City and County Federation of Women's Clubs
San Francisco 1918 - 1920
Juvenile Protective Association
Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant

Juvenile Protective Association
Miss Julia GEORGE, President

Organized 1909
Federated 1916

Under the presidency of Mrs. Mary FITZ-GERALD the special work during 1918-1919 was with the Children's Year Committee of the State of California, which asked the Juvenile Protective Association to carry out Part "3" of the Children's Year program. This covered the two very important topics: "Child Labor" and "Education." As a result, Bulletin No. 2. compiled by Mrs. Bert SCHLESINGER and Mrs. William HYMAN was issued and ten thousand copies were circulated by the Children's Year Committee. So helpful and suggestive did it prove that requests for copies came from universities, schools, libraries and other organizations all over the United States.

As part of the year's work, the Juvenile Protective Association in conjunction with the State Board of Education, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the State Federation of Labor, the Northern California
Branch of the National Child Labor Committee, and other interested groups re-drafted the Child Labor Law. Coincident with our tenth anniversary, May 10, 1919, Governor STEPHENS signed the Child Labor Bill and also the amendments to the Compulsory School Law. It is a vital step
forward in the matter of efficiency that these laws definitely place the responsibility for working permits for children of school age under the jurisdiction of the educational authorities of the State. It covers the conditions under which children labor, the hours and the places they may labor, and the kinds of labor in which they may engage. The Juvenile Protective Association is exceedingly happy that its labors in behalf of children have had such successful results.

Through the cooperation of the Board of Education a census of public school children who work, was taken with amazing results. Child Labor in San Francisco is a detrimental factor needing most serious consideration. Many of the children enumerated work in direct violation of the law before and after school hours and on Saturdays and Sundays. The statistics are on file in the office of the Juvenile Protective Association, 1022 Phelan Building, and are open to inspection.

A scholarship of $100 was donated to the Association to enable a young girl to finish grammar school and to graduate from one of the business colleges of this city.

One hundred ten cases and complaints have been reported to the office during the year. We strive not to duplicate the work of any other local organization, therefore many of these complaints and cases have been referred to the authorities or agencies to which they belonged. The others have been adjusted by our volunteer workers through employment secured, environment changed, detrimental conditions removed, and where necessary, the general rehabilitation of the family.

1919-1920. In consequence of a prolonged absence in the east, and newly elected president, Mrs. Armstrong TAYLOR, resigned in October, and Miss Julia GEORGE was appointed to fill the vacancy.

There must be a more appreciative and better informed public opinion concerning that wastage of human life, the juvenile delinquent. The child that is busy at school, and in his free hours has good clean fun, work and good reading, does not have much time nor inclination to get into trouble. Public opinion ought to support the enforcement of the Curfew Law and realize that children under sixteen ought not to be alone on the streets after 8:00 p.m. in summer and 9:00 p.m. in winter, nor at moving pictures, lingering around the entrance of such theaters. Indecent literature and picture postcards are an influence and a menace to every child. Crimes against children are too lightly considered and
legislation is needed to impose serious penalties. Many children are in trouble owing to some misunderstanding in their sex life and because knowledge that should be accurate, clean and spiritual about the fundamental things in life was not given them in their homes. There is the greatest need for such instruction to be given parents and this association hopes to inaugurate such courses during the present year.

Our main effort is to reach the child before he comes to court, to influence parents to raise the standard of the home, to better conditions and in every way to use formative measures.

OFFICERS 1918-1919

Mrs. M. M. FITZ-GERALD, President
Mrs. William L. HYMAN, First Vice-President
Mrs. L. B. HERNON, Second Vice-President
Miss J. T. MALLOY, Treasurer
Miss May F. HALLETT, Secretary

OFFICERS 1919-1920

Miss Julia GEORGE, President
Mrs. William L. HYMAN, Firse Vice-President
Miss Nellie SULLIVAN, Second Vice-President
Miss Beatrice MURRAY, Treasurer
Miss May F. HALLETT, Secretary

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Contributed by Elaine Sturdevant