City and County Federation of Women's Clubs
San Francisco 1918 - 1920
Philomath Club
Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant

Mrs. Myer FRIEDMAN, President

Organized 1894
Federated 1919
Meets second and fourth Mondays

In 1894, Mrs. Isadore LOWENBERG, assisted by Mesdames Helen HECHT, A. S. BETTLEHEIM, Wm. HAAS, J. H. NEUSTADTER, Chas. L. ACKERMAN, Moses HELLER, S. NICKELSBURG and Mrs. H. ANSPACHER-MEYERS, organized Philomath Club.  Its object was "to encourage literary and educational pursuits and to promote civic ideals." A broad and comprehensive platform twenty-six years ago, it is still big enough to carry the widening activities of a new generation.

The keynote of 1918-1919 was Service, and Philomath Club gave of itself without stint. The splendid Red Cross Auxiliary opened for work September, 1917, and closed its doors February 15, 1919, having sent to Red Cross headquarters 69,434 surgical dressings and 2,208 sewed articles. It furnished entertainment for enlisted men, sent Christmas bags to soldiers, tobacco comforts to Mare Island for men imprisoned for minor offenses; assisted in the drives organized by the Woman's Army and was registered as Team Six with the War Savings Stamps Committee, accounting for $144,255.34 worth of Stamps. Its delegate kept the Club in touch with Food Conservation problems. Generous contributions were made to drives and funds during the year, viz: The California Committee for Relief in Serbia and Northern France, American Jewish Relief Committee, Red Cross Scholarships.

Six thousand dollars were invested in the various Government Bond issues and $100 in War Savings Stamps. The first recipient of Philomath's eighth grade scholarship is now self-suporting and a second little girl is being put through high school. This is in line with Americanization work, for the visiting home teacher keeps in close touch with the benificiary. During the influenza epidemic a professional cook was engaged and 1,000 packages of nourishing food distributed through Red
Cross channels. The Club also adopted six French war orphans.

To cultural items it contributed carefully planned programs; monetary aid to the Palace of fine Arts Maintenance fund, to its Library fund; to the Public Education Society.

The present year found Philomath continuing her Eighth Grade Scholarship, her contributions to the Palace of Fine Arts Maintenance and Library funds, and in addition supporting the Alice FREDERICKS Memorial fund, the Mary PRAG Scholarship, the ROOSEVELT Memorial, Korean Relief, the Palestinian Supply Committee, the Edith CAVELL and Marie dePAGE Hospital of Belgium, the Near East Relief fund, Palestinian Restoration fund, the International Longfellow Society. Six of our members volunteered for service on Dr. Anne NICHOLSON's Americanization
Court Committee. The club participated in the City Federation Fete. Its bi-monthly programs touched on topics of live interest - music, the drama, and politics. They were presented by college professors, writers, professional men, public lecturers, artists, and by our own members.

Philomath is a member of The Recreation League, and is interested in all movements of social and communal concern.

OFFICERS 1918-1919

Mrs. Myer FRIEDMAN, President
Mrs. Isaac PRAGER, Vice-President
Mrs. Oscar HOFFMAN, Second Vice-President
Mrs. S. F. HABER, Recording Secretary
Mrs. Maurice GREENBERG, Business Secretary
Miss Sarita HENDERSON, Corresponding Secretary
Miss Hattie SHEIDEMAN, Treasurer


Mrs. B. D. PIKE
Miss Rachel ABEL

OFFICERS 1919-1920

Mrs. Richard NEWMAN, President
Mrs. Isaac PRAGER, Vice-President
Mrs. Oscar HOFFMAN, Second Vice-President
Mrs. S. F. HABER, Recording Secretary
Mrs. Maurice GREENBERG, Business Secretary
Miss Sarita HENDERSON, Corresponding Secretary
Miss Hattie SHEIDEMAN, Treasurer


Miss Rachel ABEL
Mrs. Herbert CLAYBURGH

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Contributed by Elaine Sturdevant