City and County Federation of Women's Clubs
San Francisco 1918 - 1920
Pacific Coast Women's Press Association
Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant

Mrs. Ina B. WESTON, President

Organized 1890
Federated 1916
Meets second and fourth Mondays

The thirteenth year of the Pacific Coast Women's Press Association just closed has been a season of pleasure and profit to its membership.

Banded together, originally, for the superior power cooperation insures, the Association was composed strictly of women of the Pacific Coast engaged professionally in literary work.

The everwidening field of the writer's legitimate labors calls imperatively for more and better equipped workers. Realizing this demand and opportunity, the members of the P. C. W. P. A. have been busy with brain and pen during the past few months - which, in a way, has been a period of readjustment for us all.

The quality of work submitted for discussion and friendly criticism has been promising. Two members have published books during the year. One attractive booklet, containing a collection of verses, and an Easter Convocation, written and published in an artistic folder and sold for
the benefit of the Association at one of its functions, make up the report of published work, outside of the short story, newspaper and editorial work done regularly by members, and complete a record with which we are well pleased.

On the second Monday of each month programs of literary and musical character have been given, as usual, for the pleasure of members and guests. Much of the talent for these entertainments has been supplied from the membership. The social gatherings have been especially well attended and the membership augmented by the addition of names well and favorably known in literary circles.

The Club's participation in Federation activities is necessarily limited, but it stands ever ready to further the advance of the Literary Section of the City and County Federation of Women's Clubs.

One illustration of cooperation in work other than literary was the service of Mrs. L. D. PFEIFFER, captain, and her team, in the recent Salvation Army drive, which collected $1,62.50 for the cause.

OFFICERS 1918-1919

Mrs. Henry C. BUNKER, President
Mrs. E. D. DONOVAN, Past President
Mrs. Ina WESTON, First Vice-President
Mrs. Jeanne FRANCOEUR, Second Vice-President
Mrs. A. K. WILKINS, Third Vice-President
Dr. Anna NICHOLSON, Fourth Vice-President
Mrs. Daniel C. DEASY, Fifth Vice-President
Dr. Cora SUTTON CASTLE, Recording Secretary
Mrs. Harriet AUSTIN, Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. J. Emmet HAYDEN, Assistant Recording Secretary
Mrs. H. H. GRAY, Financial Secretary
Mrs. Walter T. LYON, Treasurer
Mrs. Augusta BORLE, Auditor
Miss Mary FAIRBROTHER, Parliamentarian
Ms. L. Y. PINNEY, Historian and Librarian

OFFICERS 1919-1920

Mrs. Nellie Blessing EYESTER, President Emeritus
Mrs. Ina COOLBRITH, Honorary President
Mrs. Ina Bradstreet WESTON, President
Mrs. Sara Mayo BUNKER, Past President
Mrs. L. JUILLIARD, First Vice-President
Mrs. E. D. DONOVAN, Second Vice-President
Mrs. Daniel C. DEASY, Third Vice-President
Mrs. Harriet H. GRAY, Fourth Vice-President
Miss Bessie ROCHE, Fifth Vice-President
Mrs. E. P. HOPKINS, Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. C. H. RAVEN, Recording Secretary
Miss Sarah BURNETT, Assistant Recording Secretary
Mrs. Pietro CORONNA, Financial Secretary
Mrs. Walter T. LYON, Treasurer
Mrs. Augusta BORLE, Auditor
Miss Mary FAIRBROTHER, Parliamentarian
Ms. Laura Y. PINNEY, Historian and Librarian

OFFICERS 1920-1921

Mrs. Ina WESTON, President
Mrs. Harriet H. GRAY, First Vice-President
Mrs. N. L. NELSON, Second Vice-President
Mrs. Daniel C. DEASY, Third Vice-President
Miss Bessie ROCHE, Fourth Vice-President
Mrs. E. M. BURKE, Fifth Vice-President
Mrs. C. H. RAVEN, Recording Secretary
Mrs. Encie F. HOPKINS, Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. P. CORONNA, Financial Secretary
Mrs. Sarah BURNETT, Assistant Secretary
Mrs. Walter LYON, Treasurer
Mrs. Augusta BORLE, Auditor
Miss Mary FAIRBROTHER, Parliamentarian
Mrs. L. PINNEY, Historian and Librarian 

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Contributed by Elaine Sturdevant