City and County Federation of Women's Clubs
San Francisco 1918 - 1920
Denman School Mother's Club
Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant

Denman School Mothers' Club
Mrs. Frank Gregory TODD, President

Federated 1919
Meets first Friday of each school month

Meetings of the club are held in the Auditorium of Denman School and well attended. To promote patriotism, the meetings were opened with the salute to the Flag, and the recitation in unison of the American creed.

The aims and purposes of the Mothers' Club may be briefly summarized as a work for child welfare in home, school, church and state. It aims to carry the mother love and mother thought into all that concerns or touches childhood; to raise the standards of home life; to develop wiser, better-trained parenthood; to bring into closer relation the home and the school, that parent and teacher may cooperate intelligently in the education of the child; to promote the establishment of kindergartens, and of laws which will adequately care for neglected and dependent children; to interest men and women to cooperate in the work for purer, truer homes, in the belief that to accomplish the best
results men and women must work together; to arouse the whole country to a sense of its duty and responsibility to childhood; to surround the childhood of the whole world with that loving wise care in the impressionable years of life that will develop good citizens, and not lawbreakers and criminals. The school must get into closer touch with the home; to accomplish this, parents must be brought into sympathy and cooperation with the school. Since the rights and interests of all parents are equal in the school, so all should be equally welcomed in the Mothers' Club and given a share in its activities.

Feeling that the conservation of health of our people is of vital importance, and to further universal health, education and protection, to give to young girls and women instruction in elementary nursing,
personal hygiene and household sanitation, that they may care for members of their families during minor ailments, and be in better position to carry out the orders of their physician in the absence of a
graduate nurse and that they may put into practical operation such nursing procedures as may be entrusted to them, our club has organized six classes in Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick to be followed by a course in First Aid, which is given by the San Francisco Chapter, Red Cross, of which Miss Julia HINCKLE is the Educational Director. Mrs. M. V. DONALDSON, representing the Red Cross from this department, is the instructor.

The Denman School Mothers' Club gives a program and reception to each graduating class at the end of each school term.

The President of the Club, Mrs. Frank G. TODD, gives to the children of the Denman School every Saturday morning a personal conducted educational campaign, visiting the most modern manufacturing plants in our city, the slogan being "See San Francisco first." Twelve to fifteen children from each of the grammar grades are voted upon by the children in the respective classes who are to go each Saturday morning. Different children are expected to go on each trip about the city. Thus far they have visited and written compositions on the United States Post Office, U. S. Mint, Illinois Pacific Glass Works, American Biscuit Company, and on May 1, 1920, they are to have a real May Day treat by taking a trip on the San Francisco Bay to Vallejo, where they will be guests of the Sperry Flouring Mills. Many instructive trips to various plants are being planned by Mrs. TODD for this city, after which she will take them on tours across the Bay and visit Oakland's manufacturing plants. This is one of the finest educational lessons for the children and one they will never forget.

OFFICERS 1918-1920

Mrs. Frank Gregory TODD, President
Miss Hannah PHILLIPS, First Vice-President
Mrs. Carl GEILFUS, Second Vice-President
Mrs. William E. WEICHHART, Secretary
Mrs. Thomas J. MORTON, Treasurer

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Contributed by Elaine Sturdevant