Clionian Club was organized in 1897. Since its organization, it has been and is today, the only club in San Francisco devoted solely to the study of History. In years past, the history, art, literature, and music of the various European countries have been studied by us. The years 1918-1920 were devoted to the study of India. During 1920-1921 we shall take up the study of the United States of America.
The meetings are held at the homes of the members on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Guest days, four annually, are held at 333 Grant Avenue.
OFFICERS 1920-1921
Mrs. W. I . CLAYES, President
Mrs. M. S. DOBIE, First Vice-President
Mrs. L. A. REED, Second Vice-President
Mrs. W. E. ARDING, Recording Secretary
Miss Jean CUMMING, Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. C. R. AVERY, Treasurer
Mrs. J. E. HERRIN, Auditor