San Francisco Genealogy
City and County Federation of Women's Clubs
San Francisco 1918 - 1920
Dolores Mothers' Club
Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant

Dolores Mothers' Club
Mrs. Sara SIMONS, President

Organized 1898
Federated 1917

Since the issue of the Federation's last Year Book, our work has been rich in accomplishment. Our annual work for the Children's Hospital has been completed, and the package dispatched with an Easter greeting to the dear little inmates.

Besides this, we have assisted in making the costumes for the various plays given by the Girls' Club, of which we are a branch.

The first Thursday of each month we have a program of music and singing or a talk followed by a social. On the second and fourth Thursdays we sew for a couple of hours and conclude with a discussion of current topics.

Our whist parties have been a success both financially and socially.

A very special privilege this year, as well as a joy, was in the helping to make the furnishings for the Country Home, "Wonder Hill," the generous gift of Mrs. and Mrs. Mortimer FLEISHHACKER.

We are affiliated with the Recreation League and attend their luncheons.

We greatly enjoyed our participation in the City Federation Fete and its conventions given during the past year.

We feel that it is the wonderful cooperation between the girls of the Girls' Club and the mothers of our two Mothers' Clubs, that altogether-spirit, that has helped to make our club what it is.

OFFICERS 1918-1919

Mrs. Sara SIMONS, President
Mrs. TEMPS, Vice-President
Mrs. Minnie C. YOUNG, Secretary
Mrs. SHELDON, Treasurer

OFFICERS 1919-1920

Mrs. Sara SIMONS, President
Mrs. POLACHEC, Vice-President
Mrs. Minnie C. YOUNG, Secretary
Mrs. EHRBORN, Treasurer

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Contributed by Elaine Sturdevant