The Home is supported by voluntary contributions from the public and from its members, who number ninety-four. The membership fee is twelve dollars per year and five dollars for working members.
The Home has been completely furnished and we invite inspection at any time.
A piano or a victrola would give much cheer and comfort to the girls who live with us. Perhaps some member of the Federation has one that she would gladly have used, either temporarily or permanently.
We can accommodate seventeen persons at one time. The books are audited yearly. This organization is endorsed by the Charities Endorsement Committee of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce.
In 1918 we gave shelter and served meals to 360 girls and women. Also gave clinical aid to twenty-four.
In 1919 we served 15,900 meals at the Home and gave shelter to 390. Gave clinical aid to thirty-six.
In 1918 we had an average of five convalescents; in 1919, an average of seven per month.
Mrs. H. H. SOMERS, working as captain of a team in the recent Salvation Army drive for funds, most of which is to be used in establishing a home for working girls, collected $339.
OFFICERS 1919-1920
Mrs. John L. McGINN, President
Mrs. H. H. SOMERS, Treasurer
Mrs. G. C. ALFREZ, Financial Secretary
Mrs. John P. ZIPF, First Vice-President
Mrs. Webster WELBANK, Second Vice-President
Mrs. M. E. LEWTON, Recording Secretary
Miss Ruby FINN, Corresponding Secretary
Miss Fidelia JEWETT, Offical Representative