There is little to add to the very comprehensive report given in the last Year Book of the City Federation of Women's Clubs.
This Auxiliary keeps to its organized lines for the promotion of social, literary and practical religious work. We have passed the last two years most happily and with benefit to all. We have enjoyed lectures, concerts and plays.
The Art Section, under the leadership of Miss E. TREAT, has enjoyed many mornings at the Palace of Fine Arts. The Japanese Prints have been studied and the Rembrandt collection of etchings viewed understandingly.
We are endeavoring to promote a social fellowship among our members. With this idea in mind, and also as a means to reimburse our treasury, Mrs. Samuel AUSTIN WOOD opened her house and a delightful dance was enjoyed. It proved so successful that in the months to come we expect to have a number of these gatherings.
OFFICERS 1918-1919
Miss Emily I. WADE, President
Mrs. John McGAW, First Vice-President
Mrs. C. S. S. DUTTON, Second Vice-President
Mrs. Samuel AUSTIN WOOD, Third Vice-President
Mrs. Reginald WISE, Recording Secretary
Mrs. Frank L. SUMNER, Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. H. Seymour TITTLE, Business Secretary
Mrs. Frederick G. CANNEY, Treasurer
OFFICERS 1919-1920
Mrs. Aurelius BUCKINGHAM, President
Mrs. Frank W. SUMNER, First Vice-President
Mrs. C. S. S. DUTTON, Second Vice-President
Mrs. Samuel AUSTIN WOOD, Third Vice-President
Mrs. J. B. CRAWFORD, Fourth Vice-President
Mrs. Reginald WISE, Recording Secretary
Mrs. Frank J. COOPER, Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. Seymour TITTLE, Business Secretary
Mrs. Frederick G. CANNEY, Treasurer
OFFICERS 1920-1921
Mrs. Frederick G. CANNEY, President
Mrs. C. S. S. DUTTON, First Vice-President
Mrs. S. G. HINDES, Second Vice-President
Mrs. S. A. WOOD, Third Vice-President
Mrs. Chauncey McGOVERN, Recording Secretary
Mrs. F. F. COOPER, Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. Joy LICHTENSTEIN, Business Secretary
Mrs. George CLUFF, Treasurer