City and County Federation of Women's Clubs
San Francisco 1918 - 1920
Kate Kennedy School Women's Club
Transcribed by Elaine Sturdevant

Kate Kennedy School Women's Club
Miss Genevieve CARROLL, President

Organized 1910
Federated 1917

This Club takes its name from one of San Francisco's pioneer teachers, Miss Kate KENNEDY, who, many years ago, as principal of one of the city's largest schools, started many boys and girls on paths of civic consciousness and duty that have put them among our leading citizens. As teachers, we especially delight to honor Miss KENNEDY, for her bold and untiring energy in face of heavy odds won for us a decision that had much to do with placing school affairs on a firm basis.

The Club meets at stated intervals, at luncheon or at dinner, hearing on such occasions the latest messages that can be given on the affairs of the day, especially interesting itself in matters of a professional or a civic nature, such as the state-wide campaign for Americanization, the preservation of the California Missions and their history and traditions, the proposed changes in Municipal and State School Law, the Smith Towner Bill; and also we discuss measures brought by our members
from other organizations to which they belong.

The Kate KENNEDY Club is affiliated with the California Federation of School Women's Club and the City and County Federation of Women's Clubs of San Francisco. Its routine business is conducted through an executive Board.

OFFICERS 1918-1919

Miss Genevieve CARROLL, President
Miss Louise F. BRAY, Secretary
Kate F. CASEY, Treasurer

OFFICERS 1919-1920

Miss Genevieve CARROLL, President
Miss Alice Rose POWER, Vice-President
Miss L. F. BRAY, Secretary
Miss K. F. CASEY, Treasurer
Miss C. J. FORSBERG, Assistant Treasurer

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Contributed by Elaine Sturdevant