San Francisco Genealogy
City and County Federation of Women's Clubs
San Francisco 1918 - 1920
California Home for Girls
Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant

California Home for Girls
Mrs. Edward DEXTER KNIGHT, Chairman

Organized 1913
Federated 1917
Meets first Mondays

A few years ago several representative Christian women of San Francisco who were interested in charitable and social service work became impressed with the serious need of an organization which would be prepared to render aid to girls and young women who, for any reason, had become destitute and were without friends in the city to whom they could appeal for help. The number of cases to whom assistance has been given, as shown in the tabulated report to follow, is mute but eloquent evidence of the need and worthiness of such a work.

Two removals to more commodious quarters have been necessary since the opening of the Home in the first little house. Financial support has not been forthcoming in proportion to the increased needs, but the organization has kept strong in the faith that when the great hearted people once really know of the splendid work the organization is doing and has in mind to do, there will be a half dozen giving aid toward the support of the Home where now there is one.

In January, 1917, as the result of repeated demands, it was decided to make an effort to meet another insistent need which, perhaps, may be considered by many to be even a greater service to humanity, the welfare of future citizens and the community at large, than the work of aiding stranded girls. There had been no place in San Francisco where a destitute young mother could board and have her baby with her. The Home has extended its work to meet this great need also. Mother and baby are taken in to the Home, and in some cases a home is found for the baby for adoption, in others a boarding home has been found, and in others the father has been located and the parents reunited, and in some cases a position has been secured where a mother can work and have her baby with her.

In the six years closing January, 1920, over three thousand one hundred cases have received attention. The following are some of the forms of service which are included in this total, all of which represent cases of destitution only:

1. Those who have been inmates of emergency home.
2. Positions secured for others who have not stayed at the home, for which service no charge
is made either directly or indirectly.
3. Young mothers and infants cared for.
4. Arrangements made for adoption of babies in cases wherein the mothers are unfit or unable to care for the child.
5. Cases to whom transportation to friends elsewhere has been furnished.
6. Garments supplied to deserving women.
7. Destitute convalescents.
8. Cases treated by the physician to the Home.
9. Drunk and drug cases.
10. Court cases, covering various needs arising in the adult, probation, police and superior courts, etc.

All inquiries regarding the work and donations or applications for assistance should be addressed to the secretary.

Endorsed by Chamber of Commerce Charities Endorsement Committee.

The California Home for Girls (Incorporated), 2607 California Street, San Francisco

Directors 1919-1920

Mrs. Edward DEXTER KNIGHT, Chairman
Mrs. Annette BLACKBURN, Secretary-Treasurer
Mathilde KARGES, Acting Secretary
Mrs. E. R. LEWIS
Mrs. Theo. J. GOSLINER
Mrs. Robert WATT
Mrs. Chas. LEVY

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Contributed by Elaine Sturdevant