Franis H. PORTER
Mrs. C. LAW

OFFICERS 1920-1921

Mrs. John Hammond CRABBE, President
Mrs. C. LAW, First Vice-President
Mrs. John S. GRAY, Second Vice-President
Mrs. H. E. HARRIS, Recording Secretary
Mrs. J. H. WILLIAMS, Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. G. E. TOWNSEND, Business Secretary
Mrs. George W. KING, Treasurer


Mrs. John C. MANNING
Mrs. Francis H. PORTER
Mrs. Thomas WHITE

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Contributed by Elaine Sturdevant