San Francisco Genealogy
City and County Federation of Women's Clubs
San Francisco 1918 - 1920
Florence Crittenton Home
Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant

Florence Crittenton Home
Mrs. Virginia M. SPINKS, President

Organized 1889
federated 1917
Meets first Thursdays

The Florence Crittenton Home is endorsed by the State Board of Charities and Corrections, and the Charities Endorsement Committee. It is a branch of the National Florence Crittenton Mission, chartered by special act of Congress, April 9, 1898, Mrs. Kate Walker BARRETT, M. D., D. Sc., president. The national work consists of a chain of eighty-two homes, endorsed by President WILSON, ex-President ROOSEVELT, ex-President TAFT, and other prominent men and women.

No mere statement or tabulation can possibly do justice to a work so much of which is in the nature of spiritual uplift. The Home is what the name implies - a home where a compassionate and kindly interest puts the star of hope in a sky that was dark and hopeless to those who having been either careless or betrayed are facing motherhood out of wedlock. When other doors are closed to these "social outcasts" we receive them, care for them, and restore them to themselves, to society and to God.

The large number of girls sheltered by the Home, the positive religious influence with which they are surrounded while with us, their training in domestic management, the great care taken to place them properly when they leave, the testimony of the changed lives of former inmates, the permanency of the results achieved and the economy with which the affairs are administered, constitute a record which will be approved by all who are acquainted with it.

To sustain this work, we are compelled to depend upon the gifts received from the friends of humanity.  We have no endowment but faith in God and in those whose hearts He shall open to the cry of our need.

It is desired that a large number of charitable people of our city and state be associated with the Board of Managers in the partnership of interest in our mission by becoming annual contributors to the support of the work, by either money, food or clothes.

Contributing membership is $1.00 yearly
Sustaining membership is $5.00 yearly
Life membership is $100.00 yearly

Accumulated wealth must some day be left, often by those with little kin. To what nobler purpose can a part of it be devoted than in providing an endowment for the Florence Crittenton Home? Think of this when you are making your will.

OFFICERS 1919-1920

Mrs. Charles H. SPINKS, President
Mrs. Mary T. GAMAGE, First Vice-President
Mrs. F. J. MACKENZIE, Second Vice-President
Mrs. Louis GOLDMAN, Third Vice-President
Mrs. Max WOLF, Recording Secretary
Mrs. Henry DAHL, Corresponding Secretary
Kenneth A. MILLICAN, Treasurer (Anglo-California Trust Co.)
Mrs. F. MANDELBAUM, Assistant Treasurer

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Contributed by Elaine Sturdevant