City and County Federation of Women's Clubs
San Francisco 1918 - 1920
Council of Jewish Women
Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant

Council of Jewish Women
Mrs. S. S. KAHN, President

Organized 1900
Federated 1917
Meets second Thursday of month

The San Francisco Section of the Council of Jewish Women was organizedin this city in 1900. Although a sectarian  organization, it has not confined its activities to things Jewish, but helps wherever necessity calls in the fields of religion, philanthropy, education, and immigrant aid, cooperating with all other societies doing similar work.

The Committee on Immigrant Aid, with Mrs. M. C. SLOSS as chairman, is helping women and children immigrants and soon hopes to be able to carry on port work at Angel Island as the National Council is doing at Ellis Island in new York. The National Council of Jewish Women was the only
woman's organization recognized by the Federal Government during the war period at Ellis Island.

The Philanthropic Section established the Neighborhood House in the San Bruno Avenue district in 1910. The section has now withdrawn from the San Bruno Avenue district and turned over its equipment to the Emanu El Kindergarten Association, which is carrying on the work so well begun by the Philanthropic Section. They have merged their funds with the Committee of Education and the two committees together are doing Americanization in the Hayes Valley district under the  chairmanship of Mrs. L. GOLDMAN. A flat has been furnished at 1200 A Buchanan Street and
Miss NEWMARK is successfully conducting classes for men, women, and children.

In 1915 the committee under the leadership of Miss Rebecca JACOBS induced the section to pioneer the work of Visiting Home Teacher in this city. Miss FOX was placed in the John Swett School and is part of the San Francisco School Department, but the Council of Jewish Women defrays the entire expense. We are sorry to say that the San Francisco Board of Education, although appreciating the magnitude of the work of the Visiting Home Teacher, has in 1920 still but one Visiting Home Teacher.

In 1919 a class in Americanization was held two evenings a week in the High School of Commerce under the leadership of Miss NEWMARK and able assisted by Miss JACOBS, Miss FEINEMAN, and the Misses GOLDSMITH.

In addition to the work specifically undertaken we keep in touch with social and communal affairs by contributions and memberships in the following: Travellers's Aid, Juvenile Protective Association, two Jewish Consumptive Relief Hospitals in Denver, Recreation League, S. F. Public Education Society, California Society for the Prevention of Blindness, and the City Federation of Women's Clubs.

OFFICERS 1918-1919

Mrs. S. LANGER, President
Mrs. Martin A. MEYER, First Vice-President
Mrs. J. L. BAER, Second Vice-President
Mrs. S. SPRING, Recording Secretary
Mrs. M. L. FRIEDENTHAL, Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. Charles STERN, Treasurer
Mrs. M. S. SOLOMON, Assistant Treasurer
Mrs. Charles S. ROSENBAUM, Auditor

OFFICERS 1919-1920

Mrs. S. S. KAHN, President
Miss Adele FALKENSTEIN, First Vice-President
Mrs. L. FRANK, Second Vice-President
Mrs. Henry NEWBURGH, Recording Secretary
Mrs. Felix KAHN, Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. E. P. ACKERMAN, Treasurer
Mrs. C. ROSENBAUM, Auditor

OFFICERS 1920-1921

Mrs. S. S. KAHN, President
Mrs. L. Van VLIET, First Vice-President
Mrs. C. N. STERN, Second Vice-President
Mrs. H. HARRIS, Recording Secretary
Mrs. Felix KAHN, Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. E. P. ACKERMAN, Treasurer
Mrs. C. ROSENBAUM, Treasurer

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Contributed by Elaine Sturdevant