City and County Federation of Women's Clubs
San Francisco 1918 - 1920
Lincoln Park Woman's Club
Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant

Mrs. Charles M. WEILE, President

Organized 1917
Federated 1918
Meets first Fridays

Lincoln Park Woman's Club was organized as a neighborhood club in 1917.  Its purpose was to further the intellectual, civic and social welfare of its members. Today the club knows itself to be an influence for good in its vicinity.

Many of the busy mothers and home-makers in our neighborhood, who find it impossible to attend more distant clubs, look forward to each meeting and receive help and inspiration from the genial fellowship that the club offers. We have been favored by many brilliant speakers, who have awakened in our hearts and minds the wonderful works that club women are doing and we, in our turn, are always ready to do "our bit."

During the war emergency we formed our Red Cross Auxiliary and worked diligently, sewing and knitting. After that need was over we continued our meetings, sewing for some of the poor of the neighborhood. Over one-half of our members worked on Liberty Loan drives; also in Thrift Stamp work.

Our committee on Food Sonservation did very good work.

Many visits and much help was given to the sick of the neighborhood by our members during the influenza epidemic.

We have given a cafeteria dinner and an evening entertainment from the proceeds of which we gave $100 to a very worthy neighborhood cause. We have gladly contributed what we could toward a home teacher for Americanization work.

The club has collected and passed on to needy ones over one hundred pairs of old shoes. At present our sewing section is working with the idea of holding a bazaar frow which we expect to realize funds toward furnishing a room in the City Federation Home for working girls.

We have been and are interested and active in endeavoring to have out streets and vacant lots kept in good condition. While our efforts have been principally in behalf of ourselves and our neighborhood, we stand willing and ready to perform any service we can for others.


Mrs. W. H. UPHAM, President
Mrs. J. J. PRATT, First Vice-President
Mrs. C. B. SENS, Second Vice-President
Mrs. J. S. WEBSTER, Chaplain
Mrs. Ethel A. PARKER, Secretary
Mrs. M. RANDALL, Treasurer

OFFICERS 1919-1920

Mrs. Chas M. WEILE, President
Mrs. N. S. SHAFER, First Vice-President
Mrs. Thos. HAMILL, Second Vice-President
Miss Georgia TANNER, Secretary
Mrs. J. J. PRATT, Treasurer

OFFICERS 1920-1921

Mrs. Chas M. WEILE, President
Mrs. J. N. SCOTT, First Vice-President
Mrs. W. H. UPHAM, Second Vice-president
Mrs. Ralph WHITE, Secretary
Mrs. J. J. PRATT, Treasurer

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Contributed by Elaine Sturdevant